2 App Development Cheat Sheet
Cory McWilliams edited this page 2024-11-27 12:06:46 -05:00

Tilde Friends Cheat Sheet

Making apps for the impatient tilde friend.


  • either run your own instance or use tildefriends.net
  • register and login
  • [optional] use the ssb app to create yourself an SSB identity

Development Process

  1. hit the edit link from any app or new app URL
  2. make sure the path in the text box is under your username: /~username/app/
  3. write server-side code in app.js
  4. click the save button or press the save hotkey (Alt+S or [browser-specific modifiers]+S)
  5. see the app reload on the right side


  • app.setDocument(html) - send HTML to the browser
  • print(...) - send values to the browser's developer console


  • app.localStorageGet(key) -> value
  • app.localStorageSet(key, value)
  • database(), shared_database(key), my_shared_database(package, key)
    • db.get(key) -> value
    • db.set(key, value)
    • db.exchange(key, expected, value) -> exchanged
    • db.remove(key)
    • db.getAll() -> [key1, ...]
    • db.getLike(pattern) -> {key1: value1, ...}


  • ssb.createIdentity() -> id
  • ssb.getIdentities() -> [id1, ...]
  • ssb.appendMessageWithIdentity(id, content) -> message_id
  • ssb.blobStore(blob) -> blob_id
  • ssb.blobGet(id) -> blob
  • ssb.sqlAsync(query, args, row_callback)


Stock helper code for calling functions across the web server and browser boundary.

  • on the server: import * as tfrpc from '/tfrpc.js';
  • in the browser: import * as tfrpc from '/static/tfrpc.js';
  • either direction:
    • register a function: tfrpc.register(function my_function() {});
    • call a remote function: let promise = tfrpc.rpc.my_function();


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