"use strict"; var gSocket; var gCredentials; var gCurrentFile; var gFiles = {}; var gApp = {files: {}}; var gEditor; var gSplit; var gGraphs = {}; var gParentApp; var kErrorColor = "#dc322f"; var kStatusColor = "#fff"; window.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) { if (event.keyCode == 83 && (event.altKey || event.ctrlKey)) { if (editing()) { save(); event.preventDefault(); } } else if (event.keyCode == 66 && event.altKey) { if (editing()) { closeEditor(); event.preventDefault(); } } }); function ensureLoaded(nodes, callback) { if (!nodes.length) { callback(); return; } var search = nodes.shift(); var head = document.head; var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < head.childNodes.length; i++) { if (head.childNodes[i].tagName == search.tagName) { var match = true; for (var attribute in search.attributes) { if (head.childNodes[i].attributes[attribute].value != search.attributes[attribute]) { match = false; } } if (match) { found = true; break; } } } if (found) { ensureLoaded(nodes, callback); } else { var node = document.createElement(search.tagName); node.onreadystatechange = node.onload = function() { ensureLoaded(nodes, callback); }; for (var attribute in search.attributes) { node.setAttribute(attribute, search.attributes[attribute]); } head.insertBefore(node, head.firstChild); } } function editing() { return document.getElementById("editPane").style.display != 'none'; } function toggleEdit() { if (editing()) { closeEditor(); } else { edit(); } } function edit() { if (editing()) { return; } window.localStorage.setItem('editing', '1'); if (gSplit) { gSplit.destroy(); gSplit = undefined; } gSplit = Split(['#editPane', '#viewPane'], {minSize: 0}); ensureLoaded([ {tagName: "script", attributes: {src: "/static/codemirror/codemirror.min.js"}}, {tagName: "link", attributes: {rel: "stylesheet", href: "/static/codemirror/base16-dark.min.css"}}, {tagName: "link", attributes: {rel: "stylesheet", href: "/static/codemirror/matchesonscrollbar.min.css"}}, {tagName: "link", attributes: {rel: "stylesheet", href: "/static/codemirror/dialog.min.css"}}, {tagName: "link", attributes: {rel: "stylesheet", href: "/static/codemirror/codemirror.min.css"}}, {tagName: "script", attributes: {src: "/static/codemirror/trailingspace.min.js"}}, {tagName: "script", attributes: {src: "/static/codemirror/dialog.min.js"}}, {tagName: "script", attributes: {src: "/static/codemirror/search.min.js"}}, {tagName: "script", attributes: {src: "/static/codemirror/searchcursor.min.js"}}, {tagName: "script", attributes: {src: "/static/codemirror/jump-to-line.min.js"}}, {tagName: "script", attributes: {src: "/static/codemirror/matchesonscrollbar.min.js"}}, {tagName: "script", attributes: {src: "/static/codemirror/annotatescrollbar.min.js"}}, {tagName: "script", attributes: {src: "/static/codemirror/javascript.min.js"}}, {tagName: "script", attributes: {src: "/static/codemirror/css.min.js"}}, {tagName: "script", attributes: {src: "/static/codemirror/xml.min.js"}}, {tagName: "script", attributes: {src: "/static/codemirror/htmlmixed.min.js"}}, ], function() { load().catch(function(error) { alert(error); closeEditor(); }); }); } function hideFiles() { window.localStorage.setItem('files', '0'); document.getElementById('filesPane').classList.add('collapsed'); } function showFiles() { window.localStorage.setItem('files', '1'); document.getElementById('filesPane').classList.remove('collapsed'); } function trace() { fetch('/trace') .then(function(response) { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Request failed: ' + response.status + ' ' + response.statusText); } return response.arrayBuffer(); }).then(function(data) { var perfetto = window.open('/perfetto/'); var done = false; if (perfetto) { function message_handler(message) { if (message.data == 'PONG') { perfetto.postMessage({ perfetto: { buffer: data, title: 'Tilde Friends Trace', url: window.location.href, } }, '*'); done = true; } } window.addEventListener('message', message_handler); function ping_perfetto() { perfetto.postMessage('PING', window.location.origin); if (!done && !perfetto.closed) { setTimeout(ping_perfetto, 50); } else { window.removeEventListener('message', message_handler); } } setTimeout(ping_perfetto, 50); } else { alert("Unable to open perfetto."); } }).catch(function(error) { alert('Failed to load trace: ' + error); }); } function stats() { window.localStorage.setItem('stats', '1'); document.getElementById("statsPane").style.display = 'flex'; send({action: 'enableStats', enabled: true}); } function closeStats() { window.localStorage.setItem('stats', '0'); document.getElementById("statsPane").style.display = 'none'; send({action: 'enableStats', enabled: false}); } function toggleStats() { if (document.getElementById("statsPane").style.display == 'none') { stats(); } else { closeStats(); } } function guessMode(name) { return name.endsWith(".js") ? 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} } } function keyEvent(event) { send({ event: "key", type: event.type, which: event.which, keyCode: event.keyCode, charCode: event.charCode, character: String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode || event.which), altKey: event.altKey, }); } function setStatusMessage(message, color, keep) { var node = document.getElementById("status"); if (!keep) { while (node.firstChild) { node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } } if (message) { node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(message)); node.setAttribute("style", "display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; white-space: pre; color: " + (color || kErrorColor)); } } function send(value) { try { gSocket.send(JSON.stringify(value)); } catch (error) { setStatusMessage("Send failed: " + error.toString(), kErrorColor); } } function updateLogin() { var login = document.getElementById("login"); while (login.firstChild) { login.removeChild(login.firstChild); } var a = document.createElement("a"); if (gCredentials && gCredentials.session) { a.appendChild(document.createTextNode("logout " + gCredentials.session.name)); 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gSocket = new WebSocket( (window.location.protocol == "https:" ? "wss://" : "ws://") + window.location.hostname + (window.location.port.length ? ":" + window.location.port : "") + "/app/socket"); gSocket.onopen = function() { setStatusMessage("...Authenticating...", kStatusColor, true); gSocket.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "hello", path: path, api: [ ['setDocument', 'content'], ['postMessage', 'message'], ['error', 'error'], ['localStorageSet', 'key', 'value'], ['localStorageGet', 'key'], ], })); } gSocket.onmessage = function(event) { receive(JSON.parse(event.data)); } gSocket.onclose = function(event) { const k_codes = { 1000: 'Normal closure', 1001: 'Going away', 1002: 'Protocol error', 1003: 'Unsupported data', 1005: 'No status received', 1006: 'Abnormal closure', 1007: 'Invalid frame payload data', 1008: 'Policy violation', 1009: 'Message too big', 1010: 'Missing extension', 1011: 'Internal error', 1012: 'Service restart', 1013: 'Try again later', 1014: 'Bad gateway', 1015: 'TLS handshake', }; setStatusMessage("Connection closed: " + (k_codes[event.code] || event.code), kErrorColor); } } } function openFile(name) { var newDoc = (name && gFiles[name]) ? gFiles[name].doc : new CodeMirror.Doc("", guessMode(name)); var oldDoc = gEditor.swapDoc(newDoc); if (gFiles[gCurrentFile]) { gFiles[gCurrentFile].doc = oldDoc; } gCurrentFile = name; updateFiles(); gEditor.focus(); } function onFileClicked(event) { openFile(event.target.textContent); } function updateFiles() { var node = document.getElementById("files"); while (node.firstChild) { node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } for (var file of Object.keys(gFiles).sort()) { var li = document.createElement("li"); li.onclick = onFileClicked; li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(file)); if (file == gCurrentFile) { li.classList.add("current"); } if (!gFiles[file].doc.isClean(gFiles[file].generation)) { li.classList.add("dirty"); } node.appendChild(li); } gEditor.focus(); } function makeNewFile(name) { gFiles[name] = { doc: new CodeMirror.Doc("", guessMode(name)), generation: -1, }; openFile(name); } function newFile() { var name = prompt("Name of new file:", "file.js"); if (name && !gFiles[name]) { makeNewFile(name); } } function removeFile() { if (confirm("Remove " + gCurrentFile + "?")) { delete gFiles[gCurrentFile]; openFile(Object.keys(gFiles)[0]); } } window.addEventListener("load", function() { window.addEventListener("hashchange", hashChange); window.addEventListener("focus", focus); window.addEventListener("blur", blur); window.addEventListener("message", message, false); window.addEventListener("online", connectSocket); document.getElementById("name").value = window.location.pathname; for (let tag of document.getElementsByTagName('a')) { if (tag.accessKey) { tag.classList.add('tooltip_parent'); var tooltip = document.createElement('div'); tooltip.classList.add('tooltip'); if (tag.dataset.tip) { var description = document.createElement('div'); description.innerText = tag.dataset.tip; tooltip.appendChild(description); } var parts = tag.accessKeyLabel ? tag.accessKeyLabel.split('+') : []; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { var key = parts[i]; var kbd = document.createElement('kbd'); kbd.innerText = key; tooltip.appendChild(kbd); if (i < parts.length - 1) { tooltip.appendChild(document.createTextNode('+')); } } tag.appendChild(tooltip); } } enableDragDrop(); connectSocket(window.location.pathname); if (window.localStorage.getItem('editing') == '1') { edit(); } else { closeEditor(); } if (window.localStorage.getItem('files') == '1') { showFiles(); } else { hideFiles(); } if (window.localStorage.getItem('stats') == '1') { stats(); } else { closeStats(); } });