#include "tests.h" #include "mem.h" #include "ssb.tests.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(_WIN32) #define WIFEXITED(x) 1 #define WEXITSTATUS(x) (x) #endif static void _test_nop(const tf_test_options_t* options) { FILE* file = fopen("out/test.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "print('hi');"); fclose(file); char command[256]; snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s run --ssb-port=0 --db-path=:memory: -s out/test.js", options->exe_path); printf("%s\n", command); int result = system(command); (void)result; assert(WIFEXITED(result)); assert(WEXITSTATUS(result) == 0); } static void _test_child(const tf_test_options_t* options) { FILE* file = fopen("out/test.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "var task = new Task();\n" "task.onExit = function() {\n" " print('child exited');\n" "};\n" "task.activate();\n" "File.readFile('out/child.js').then(function(data) {\n" " task.execute({name: 'child.js', source: utf8Decode(data)}).then(function() {\n" " print('child started');\n" " });\n" "});"); fclose(file); file = fopen("out/child.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "print('I am the child process.');\n" "exit(0);\n"); fclose(file); char command[256]; snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s run --ssb-port=0 --db-path=:memory: -s out/test.js", options->exe_path); printf("%s\n", command); int result = system(command); (void)result; assert(WIFEXITED(result)); assert(WEXITSTATUS(result) == 0); unlink("out/test.js"); unlink("out/child.js"); } static void _test_promise(const tf_test_options_t* options) { FILE* file = fopen("out/test.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "var task = new Task();\n" "task.activate();\n" "File.readFile('out/child.js').then(function(data) {\n" " task.execute({name: 'child.js', source: utf8Decode(data)}).then(function() {\n" " task.getExports().then(function(exports) {\n" " return exports.add(1, 1);\n" " }).then(function(sum) {\n" " if (sum == 2) {\n" " exit(0);\n" " } else {\n" " exit(1);\n" " }\n" " });\n" " });\n" "});\n"); fclose(file); file = fopen("out/child.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "exports = {\n" " add: function(left, right) {\n" " return left + right;\n" " }\n" "}\n"); fclose(file); char command[256]; snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s run --ssb-port=0 --db-path=:memory: -s out/test.js", options->exe_path); printf("%s\n", command); int result = system(command); (void)result; assert(WIFEXITED(result)); assert(WEXITSTATUS(result) == 0); unlink("out/test.js"); unlink("out/child.js"); } static void _test_promise_remote_throw(const tf_test_options_t* options) { FILE* file = fopen("out/test.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "var task = new Task();\n" "task.activate();\n" "File.readFile('out/child.js').then(function(data) {\n" " task.execute({name: 'child.js', source: utf8Decode(data)}).then(function() {\n" " task.getExports().then(function(exp) {\n" " return exp.add(1, 1);\n" " }).then(function(sum) {\n" " exit(1);\n" " }).catch(function(error) {\n" " print('Caught: ' + error.message);\n" " if (error.stack) {\n" " print('stack: ' + error.stack);\n" " }\n" " exit(0);\n" " });\n" " }).catch(function(e) {\n" " print('caught', e.message);\n" " });\n" "});\n"); fclose(file); file = fopen("out/child.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "exports = {\n" " add: function(left, right) {\n" " throw new Error('fail');\n" " }\n" "}\n"); fclose(file); char command[256]; snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s run --ssb-port=0 --db-path=:memory: -s out/test.js", options->exe_path); printf("%s\n", command); int result = system(command); (void)result; assert(WIFEXITED(result)); assert(WEXITSTATUS(result) == 0); unlink("out/test.js"); unlink("out/child.js"); } static void _test_promise_remote_reject(const tf_test_options_t* options) { FILE* file = fopen("out/test.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "var task = new Task();\n" "task.activate();\n" "File.readFile('out/child.js').then(function(data) {\n" " task.execute({name: 'child.js', source: utf8Decode(data)}).then(function() {\n" " task.getExports().then(function(exp) {\n" " return exp.add(1, 1);\n" " }).then(function(sum) {\n" " exit(1);\n" " }).catch(function(error) {\n" " print('Caught: ' + error.message);\n" " if (error.stack) {\n" " print('stack: ' + error.stack);\n" " }\n" " exit(0);\n" " });\n" " }).catch(function(e) {\n" " print('caught', e.message);\n" " });\n" "});\n"); fclose(file); file = fopen("out/child.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "exports = {\n" " add: function(left, right) {\n" " return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {\n" " reject(new Error('oops'));\n" " });\n" " }\n" "}\n"); fclose(file); char command[256]; snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s run --ssb-port=0 --db-path=:memory: -s out/test.js", options->exe_path); printf("%s\n", command); int result = system(command); (void)result; assert(WIFEXITED(result)); assert(WEXITSTATUS(result) == 0); unlink("out/test.js"); unlink("out/child.js"); } static void _test_database(const tf_test_options_t* options) { FILE* file = fopen("out/test.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "var db = new Database('testdb');\n" "if (db.get('a')) {\n" " exit(1);\n" "}\n" "db.set('a', 1);\n" "if (db.get('a') != 1) {\n" " exit(2);\n" "}\n" "db.set('b', 2);\n" "db.set('c', 3);\n" "\n" "var expected = ['a', 'b', 'c'];\n" "var have = db.getAll();\n" "for (var i = 0; i < have.length; i++) {\n" " var item = have[i];\n" " if (expected.indexOf(item) == -1) {\n" " print('Did not find ' + item + ' in db.');\n" " exit(3);\n" " } else {\n" " expected.splice(expected.indexOf(item), 1);\n" " }\n" "}\n" "if (expected.length) {\n" " print('Expected but did not find: ' + JSON.stringify(expected));\n" " exit(4);\n" "}\n"); fclose(file); unlink("out/testdb.sqlite"); char command[256]; snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s run --ssb-port=0 --db-path=:memory: --db-path=out/testdb.sqlite -s out/test.js", options->exe_path); printf("%s\n", command); int result = system(command); printf("returned %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(result)); assert(WIFEXITED(result)); assert(WEXITSTATUS(result) == 0); unlink("out/test.js"); unlink("out/testdb.sqlite"); } static void _test_this(const tf_test_options_t* options) { FILE* file = fopen("out/test.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "var task = new Task();\n" "task.activate.bind(null).apply();\n" "exit(0);\n"); fclose(file); char command[256]; snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s run --ssb-port=0 --db-path=:memory: -s out/test.js", options->exe_path); printf("%s\n", command); int result = system(command); printf("returned %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(result)); assert(WIFEXITED(result)); assert(WEXITSTATUS(result) == 0); unlink("out/test.js"); } static void _test_await(const tf_test_options_t* options) { FILE* file = fopen("out/test.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "print('hi');\n" "function foobar() {\n" " return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {\n" " resolve(10);\n" " });\n" "}\n" "\n" "async function huh() {\n" " let v = await foobar();\n" " print('v => ' + v);\n" " if (v != 10) {\n" " throw new Error('nope');\n" " }\n" "}\n" "\n"); fclose(file); char command[256]; snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s run --ssb-port=0 --db-path=:memory: -s out/test.js", options->exe_path); printf("%s\n", command); int result = system(command); printf("returned %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(result)); assert(WIFEXITED(result)); assert(WEXITSTATUS(result) == 0); unlink("out/test.js"); } static void _test_import(const tf_test_options_t* options) { FILE* file = fopen("out/test.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "import * as req from './required.js';\n" "if (req.foo() != 12345) {\n" " exit(1);\n" "}\n"); fclose(file); file = fopen("out/required.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "export function foo() {\n" " return 12345;\n" "}\n"); fclose(file); file = fopen("out/bad.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "import * as req from './missing.js';\n" "if (req.foo() != 12345) {\n" " exit(1);\n" "}\n"); fclose(file); char command[256]; snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s run --ssb-port=0 --db-path=:memory: -s out/test.js", options->exe_path); printf("%s\n", command); int result = system(command); printf("returned %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(result)); assert(WIFEXITED(result)); assert(WEXITSTATUS(result) == 0); snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s run --ssb-port=0 --db-path=:memory: -s out/bad.js", options->exe_path); printf("%s\n", command); result = system(command); printf("returned %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(result)); assert(WIFEXITED(result)); assert(WEXITSTATUS(result) == 0); unlink("out/test.js"); unlink("out/required.js"); unlink("out/missing.js"); } static void _test_exit(const tf_test_options_t* options) { FILE* file = fopen("out/test.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "import * as blah from './blah.js';\n"); fclose(file); file = fopen("out/blah.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "\n"); fclose(file); char command[256]; snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s run --ssb-port=0 --db-path=:memory: -s out/test.js", options->exe_path); printf("%s\n", command); int result = system(command); printf("returned %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(result)); assert(WIFEXITED(result)); assert(WEXITSTATUS(result) == 0); unlink("out/test.js"); unlink("out/blah.js"); } static void _test_icu(const tf_test_options_t* options) { FILE* file = fopen("out/test.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "print('Hi');\n" "print(parseInt('3').toLocaleString());\n"); fclose(file); char command[256]; snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s run --ssb-port=0 --db-path=:memory: -s out/test.js", options->exe_path); printf("%s\n", command); int result = system(command); printf("returned %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(result)); assert(WIFEXITED(result)); assert(WEXITSTATUS(result) == 0); unlink("out/test.js"); } static void _test_uint8array(const tf_test_options_t* options) { FILE* file = fopen("out/test.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "var task = new Task();\n" "task.onExit = function() {\n" " print('child exited');\n" "};\n" "task.activate();\n" "File.readFile('out/child.js').then(function(data) {\n" " task.execute({name: 'child.js', source: utf8Decode(data)}).then(async function() {\n" " print('child started');\n" " var input = new Uint8Array(10);\n" " for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n" " input[i] = i;\n" " }\n" " var test = (await task.getExports()).test;\n" " var output = new Uint8Array(await test(input));\n" " print('input', input, input.length, input.byteLength);\n" " print('output', output, output.length, output.byteLength);\n" " for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n" " print(output[i]);\n" " if (output[i] != i) {\n" " print('output[' + i + '] == ' + output[i]);\n" " exit(1);\n" " }\n" " }\n" " exit(0);\n" " })\n" "})\n"); fclose(file); file = fopen("out/child.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "exports = {\n" " test: function(data) {\n" " return data;\n" " }\n" "}\n"); fclose(file); char command[256]; snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s run --ssb-port=0 --db-path=:memory: -s out/test.js", options->exe_path); printf("%s\n", command); int result = system(command); printf("returned %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(result)); assert(WIFEXITED(result)); assert(WEXITSTATUS(result) == 0); unlink("out/test.js"); unlink("out/child.js"); } static void _test_socket(const tf_test_options_t* options) { FILE* file = fopen("out/test.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "'use strict';\n" "\n" "var s = new Socket();\n" "print('connecting');\n" "print('before connect', s.isConnected);\n" "s.onError(function(e) {\n" " print(e);\n" "});\n" "print('noDelay', s.noDelay);\n" "s.noDelay = true;\n" "s.connect('www.unprompted.com', 80).then(function() {\n" " print('connected', 'www.unprompted.com', 80, s.isConnected);\n" " print(s.peerName);\n" " s.read(function(data) {\n" " print('read', data ? data.length : null);\n" " });\n" " s.write('GET / HTTP/1.0\\r\\n\\r\\n');\n" "}).then(function(e) {\n" " print('closed 1');\n" "});\n" "\n" "var s2 = new Socket();\n" "print('connecting');\n" "print('before connect', s2.isConnected);\n" "s2.onError(function(e) {\n" " print('error');\n" " print(e);\n" "});\n" "print('noDelay', s2.noDelay);\n" "s2.noDelay = true;\n" "s2.connect('www.unprompted.com', 443).then(function() {\n" " print('connected', 'www.unprompted.com', 443);\n" " s2.read(function(data) {\n" " print('read', data ? data.length : null);\n" " });\n" " return s2.startTls();\n" "}).then(function() {\n" " print('ready');\n" " print(s2.peerName);\n" " s2.write('GET / HTTP/1.0\\r\\nConnection: close\\r\\n\\r\\n').then(function() {\n" " s2.shutdown();\n" " });\n" "}).catch(function(e) {\n" " print('caught');\n" " print(e);\n" "});\n" "var s3 = new Socket();\n" "print('connecting s3');\n" "print('before connect', s3.isConnected);\n" "s3.onError(function(e) {\n" " print('error');\n" " print(e);\n" "});\n" "print('noDelay', s3.noDelay);\n" "s3.noDelay = true;\n" "s3.connect('', 443).then(function() {\n" " print('connected', '', 443);\n" " s3.read(function(data) {\n" " print('read', data ? data.length : null);\n" " });\n" " return s3.startTls();\n" "}).then(function() {\n" " print('ready');\n" " print(s3.peerName);\n" " s3.write('GET / HTTP/1.0\\r\\nConnection: close\\r\\n\\r\\n').then(function() {\n" " s3.shutdown();\n" " });\n" "}).catch(function(e) {\n" " print('caught');\n" " print(e);\n" "});\n"); fclose(file); char command[256]; snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s run --ssb-port=0 --db-path=:memory: -s out/test.js", options->exe_path); printf("%s\n", command); int result = system(command); printf("returned %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(result)); assert(WIFEXITED(result)); assert(WEXITSTATUS(result) == 0); unlink("out/test.js"); } static void _test_file(const tf_test_options_t* options) { FILE* file = fopen("out/test.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "'use strict';\n" "File.readFile('out/test.js').then(function(data) {\n" "}).catch(function(error) {\n" " print('ERROR', error);\n" " exit(1);\n" "});\n" "File.readFile('out/missing.txt').then(function(data) {\n" " print('READ', utf8Decode(data));\n" " exit(1);\n" "}).catch(function(error) {\n" " print('expected error', error);\n" "});\n" "File.unlinkFile('out/test/new.txt').finally(function() {\n" " return File.removeDirectory('out/test');\n" "}).finally(function() {\n" " return File.makeDirectory('out/test').then(function() {\n" " return File.writeFile('out/test/new.txt', 'hello').then(function(result) {\n" " return File.readFile('out/test/new.txt').then(function(data) {\n" " if (utf8Decode(data) != 'hello') {\n" " print('READ', utf8Decode(data));\n" " exit(1);\n" " }\n" " }).catch(function(error) {\n" " print('unexpected read error', error);\n" " exit(1);\n" " });\n" " }).catch(function(error) {\n" " print('unexpected write error', error);\n" " exit(1);\n" " });\n" " }).catch(function(error) {\n" " print('unexpected make directory error', error);\n" " exit(1);\n" " });\n" "}).finally(function() {\n" " return File.renameFile('out/test/new.txt', 'out/test/renamed.txt').catch(x => print(x)).finally(function() {\n" " return File.unlinkFile('out/test/renamed.txt').catch(x => print(x)).finally(function() {\n" " print('removing directory');\n" " return File.removeDirectory('out/test').catch(x => print(x));\n" " });\n" " });\n" "});\n"); fclose(file); char command[256]; snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s run --ssb-port=0 --db-path=:memory: -s out/test.js", options->exe_path); printf("%s\n", command); int result = system(command); printf("returned %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(result)); assert(WIFEXITED(result)); assert(WEXITSTATUS(result) == 0); unlink("out/test.js"); } static void _test_sign(const tf_test_options_t* options) { FILE* file = fopen("out/test.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "'use strict';\n" "let id = ssb.createIdentity('test');\n" "print(id);\n" "let sig = ssb.hmacsha256sign('hello', 'test', id);\n" "print(sig);\n" "if (!ssb.hmacsha256verify(id, 'hello', sig)) {\n" " exit(1);\n" "}\n" "if (ssb.hmacsha256verify(id, 'world', sig)) {\n" " exit(1);\n" "}\n" "if (ssb.hmacsha256verify(id, 'hello1', sig)) {\n" " exit(1);\n" "}\n" ); fclose(file); char command[256]; snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s run --ssb-port=0 --db-path=:memory: -s out/test.js", options->exe_path); printf("%s\n", command); int result = system(command); printf("returned %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(result)); assert(WIFEXITED(result)); assert(WEXITSTATUS(result) == 0); unlink("out/test.js"); } static void _test_b64(const tf_test_options_t* options) { FILE* file = fopen("out/test.js", "w"); fprintf(file, "'use strict';\n" "print(base64Encode('hello'));\n" "if (base64Decode(base64Encode('hello')) !== 'hello') {\n" " exit(1);\n" "}\n" ); fclose(file); char command[256]; snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s run --ssb-port=0 --db-path=:memory: -s out/test.js", options->exe_path); printf("%s\n", command); int result = system(command); printf("returned %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(result)); assert(WIFEXITED(result)); assert(WEXITSTATUS(result) == 0); unlink("out/test.js"); } static void _tf_test_run(const tf_test_options_t* options, const char* name, void (*test)(const tf_test_options_t* options)) { bool specified = false; if (options->tests) { char* dup = tf_strdup(options->tests); char* state = NULL; const char* t = NULL; while ((t = strtok_r(t ? NULL : dup, ",", &state)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(t, name) == 0) { specified = true; break; } } tf_free(dup); } if (!options->tests || specified) { #define GREEN "\e[1;32m" #define MAGENTA "\e[1;35m" #define CYAN "\e[1;36m" #define RESET "\e[0m" printf(CYAN "== running test " MAGENTA "%s" CYAN " ==\n" RESET, name); test(options); printf("[" GREEN "pass" RESET "] %s\n", name); #undef GREEN #undef MAGENTA #undef CYAN #undef RESET } } void tf_tests(const tf_test_options_t* options) { _tf_test_run(options, "ssb", tf_ssb_test_ssb); _tf_test_run(options, "ssb_id", tf_ssb_test_id_conversion); _tf_test_run(options, "ssb_following", tf_ssb_test_following); _tf_test_run(options, "nop", _test_nop); _tf_test_run(options, "child", _test_child); _tf_test_run(options, "promise", _test_promise); _tf_test_run(options, "promise_remote_throw", _test_promise_remote_throw); _tf_test_run(options, "promise_remote_reject", _test_promise_remote_reject); _tf_test_run(options, "database", _test_database); _tf_test_run(options, "this", _test_this); _tf_test_run(options, "await", _test_await); _tf_test_run(options, "import", _test_import); _tf_test_run(options, "exit", _test_exit); _tf_test_run(options, "icu", _test_icu); _tf_test_run(options, "uint8array", _test_uint8array); _tf_test_run(options, "socket", _test_socket); _tf_test_run(options, "file", _test_file); _tf_test_run(options, "sign", _test_sign); _tf_test_run(options, "b64", _test_b64); _tf_test_run(options, "rooms", tf_ssb_test_rooms); printf("Tests completed.\n"); }