"use strict"; //! {"require": ["libencoding", "libhttp", "liblist", "libxml"], "permissions": ["network"]} /* list news:id {title, description, guid || link} list users:username {subscriptions: []} list feed:username,url {id, title, modified, read, ...} */ // [ ] New news article is posted. // [ ] Existing news article is updated. let http = require("libhttp"); let liblist = require("liblist"); let xml = require("libxml"); function parseNews(response) { let news = {items: []}; let nodes = xml.StanzaParser().parse(response.body); for (let node0 of nodes) { if (node0.name == "rss") { for (let node1 of node0.children) { if (node1.name == "channel") { for (let node2 of node1.children) { if (node2.name == "item") { let item = {}; for (let node3 of node2.children) { item[node3.name] = node3.text; } news.items.push(item); } } } } } else if (node0.name == "feed") { for (let node1 of node0.children) { if (node1.name == "entry") { let item = {}; for (let node2 of node1.children) { if (node2.name == "title") { item.title = node2.text; } else if (node2.name == "link") { item.link = node2.attributes.href; } else if (node2.name == "content" && node2.attributes.type == "html") { item.description = node2.text; } } news.items.push(item); } } } } return news; } async function fetchNews(url) { let response; let retries = 5; while (retries--) { response = await http.get(url); if (response.headers.location) { url = response.headers.location; } else { break; } } return response; } async function storeNews(url, news) { for (let item of news.items) { let id = item.guid || item.link; await transformListItem(url, id, entry => item); } let users = await liblist.ListStore("users").get(0, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); terminal.print("users: ", JSON.stringify(users)); for (let user of users) { if (user.subscriptions.indexOf(url) != -1) { terminal.print("USER!", user.name); for (let item of news.items) { let id = item.guid || item.link; terminal.print("storing news in ", "feed:" + JSON.stringify([user.name, url]), " ", id); await transformListItem("feed:" + JSON.stringify([user.name, url]), id, entry => { entry = entry || {url: url, id: id, title: item.title}; if (item.title != entry.title || !entry.modified) { entry.title = item.title; entry.modified = new Date(); entry.read = false; } return entry; }); } } } } async function setRead(url, id, read) { await transformListItem("feed:" + JSON.stringify([core.user.name, url]), id, entry => { entry.read = read; return entry; }); } const kUrl = "https://www.reddit.com/.rss?feed=d05b33887cf432fd6a28c39acfb1d645bcd5e69b&user=unprompted"; async function transformListItem(list, key, callback, back) { let listStore = liblist.ListStore(list); let value = await listStore.getByKey(key); let have = value !== undefined; value = callback(value !== undefined ? value.value : undefined); if (have) { await listStore.setByKey(key, value); } else { if (back) { await listStore.unshift(value, key); } else { await listStore.push(value, key); } } return value; } async function getAllSubscriptions() { let urls = new Set(); let users = await liblist.ListStore("users").get(0, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); terminal.print("users", JSON.stringify(users)); for (let user of users) { terminal.print(JSON.stringify(user)); if (user && user.subscriptions) { for (let url of user.subscriptions) { urls.add(url); } } } return Array.from(urls); } async function getMySubscriptions() { let urls = new Set(); let value = await liblist.ListStore("users").getByKey(core.user.name); return value ? value.value.subscriptions : []; } async function subscribe(url) { let entry = await transformListItem("users", core.user.name, user => { user = user || {name: core.user.name, subscriptions: []}; if (user.subscriptions.indexOf(url) == -1) { user.subscriptions.push(url); } return user; }); return entry.subscriptions; } class TestInterface { async fetchNews() { try { terminal.print("fetching"); let urls = await getMySubscriptions(); terminal.print("subscriptions: ", JSON.stringify(urls)); for (let url of urls) { try { terminal.print("fetch", url); let response = await fetchNews(url); terminal.print("parse"); let news = parseNews(response); terminal.print("store", JSON.stringify(news).substring(0, 1024)); await storeNews(url, news); terminal.print("done"); } catch (error) { terminal.print("error", error); } } } catch (error) { terminal.print("error", error); } } async aggregate(urls) { let news = []; for (let url of urls) { news = news.concat(await liblist.ListStore("feed:" + JSON.stringify([core.user.name, url])).get(0, 100)); } return news.sort((x, y) => y.modified.localeCompare(x.modified)).slice(0, 100); } async refreshNews() { this.selectedIndex = -1; terminal.select("headlines"); terminal.clear(); terminal.print("Loading..."); let subscriptions = await getMySubscriptions(); this.news = await this.aggregate(subscriptions); } async redisplay() { terminal.cork(); try { terminal.select("headlines"); terminal.clear(); this.news.forEach((article, index) => { if (Math.abs(index - this.selectedIndex) < 5) { let color = ""; if (this.selectedIndex == index) { color = "red"; } else if (article.read) { color = "gray"; } terminal.print(article.modified.toString(), " ", { style: color ? ("color: " + color) : "", value: article.title, }); } }); terminal.select("view"); terminal.clear(); if (this.news[this.selectedIndex]) { let fullArticle = (await liblist.ListStore(this.news[this.selectedIndex].url).getByKey(this.news[this.selectedIndex].id)).value; terminal.print({ iframe: `


${fullArticle.description}`, style: "background-color: #fff; border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; flex: 1 1 auto", width: null, height: null, }); } } finally { terminal.uncork(); } } async moveSelection(delta) { this.selectedIndex += delta; try { let item = this.news[this.selectedIndex]; if (item) { await setRead(item.url, item.id, true); item.read = true; } } catch (error) { print("error", error); } this.redisplay(); } async activate() { let self = this; terminal.split([ {name: "headlines", basis: "11rem", grow: 0, shrink: 1}, {name: "view", style: "display: flex", basis: "70%", grow: 2, shrink: 0}, ]); self.refreshNews().then(self.redisplay.bind(self)).catch(terminal.print); terminal.setSendKeyEvents(true); core.register("key", async function(event) { if (event.type == "keypress") { switch (event.keyCode) { case 'j'.charCodeAt(0): self.moveSelection(1); break; case 'k'.charCodeAt(0): self.moveSelection(-1); break; case 'r'.charCodeAt(0): await self.fetchNews(); await self.refreshNews(); self.redisplay(); break; case 'R'.charCodeAt(0): await self.fetchNews(); break; case 'd'.charCodeAt(0): self.redisplay(); break; } } }); } } core.register("onInput", async function(input) { try { if (input == "wipe") { await wipeDatabase(); terminal.print("database wiped"); } else if (input == "dump") { await dumpDatabase(); } else if (input.startsWith("subscribe ")) { let subscriptions = await subscribe(input.substring("subscribe ".length)); terminal.print("subscriptions: ", JSON.stringify(subscriptions)); } } catch (error) { terminal.print("error", error); } }); /* async function test() { await wipeDatabase(); let l = liblist.ListStore("test"); await transformListItem("test", "a", x => "value:a"); await transformListItem("test", "b", x => "value:b"); await transformListItem("test", "c", x => "value:c"); terminal.print("contents: ", JSON.stringify(await l.get(0, 2))); await transformListItem("test", "d", x => "value:d"); terminal.print("contents: ", JSON.stringify(await l.get(0, 2))); terminal.print("a?", JSON.stringify(await l.getByKey("a"))); terminal.print("b?", JSON.stringify(await l.getByKey("b"))); terminal.print("c?", JSON.stringify(await l.getByKey("c"))); terminal.print("d?", JSON.stringify(await l.getByKey("d"))); dumpDatabase(); await wipeDatabase(); await transformListItem("test", "a", x => "value:a", true); await transformListItem("test", "b", x => "value:b", true); await transformListItem("test", "c", x => "value:c", true); terminal.print("contents: ", JSON.stringify(await l.get(0, 2))); await transformListItem("test", "d", x => "value:d", true); terminal.print("contents: ", JSON.stringify(await l.get(0, 2))); terminal.print("a?", JSON.stringify(await l.getByKey("a"))); terminal.print("b?", JSON.stringify(await l.getByKey("b"))); terminal.print("c?", JSON.stringify(await l.getByKey("c"))); terminal.print("d?", JSON.stringify(await l.getByKey("d"))); dumpDatabase(); } test().catch(terminal.print); //*/ //test("http://www.unprompted.com/rss").catch(terminal.print); new TestInterface().activate().catch(terminal.print);