Tasia 7822b30dcb Revert "build: Add prettier to the project"
This reverts commit 41024ddb7961b04a5688bbc997cb74de6fab4763.
2024-02-23 10:25:51 +01:00

356 lines
9.8 KiB

import * as core from './core.js';
import * as form from './form.js';
let gDatabase = new Database("auth");
const kRefreshInterval = 1 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
* Makes a Base64 value URL safe
* @param {string} value
* @returns TODOC
function b64url(value) {
value = value.replaceAll('+', '-').replaceAll('/', '_');
let equals = value.indexOf('=');
if (equals !== -1) {
return value.substring(0, equals);
} else {
return value;
* @param {string} value
* @returns
function unb64url(value) {
value = value.replaceAll('-', '+').replaceAll('_', '/');
let remainder = value.length % 4;
if (remainder == 3) {
return value + '=';
} else if (remainder == 2) {
return value + '==';
} else {
return value;
* Creates a JSON Web Token
* @param {object} payload Object: {"name": "username"}
* @returns the JWT
function makeJwt(payload) {
const ids = ssb.getIdentities(':auth');
let id;
if (ids?.length) {
id = ids[0];
} else {
id = ssb.createIdentity(':auth');
let final_payload = b64url(base64Encode(JSON.stringify(Object.assign({}, payload, {exp: (new Date().valueOf()) + kRefreshInterval}))));
let jwt = [b64url(base64Encode(JSON.stringify({alg: 'HS256', typ: 'JWT'}))), final_payload, b64url(ssb.hmacsha256sign(final_payload, ':auth', id))].join('.');
return jwt;
* Validates a JWT ?
* @param {*} session TODOC
* @returns
function readSession(session) {
let jwt_parts = session?.split('.');
if (jwt_parts?.length === 3) {
let [header, payload, signature] = jwt_parts;
header = JSON.parse(utf8Decode(base64Decode(unb64url(header))));
if (header.typ === 'JWT' && header.alg === 'HS256') {
signature = unb64url(signature);
let id = ssb.getIdentities(':auth');
if (id?.length && ssb.hmacsha256verify(id[0], payload, signature)) {
const result = JSON.parse(utf8Decode(base64Decode(unb64url(payload))));
const now = new Date().valueOf()
if (now < result.exp) {
print(`JWT valid for another ${(result.exp - now) / 1000} seconds.`);
return result;
} else {
print(`JWT expired by ${(now - result.exp) / 1000} seconds.`);
} else {
print('JWT verification failed.');
} else {
print('Invalid JWT header.');
* Check the provided password matches the hash
* @param {string} password
* @param {string} hash bcrypt hash
* @returns true if the password matches the hash
function verifyPassword(password, hash) {
return bCrypt.hashpw(password, hash) === hash;
* Hashes a password
* @param {string} password
* @returns {string} TODOC
function hashPassword(password) {
let salt = bCrypt.gensalt(12);
return bCrypt.hashpw(password, salt);
* Check if there is an administrator on the instance
* @returns TODOC
function noAdministrator() {
return !core.globalSettings || !core.globalSettings.permissions || !Object.keys(core.globalSettings.permissions).some(function(name) {
return core.globalSettings.permissions[name].indexOf("administration") != -1;
* Makes a user an administrator
* @param {string} name the user's name
function makeAdministrator(name) {
if (!core.globalSettings.permissions) {
core.globalSettings.permissions = {};
if (!core.globalSettings.permissions[name]) {
core.globalSettings.permissions[name] = [];
if (core.globalSettings.permissions[name].indexOf("administration") == -1) {
* @param {*} headers most likely an object
* @returns
function getCookies(headers) {
let cookies = {};
if (headers.cookie) {
let parts = headers.cookie.split(/,|;/);
for (let i in parts) {
let equals = parts[i].indexOf("=");
let name = parts[i].substring(0, equals).trim();
let value = parts[i].substring(equals + 1).trim();
cookies[name] = value;
return cookies;
* Validates a username
* @param {string} name
* @returns false | boolean[] ?
function isNameValid(name) {
// TODO(tasiaiso): convert this into a regex
let c = name.charAt(0);
return ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')) && name.split().map(x => x >= ('a' && x <= 'z') || x >= ('A' && x <= 'Z') || x >= ('0' && x <= '9'));
* Request handler ?
* @param {*} request TODOC
* @param {*} response
* @returns
function handler(request, response) {
// TODO(tasiaiso): split this function
let session = getCookies(request.headers).session;
if (request.uri == "/login") {
let formData = form.decodeForm(request.query);
if (query(request.headers)?.permissions?.authenticated) {
if (formData.return) {
response.writeHead(303, {"Location": formData.return});
} else {
response.writeHead(303, {"Location": (request.client.tls ? 'https://' : 'http://') + request.headers.host + '/', "Content-Length": "0"});
let sessionIsNew = false;
let loginError;
if (request.method == "POST" || formData.submit) {
sessionIsNew = true;
formData = form.decodeForm(utf8Decode(request.body), formData);
if (formData.submit == "Login") {
let account = gDatabase.get("user:" + formData.name);
account = account ? JSON.parse(account) : account;
if (formData.register == '1') {
if (!account &&
isNameValid(formData.name) &&
formData.password == formData.confirm) {
let users = new Set();
let users_original = gDatabase.get('users');
try {
users = new Set(JSON.parse(users_original));
} catch {
if (!users.has(formData.name)) {
users = JSON.stringify([...users].sort());
if (users !== users_original) {
gDatabase.set('users', users);
session = makeJwt({name: formData.name});
account = {password: hashPassword(formData.password)};
gDatabase.set('user:' + formData.name, JSON.stringify(account));
if (noAdministrator()) {
} else {
loginError = 'Error registering account.';
} else if (formData.change == '1') {
if (account &&
isNameValid(formData.name) &&
formData.new_password == formData.confirm &&
verifyPassword(formData.password, account.password)) {
session = makeJwt({name: formData.name});
account = {password: hashPassword(formData.new_password)};
gDatabase.set('user:' + formData.name, JSON.stringify(account));
} else {
loginError = 'Error changing password.';
} else {
if (account &&
account.password &&
verifyPassword(formData.password, account.password)) {
session = makeJwt({name: formData.name});
if (noAdministrator()) {
} else {
loginError = 'Invalid username or password.';
} else {
// Proceed as Guest
session = makeJwt({name: 'guest'});
let cookie = `session=${session}; path=/; Max-Age=${kRefreshInterval}; ${request.client.tls ? 'Secure; ' : ''}SameSite=Strict; HttpOnly`;
let entry = readSession(session);
if (entry && formData.return) {
response.writeHead(303, {"Location": formData.return, "Set-Cookie": cookie});
} else {
File.readFile("core/auth.html").then(function(data) {
let html = utf8Decode(data);
let auth_data = {
session_is_new: sessionIsNew,
name: entry?.name,
error: loginError,
code_of_conduct: core.globalSettings.code_of_conduct,
have_administrator: !noAdministrator(),
html = utf8Encode(html.replace('$AUTH_DATA', JSON.stringify(auth_data)));
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/html; charset=utf-8", "Set-Cookie": cookie, "Content-Length": html.length});
}).catch(function(error) {
response.writeHead(404, {"Content-Type": "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "Connection": "close"});
response.end("404 File not found");
} else if (request.uri == "/login/logout") {
response.writeHead(303, {"Set-Cookie": `session=; path=/; ${request.client.tls ? 'Secure; ' : ''}SameSite=Strict; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; HttpOnly`, "Location": "/login" + (request.query ? "?" + request.query : "")});
} else {
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "Connection": "close"});
response.end("Hello, " + request.client.peerName + ".");
* Gets a user's permissions based on it's session ?
* @param {*} session TODOC
* @returns
function getPermissions(session) {
let permissions;
let entry = readSession(session);
if (entry) {
permissions = getPermissionsForUser(entry.name);
permissions.authenticated = entry.name !== "guest";
return permissions || {};
* Get a user's permissions ?
* @param {string} userName TODOC
* @returns
function getPermissionsForUser(userName) {
let permissions = {};
if (core.globalSettings && core.globalSettings.permissions && core.globalSettings.permissions[userName]) {
for (let i in core.globalSettings.permissions[userName]) {
permissions[core.globalSettings.permissions[userName][i]] = true;
return permissions;
* @param {*} headers
* @returns
function query(headers) {
let session = getCookies(headers).session;
let entry;
let autologin = tildefriends.args.autologin;
if (entry = autologin ? {name: autologin} : readSession(session)) {
return {
session: entry,
permissions: autologin ? getPermissionsForUser(autologin) : getPermissions(session),
* Refreshes a JWT ?
* @param {*} credentials TODOC
* @returns
function makeRefresh(credentials) {
if (credentials?.session?.name) {
return {
token: makeJwt({name: credentials.session.name}),
interval: kRefreshInterval,
export { handler, query, makeRefresh };