build: Attempt to self-document the makefile.
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,19 @@
MAKEFLAGS += --warn-undefined-variables
MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules
## [36;1m== Tilde Friends makefile build. ==[m
## This is a list of all supported build targets.
## Note: Consider passing -j$(nproc) or adding it to your $MAKEFLAGS to build
## in parallel (faster).
## Useful variables to override:
## [35mCC[m Compiler.
## [35mAS[m Assembler.
## [35mLD[m Linker.
## [35mANDROID_SDK[m Path to the Android SDK.
VERSION_NUMBER := 0.0.25-wip
VERSION_NAME := This program kills fascists.
@ -747,11 +760,28 @@ $(IOS_TARGETS) $(IOSSIM_TARGETS): LDFLAGS += \
-framework UIKit \
-framework WebKit
unix: debug release
win: windebug winrelease
## Common targets:
debug: ## Build a debug executable for the current platform.
release: ## Build a release executable for the current platform.
all: $(BUILD_TYPES) ## Build all targets that appear possible to build on this machine.
unix: debug release ## Build all UNIX targets.
win: windebug winrelease ## Build all Windows targets.
.PHONY: all win unix
## Windows targets:
windebug: ## Build a debug win32 executable.
winrelease: ## Build a release win32 executable.
## MacOS targets:
macosdebug: ## Build a MacOS debug executable.
macosrelease: ## Build a MacOS release executable.
@ -807,7 +837,18 @@ src/android/AndroidManifest.xml : $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
-e 's/android:targetSdkVersion="[[:digit:]]*"/android:targetSdkVersion="$(ANDROID_TARGET_SDK_VERSION)"/' \
# Android support.
## Android targets:
androiddebug: ## Build a debug 64-bit ARM Android APK.
androidrelease: ## Build a release 64-bit ARM Android APK.
androiddebug-armv7a: ## Build a debug 32-bit ARM Android APK.
androidrelease-armv7a: ## Build a release 32-bit ARM Android APK.
androiddebug-x86: ## Build a debug x86 Android APK.
androidrelease-x86: ## Build a release x86 Android APK.
androiddebug-x86_64: ## Build a debug x86_64 Android APK.
androidrelease-x86_64: ## Build a release x86_64 Android APK.
out/res/layout_activity_main.xml.flat: src/android/res/layout/activity_main.xml
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
@echo "[aapt2] $@"
@ -914,7 +955,7 @@ out/TildeFriends.aab: out/apk/classes.dex $(filter-out %debug%, $(ANDROID_TARGET
@java -jar $(BUNDLETOOL) build-bundle --overwrite --config=src/android/BundleConfig.json --modules=out/aab/ --output=$@
@jarsigner -keystore .keys/android.jks $@ androidKey -storepass android
aab: out/TildeFriends.aab
aab: out/TildeFriends.aab ## Build an Android App Bundle.
.PHONY: aab
out/TildeFriends.apks: out/TildeFriends.aab $(BUNDLETOOL)
@ -981,20 +1022,32 @@ out/%.zopfli.apk: out/%.apk
$(ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS)/zipalign -f -z 4 $< $@.zopfli
@$(ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS)/apksigner sign --ks .keys/android.jks --ks-key-alias androidKey --ks-pass pass:android --key-pass pass:android --min-sdk-version $(ANDROID_MIN_SDK_VERSION) --out $@ $@.zopfli
release-apk: out/TildeFriends-arm-release.zopfli.apk out/TildeFriends-x86-release.zopfli.apk
release-apk: out/TildeFriends-arm-release.zopfli.apk out/TildeFriends-x86-release.zopfli.apk ## Build an Android release APK.
.PHONY: release-apk
apkgo: out/TildeFriends-arm-debug.apk
fdroid: out/apk/TildeFriends-release.fdroid.unsigned.apk ## Build Android APK for distribution on F-Droid.
.PHONY: fdroid
apkgo: out/TildeFriends-arm-debug.apk ## Build, install, and run a debug Android APK.
@adb install -r $<
@adb shell am start com.unprompted.tildefriends/.TildeFriendsActivity
.PHONY: apkgo
releaseapkgo: out/TildeFriends-arm-release.apk
releaseapkgo: out/TildeFriends-arm-release.apk ## Build, install, and run a release Android APK.
@adb install -r $<
@adb shell am start com.unprompted.tildefriends/.TildeFriendsActivity
.PHONY: releaseapkgo
# iOS Support
apklog: ## Display Android log output.
@adb logcat *:S tildefriends
.PHONY: apklog
## iPhoneOS targets:
iosdebug: ## Build a debug iPhoneOS executable.
iosrelease: ## Build a release iPhoneOS executable.
out/ src/ios/Info.plist
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
@cp -v $< $@
@ -1031,39 +1084,23 @@ out/%/tildefriends.standalone.exe: out/%/tildefriends.exe out/
@cat $< out/ > $@
@chmod +x $@
iossimdebug-app: out/
iossimrelease-app: out/
iosdebug-app: out/
iosrelease-app: out/
iossimdebug-app: out/ ## Build a debug iOS Simulator .app directory.
iossimrelease-app: out/ ## Build a release iOS Simulator .app directory.
iosdebug-app: out/ ## Build a debug iOS .app directory.
iosrelease-app: out/ ## Build a release iOS .app directory.
iosdebug-ipa: out/tildefriends-debug.ipa
iosrelease-ipa: out/tildefriends-release.ipa
iosdebug-ipa: out/tildefriends-debug.ipa ## Build a debug iOS .ipa.
iosrelease-ipa: out/tildefriends-release.ipa ## Build a release iOS .ipa.
.PHONY: iossimdebug-app iossimrelease-app iosdebug-app iosrelease-app
ios%go: out/
ideviceinstaller -i $(realpath $(dir $<))
iossimdebuggo: out/
iossimdebuggo: out/ ## Build, install, and run an iOS debug build.
xcrun simctl install booted out/
xcrun simctl launch booted com.unprompted.tildefriends
.PHONY: iossimdebuggo
@adb logcat *:S tildefriends
.PHONY: apklog
@echo "[fetch] sqlite"
@test -f out/deps/ && test "$$(cat out/deps/sqlite.txt 2>/dev/null)" = $(SQLITE_URL) || (mkdir -p out/deps/ && curl -q $(SQLITE_URL) -o out/deps/
@test -d deps/sqlite/ && test "$$(cat out/deps/sqlite.txt 2>/dev/null)" = $(SQLITE_URL) || (mkdir -p deps/sqlite/ && unzip -qDjo -d deps/sqlite/ out/deps/
@echo -n $(SQLITE_URL) > out/deps/sqlite.txt
@echo "[fetch] prettier"
@test -f deps/prettier/standalone.mjs || curl -q --create-dirs -O --output-dir deps/prettier/
@test -f deps/prettier/html.mjs || curl -q --create-dirs -O --output-dir deps/prettier/
@test -f deps/prettier/babel.mjs || curl -q --create-dirs -O --output-dir deps/prettier/
@test -f deps/prettier/estree.mjs || curl -q --create-dirs -O --output-dir deps/prettier/
.PHONY: fetchdeps
ANDROID_DEPS := deps/openssl/android/arm64-v8a/usr/local/lib/libssl.a
+@ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=$(ANDROID_NDK) tools/ssl-android
@ -1083,6 +1120,10 @@ $(IOS_DEPS):
$(filter $(BUILD_DIR)/ios%,$(APP_OBJS)): | $(IOS_DEPS)
## Linux package targets:
out/tildefriends-x86_64.AppImage: out/release/tildefriends out/
@echo "[appimage] $$@"
@rm -rf out/tildefriends.AppDir
@ -1102,19 +1143,36 @@ out/tildefriends-x86_64.AppImage: out/release/tildefriends out/
@cd out; ./appimagetool --appimage-extract; cd ..
@cd out; unset SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH; PATH=$$PATH:squashfs-root/usr/bin ARCH=x86_64 squashfs-root/usr/bin/appimagetool -u 'zsync|' tildefriends.AppDir tildefriends-x86_64.AppImage; cd ..
appimage: out/tildefriends-x86_64.AppImage
appimage: out/tildefriends-x86_64.AppImage ## Build an AppImage.
.PHONY: appimage
flatpak: out/
flatpak: out/ ## Build a flatpak.
flatpak-builder --force-clean --user --install-deps-from=flathub --install --repo=out/flatpak-repo out/flatpak src/com.unprompted.tildefriends.yml
flatpak build-bundle out/flatpak-repo out/tildefriends.flatpak com.unprompted.tildefriends
.PHONY: flatpak
rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)
.PHONY: clean
## Targets for release management:
fetchdeps: ## Update various external sources that live in the tree that can't be pulled in as git submodules.
@echo "[fetch] sqlite"
@test -f out/deps/ && test "$$(cat out/deps/sqlite.txt 2>/dev/null)" = $(SQLITE_URL) || (mkdir -p out/deps/ && curl -q $(SQLITE_URL) -o out/deps/
@test -d deps/sqlite/ && test "$$(cat out/deps/sqlite.txt 2>/dev/null)" = $(SQLITE_URL) || (mkdir -p deps/sqlite/ && unzip -qDjo -d deps/sqlite/ out/deps/
@echo -n $(SQLITE_URL) > out/deps/sqlite.txt
@echo "[fetch] prettier"
@test -f deps/prettier/standalone.mjs || curl -q --create-dirs -O --output-dir deps/prettier/
@test -f deps/prettier/html.mjs || curl -q --create-dirs -O --output-dir deps/prettier/
@test -f deps/prettier/babel.mjs || curl -q --create-dirs -O --output-dir deps/prettier/
@test -f deps/prettier/estree.mjs || curl -q --create-dirs -O --output-dir deps/prettier/
.PHONY: fetchdeps
shots: ## Copy generated screenshots from `tildefriends test -t=auto` into place in the metadata/ directory.
@echo [shots] $(wildcard out/screenshot*.png)
@cp -f out/screenshot*.png metadata/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/
.PHONY: shots
tarball: ## Build an all-inclusive source tarball (.tar.xz).
@echo [archive] out/tildefriends-$(VERSION_NUMBER).tar.xz
@rm -rf out/tildefriends-$(VERSION_NUMBER)
@mkdir -p out/tildefriends-$(VERSION_NUMBER)
@ -1139,6 +1197,7 @@ tarball:
.PHONY: tarball
dist: ## Build versions of all distributables for release.
dist: release-apk iosrelease-ipa aab $(if $(HAVE_WIN), out/winrelease/tildefriends.standalone.exe) out/TildeFriends-release.fdroid.apk appimage tarball
@mkdir -p dist/
@echo "[cp] tildefriends-$(VERSION_NUMBER).tar.xz"
@ -1159,29 +1218,43 @@ dist: release-apk iosrelease-ipa aab $(if $(HAVE_WIN), out/winrelease/tildefrien
@cp out/tildefriends-x86_64.AppImage dist/TildeFriends-x86_64-$(VERSION_NUMBER).AppImage
.PHONY: dist
dist-test: dist
dist-test: dist ## Exercise some built distributable files, making sure they work as intended.
@tar -xf tildefriends-$(VERSION_NUMBER).tar.xz
@$(MAKE) -C tildefriends-$(VERSION_NUMBER)/ debug release
@docker build tildefriends-$(VERSION_NUMBER)/
@rm -rf tildefriends-$(VERSION_NUMBER)
.PHONY: dist-test
## Targets for tidying up:
format: ## Standardize formatting of C source.
@clang-format -i $(wildcard src/*.c src/*.h src/*.m)
.PHONY: format
prettier: ## Standardize formatting of JavaScript and Markdown source.
@npm run prettier
.PHONY: prettier
clean: ## Clean all generated files from the out/ directory.
rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)
.PHONY: clean
## Documentation:
help: ## Display this help message.
@gawk -vG=$$(tput setaf 2) -vR=$$(tput sgr0) ' \
match($$0, "^(([^#:]*[^ :]) *:)?([^#]*)##([^#].+|)$$",a) { \
if (a[2] != "") { printf " make %s%-22s%s %s\n", G, a[2], R, a[4]; next }\
if (a[3] == "") { print a[4]; next }\
printf "\n%-36s %s\n","",a[4]\
}' $(filter-out %.d,$(MAKEFILE_LIST))
@echo "" # Blank line.
.PHONY: help
docs: ## Build HTML docs.
.PHONY: docs
fdroid: out/apk/TildeFriends-release.fdroid.unsigned.apk
.PHONY: fdroid
@echo [shots] $(wildcard out/screenshot*.png)
@cp -f out/screenshot*.png metadata/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/
.PHONY: shots
@ -37,11 +37,10 @@ The `.tar.xz` source releases are all-inclusive.
1. On Linux only, system OpenSSL libraries (`libssl-dev`, in debian-speak) are
assumed to be available.
2. To build, run `make debug` or `make release`. An executable will be
generated in a subdirectory of `out/`.
2. Run `make` with no arguments to see available build targets and options.
`make debug` is a good place to start.
3. It's possible to build for Android, iOS, and Windows on Linux, if you have
the right dependencies in the right places. `make windebug winrelease
iosdebug-ipa iosrelease-ipa release-apk`.
the right dependencies in the right places.
4. To build in docker, `docker build .`.
5. `make format` will normalize formatting to the coding standard.
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