GPG = r'''
# The binaries don't have a predictable name, link to the directory instead.
EXE = r'''
def version(tag):
return map(int, re.match('^v(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)', tag).groups())
def major_minor(tag):
return version(tag)[:2]
def row_for(tag):
maybe_gpg = ''
maybe_exe = ''
# We didn't start signing releases and producing Windows installers
# until v1.7.0.
if version(tag) >= version('v1.7.0'):
maybe_gpg = GPG.format(**locals())
maybe_exe = EXE.format(**locals())
return ROW.format(**locals())
def group_for(tags):
rows = ''.join(row_for(tag) for tag in tags)
return GROUP.format(rows=rows)
# Partition in groups of |n|.
def groups_for(groups, n=4):
html = ''
groups = groups[:] + [''] * (n - 1)
while len(groups) >= n:
html += GROUPS.format(groups=groups)
groups = groups[n:]
return html
if __name__ == '__main__':
tags = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'tag'])
tags = [tag for tag in tags.split('\n') if tag.startswith('v')]
tags.sort(key=version, reverse=True)
groups = [group_for(list(g)) for _, g in itertools.groupby(tags, major_minor)]
groups = groups_for(groups)
html = HTML.format(groups=groups).strip()
html = re.sub('>\\s+<', '><', html)