forked from cory/tildefriends
git-svn-id: ed5197a5-7fde-0310-b194-c3ffbd925b24
412 lines
11 KiB
412 lines
11 KiB
"use strict";
const k_posts_max = 20;
const k_votes_max = 20;
var g_ready = false;
var g_selected = null;
var g_following_cache = {};
var g_followers_cache = {};
var g_following_deep_cache = {};
async function following(db, id) {
if (g_following_cache[id]) {
return g_following_cache[id];
var o = await db.get(id + ":following");
const k_version = 5;
var f = o ? JSON.parse(o) : o;
if (!f || f.version != k_version) {
f = {users: [], sequence: 0, version: k_version};
f.users = new Set(f.users);
await ssb.sqlStream(
" sequence, "+
" json_extract(content, '$.contact') AS contact, "+
" json_extract(content, '$.following') AS following "+
"FROM messages "+
" author = ?1 AND "+
" sequence > ?2 AND "+
" json_extract(content, '$.type') = 'contact' "+
"UNION SELECT MAX(sequence) AS sequence, NULL, NULL FROM messages WHERE author = ?1 "+
"ORDER BY sequence",
[id, f.sequence],
function(row) {
if (row.following) {
} else {
f.sequence = row.sequence;
var as_set = f.users;
f.users = Array.from(f.users).sort();
var j = JSON.stringify(f);
if (o != j) {
await db.set(id + ":following", j);
f.users = as_set;
g_following_cache[id] = f.users;
return f.users;
async function followingDeep(db, seed_ids, depth) {
if (depth <= 0) {
return seed_ids;
var key = JSON.stringify([seed_ids, depth]);
if (g_following_deep_cache[key]) {
return g_following_deep_cache[key];
var f = await Promise.all( => following(db, x).then(x => [...x])));
var ids = [].concat(...f);
var x = await followingDeep(db, [ Set(ids)].sort(), depth - 1);
x = [ Set([].concat(...x, ...seed_ids))].sort();
g_following_deep_cache[key] = x;
return x;
async function followers(db, visible_users, id) {
if (g_followers_cache[id]) {
return g_followers_cache[id];
var results = visible_users.filter(user => g_following_cache[user] && g_following_cache[user].has(id));
g_followers_cache[id] = results;
return results;
async function getAbout(db, id) {
var o = await db.get(id + ":about");
const k_version = 4;
var f = o ? JSON.parse(o) : o;
if (!f || f.version != k_version) {
f = {about: {}, sequence: 0, version: k_version};
await ssb.sqlStream(
" sequence, "+
" content "+
"FROM messages "+
" sequence > ?1 AND "+
" author = ?2 AND "+
" json_extract(content, '$.type') = 'about' AND "+
" json_extract(content, '$.about') = author "+
"UNION SELECT MAX(sequence) as sequence, NULL FROM messages WHERE author = ?2 "+
"ORDER BY sequence",
[f.sequence, id],
function(row) {
f.sequence = row.sequence;
if (row.content) {
var about = {};
try {
about = JSON.parse(row.content);
} catch {
delete about.about;
delete about.type;
f.about = Object.assign(f.about, about);
var j = JSON.stringify(f);
if (o != j) {
await db.set(id + ":about", j);
return f.about;
function fnv32a(value)
var result = 0x811c9dc5;
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
result ^= value.charCodeAt(i);
result += (result << 1) + (result << 4) + (result << 7) + (result << 8) + (result << 24);
return result >>> 0;
async function getRecentPostsSingleId(db, id, limit) {
var recent = [];
await ssb.sqlStream(
" rowid, "+
" id, "+
" timestamp "+
"FROM messages "+
" author = ? AND "+
" json_extract(content, '$.type') = 'post' "+
"ORDER BY sequence DESC LIMIT ?",
[id, limit],
function(row) {
if ( {
recent.push({id:, timestamp: row.timestamp});
recent.sort((x, y) => y.timestamp - x.timestamp);
return =>;
async function getRecentPostIds(db, id, ids, limit) {
if (ids.length == 1) {
return await getRecentPostsSingleId(db, ids[0], limit);
const k_version = 11;
const k_batch_max = 16;
var o = await db.get(id + ':recent_posts');
var recent = [];
var f = o ? JSON.parse(o) : o;
var ids_hash = fnv32a(JSON.stringify(ids));
if (!f || f.version != k_version || f.ids_hash != ids_hash) {
f = {recent: [], rowid: 0, version: k_version, ids_hash: ids_hash};
var row_id_max = 0;
await ssb.sqlStream(
"SELECT MAX(rowid) as rowid FROM messages",
function(row) {
row_id_max = row.rowid;
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i += k_batch_max) {
var ids_batch = ids.slice(i, Math.min(i + k_batch_max, ids.length));
await ssb.sqlStream(
" rowid, "+
" id, "+
" timestamp "+
"FROM messages "+
" rowid > ? AND "+
" rowid <= ? AND "+
" author IN (" + => '?').join(", ") + ") AND "+
" json_extract(content, '$.type') = 'post' "+
"ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT ?",
[].concat([f.rowid, row_id_max], ids_batch, [limit]),
function(row) {
if ( {
recent.push({id:, timestamp: row.timestamp});
f.rowid = row_id_max;
f.recent = [].concat(recent, f.recent);
var have = {};
f.recent = f.recent.filter(function(x) {
if (!have[]) {
have[] = true;
return true;
f.recent.sort((x, y) => y.timestamp - x.timestamp);
f.recent = f.recent.slice(0, limit);
var j = JSON.stringify(f);
if (o != j) {
await db.set(id + ":recent_posts", j);
return =>;
async function getRelatedPostIds(db, message, ids, limit) {
const k_batch_max = 16;
var recent = [];
var row_id_max = 0;
await ssb.sqlStream(
"SELECT MAX(rowid) as rowid FROM messages",
function(row) {
row_id_max = row.rowid;
var id =;
try {
id = JSON.parse(message.content).root || id;
} catch {
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i += k_batch_max) {
var ids_batch = ids.slice(i, Math.min(i + k_batch_max, ids.length));
await ssb.sqlStream(
" rowid, "+
" id, "+
" timestamp "+
"FROM messages "+
" timestamp >= ? AND "+
" rowid <= ? AND "+
" author IN (" + => '?').join(", ") + ") AND "+
" json_extract(content, '$.type') = 'post' AND "+
" json_extract(content, '$.root') = ? "+
"ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT ?",
[].concat([message.timestamp, row_id_max], ids_batch, [id, limit]),
function(row) {
if ( {
recent.push({id:, timestamp: row.timestamp});
recent.sort((x, y) => y.timestamp - x.timestamp);
recent = recent.slice(0, limit);
return =>;
async function getVotes(db, id) {
var o = await db.get(id + ":votes");
const k_version = 7;
var votes = [];
var f = o ? JSON.parse(o) : o;
if (!f || f.version != k_version) {
f = {votes: [], sequence: 0, version: k_version};
await ssb.sqlStream(
" author, "+
" id, "+
" sequence, "+
" timestamp, "+
" content "+
"FROM messages "+
" author = ? AND "+
" sequence > ? AND "+
" json_extract(content, '$.type') = 'vote' "+
"UNION SELECT NULL, NULL, MAX(sequence), NULL, NULL FROM messages WHERE author = ? "+
"ORDER BY sequence DESC LIMIT ?",
[f.sequence, id, id, k_votes_max],
function(row) {
if ( {
f.sequence = Math.max(f.sequence, row.sequence);
f.votes = [].concat(votes, f.votes).slice(0, k_votes_max);
var j = JSON.stringify(f);
if (o != j) {
await db.set(id + ":votes", j);
return f.votes;
async function getPosts(db, ids) {
var posts = [];
if (ids.length) {
await ssb.sqlStream(
"SELECT rowid, * FROM messages WHERE id IN (" + => "?").join(", ") + ") ORDER BY timestamp DESC",
row => posts.push(row));
return posts;
async function ready() {
g_ready = true;
return refresh(g_selected);
ssb.addEventListener('broadcasts', async function() {
await app.postMessage({broadcasts: await ssb.getBroadcasts()});
core.register('onConnectionsChanged', async function() {
var connections = await ssb.connections();
await app.postMessage({connections: connections});
async function refresh(selected) {
g_following_cache = {};
g_followers_cache = {};
g_following_deep_cache = {};
await app.postMessage({clear: true});
var whoami = await ssb.whoami();
var db = await database("ssb");
var all_followed = await followingDeep(db, [whoami], 2);
if (selected) {
g_selected = selected;
} else {
g_selected = all_followed;
await Promise.all([
app.postMessage({whoami: whoami}),
app.postMessage({hash: selected && selected.length == 1 ? selected[0] : null}),
ssb.getBroadcasts().then(broadcasts => app.postMessage({broadcasts: broadcasts})),
ssb.connections().then(connections => app.postMessage({connections: connections})),
core.apps().then(apps => app.postMessage({apps: apps})),
var ids;
if (selected && selected.length == 1 && selected[0].startsWith('%')) {
var m = await getPosts(db, selected);
ids = m.length ? await getRelatedPostIds(db, m[0], all_followed, k_posts_max) : [];
} else {
ids = await getRecentPostIds(db, whoami, g_selected, k_posts_max);
var posts = await getPosts(db, ids);
var roots = {
try {
return JSON.parse(x.content).root;
} catch {
return null;
var have = new Set( =>;
roots = [ Set(roots)].filter(x => x && !have.has(x));
var all_posts = [].concat(posts, await getPosts(db, roots));
await Promise.all( => app.postMessage({message: x})));
await Promise.all( => getAbout(db, id).then(results => app.postMessage({user: {user: id, about: results}}))));
await Promise.all( => getVotes(db, id).then(results => app.postMessage({votes: results}))));
await Promise.all( => following(db, id).then(results => app.postMessage({following: {id: id, users: [...results]}}))));
await Promise.all( => followers(db, all_followed, id).then(results => app.postMessage({followers: {id: id, users: results}}))));
await app.postMessage({ready: true});
ssb.addEventListener('message', async function(id) {
var db = await database("ssb");
var posts = await getPosts(db, [id]);
for (let post of posts) {
if ( == await ssb.whoami()) {
await app.postMessage({message: post});
} else {
await app.postMessage({unread: 1});
core.register('message', async function(m) {
if (m.message == 'ready') {
await ready();
} else if (m.message) {
if (m.message.connect) {
await ssb.connect(m.message.connect);
} else if (m.message.appendMessage) {
await ssb.appendMessage(m.message.appendMessage);
} else if (m.message.refresh) {
await refresh(g_selected);
} else if (m.event == 'hashChange') {
if (m.hash.length > 1) {
g_selected = [m.hash.substring(1)];
} else {
g_selected = null;
if (g_ready) {
await refresh(g_selected);
} else if (m.event == 'focus' || m.event == 'blur') {
/* Shh. */
} else {
async function main() {
if (core.user &&
core.user.credentials &&
core.user.credentials.permissions &&
core.user.credentials.permissions.administration) {
await app.setDocument(utf8Decode(await getFile("index.html")));
} else {
await app.setDocument('<div style="color: #f00">Only the administrator can use this app at this time. Login at the top right.</div>');
main(); |