"use strict"; //! {"category": "libraries"} exports.ChatService = class { static handleMessages(serviceClass) { let self = this; let sessions = {}; core.register("onMessage", function(sender, options) { let service = sessions[options.name]; if (!service) { service = new serviceClass(options); sessions[options.name] = service; } else { service._service.addCallback(options.callback); } return service._service.makeInterface(service); }); } constructor(callback) { this._callbacks = [callback]; this._conversations = {}; this._state = null; } makeInterface(service) { let self = this; return { sendMessage: service.sendMessage.bind(service), disconnect: service.disconnect.bind(service), getConversations: self.getConversations.bind(self), getHistory: self.getHistory.bind(self), getParticipants: self.getParticipants.bind(self), }; } addCallback(callback) { if (this._callbacks.indexOf(callback) == -1) { this._callbacks.push(callback); } } _invokeCallback(message) { let self = this; for (let i = self._callbacks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let callback = self._callbacks[i]; try { callback(message).catch(function(error) { self._callbacks.splice(i, 1); // XXX: Send it to the other connections? print(error); }); } catch (error) { self._callbacks.splice(i, 1); // XXX: Send it to the other connections? print(error); } } } _getConversation(conversation) { if (!this._conversations[conversation]) { this._conversations[conversation] = {history: [], participants: []}; } return this._conversations[conversation]; } notifyMessageReceived(conversation, message) { let fullMessage = {action: "message", conversation: conversation || "", message: message}; this._getConversation(conversation || "").history.push(fullMessage); this._invokeCallback(fullMessage); } notifyPresenceChanged(conversation, user, state) { let leaving = state == "unavailable"; let participants = this._getConversation(conversation).participants; let index = participants.indexOf(user); if (leaving) { participants.splice(index, 1); } else if (index == -1) { participants.push(user); } this._invokeCallback({ action: "presence", conversation: conversation, user: user, presence: state, }); } notifyParticipantList(conversation, participants) { let current = this._getConversation(conversation).participants; for (let i in current) { if (!participants[i]) { this.notifyPresenceChanged(conversation, i, "unavailable"); } } for (let i in participants) { this.notifyPresenceChanged(conversation, i, participants[i]); } } notifyStateChanged(state) { this._state = state; this._invokeCallback({action: state}); } reportError(error) { this._invokeCallback({ action: "error", error: error, }).catch(function(error) { print(error); }); } isConversation(conversation) { return this._conversations[conversation] != null; } getConversations() { return Object.keys(this._conversations); } getHistory(conversation) { let result; if (this._conversations[conversation]) { result = this._conversations[conversation].history; } return result; } getParticipants(conversation) { let result; if (this._conversations[conversation]) { result = this._conversations[conversation].participants; } return result; } }