"use strict"; var kMessages = [ [ " _ _ _ ", " / \\ | |__ ___ _ _| |_ ", " / _ \\ | '_ \\ / _ \\| | | | __|", " / ___ \\| |_) | (_) | |_| | |_ ", "/_/ \\_\\_.__/ \\___/ \\__,_|\\__|", "", "Tilde Friends: Webapps that anyone can download, modify, run, and share.", "", "You are looking at a web site running on a JavaScript and C++ web server that uses Google V8 to let visitors author webapps.", "", ["Full source is here <", {href: "https://www.unprompted.com/projects/browser/tildefriends/trunk/"}, ">, but it is probably more fun and useful to poke around the ", {href: "/~cory/index", value: "existing webapps"}, ". A ", {href: "https://www.unprompted.com/projects/wiki/Projects/TildeFriends", value: "prebuilt Windows .zip"}, " is available as well. ", ], "", [ "Use the links at the top of the page to explore existing apps. When you are ready, click edit and start making your own. See the ", {href: "/~cory/documentation", value: "documentation"}, " for more information.", ], ], ]; var gIndex = 0; function printNextMessage() { if (gIndex < kMessages.length) { var block = kMessages[gIndex]; for (var i = 0; i < block.length; i++) { terminal.print(block[i]); } terminal.print(""); } if (gIndex < kMessages.length) { gIndex++; if (gIndex < kMessages.length) { terminal.print("(press enter to continue, \"exit\" to exit)"); } } } core.register("onInput", function(input) { if (input == "exit") { exit(); } else { printNextMessage(); } }); printNextMessage();