forked from cory/tildefriends
git-svn-id: ed5197a5-7fde-0310-b194-c3ffbd925b24
94 lines
4.4 KiB
94 lines
4.4 KiB
"use strict";
let kDocumentation = {
"core.broadcast": ["message", "Broadcast a message to every other instance of the same app. Messages will be received through the \"onMessage\" event."],
"core.getService": ["name", "Get a reference to a long-running service process identified by name. A process will be started if it is not already running. Useful for coordinating between client processes."],
"core.getPackages": ["", "Get a list of all available applications."],
"core.getUser": ["", "Gets information about the current user."],
"core.getUsers": ["packageOwner, packageName", "Get a list of all online users, restricted to a package if specified."],
"core.register": ["eventName, handlerFunction", "Register a callback function for the given event."],
"database.get": ["key", "Retrieve the database value associated with the given key."],
"database.set": ["key, value", "Sets the database value for the given key, overwriting any existing value."],
"database.getAll": ["", "Retrieve a list of all key names."],
"database.remove": ["key", "Remove the database entry for the given key."],
"terminal.print": ["arguments...", `Print to the terminal. Multiple arguments and lists are all expanded. The following special values are supported:
{href: "http://www..."} => Create a link to the href value. Text will be the href value or 'value' if specified.
{iframe: "<html>...</html>", width: 640, height: 480} => Create an iframe with the given srcdoc.
{style: "color: #f00", value: "Hello, world!"} => Create styled text.
{command: "exit", value: "get out of here"} => Create a link that when clicked will act as if the user typed the given command.`],
"terminal.clear": ["", "Remove all terminal output."],
"terminal.readLine": ["", "Produces the next line of text from user input."],
"terminal.setEcho": ["echo", "Controls whether the terminal will automatically echo user input (default=true)."],
"terminal.setTitle": ["title", "Sets the browser window/tab title."],
"terminal.setPrompt": ["prompt", "Sets the terminal prompt (default \">\")."],
"terminal.setPassword": ["enabled", "Controls whether the terminal input box is set as a password input and obscures the entered text."],
"terminal.setHash": ["hash", "Sets the URL #hash, typically so that the user can copy / bookmark it and return to a similar state."],
"terminal.postMessageToIframe": ["name, message", "Sends the message to the iframe that was created with the given name using window.postMessage."],
"terminal.notify": ["body, {title, icon}", ["Produces an ", {href: "", value: "HTML5 Notification"}, ". Arguments are the same as the Notification constructor."]],
terminal.print("V8 Version ", version);
heading("API Documentation");
dumpDocumentation("imports", imports);
terminal.print(`All API functions are invoked asynchronously. They
immediately return a `,
{href: "", value: "Promise"},
` object. If you want to do
something with the result, you most likely want to call them
like this:
database.get(key).then(function(value) {
heading("Colors (CSS class names)");
function heading(text) {
terminal.print({class: "green", value: "+" + "-".repeat(text.length + 2) + "+"});
terminal.print({class: "green", value: "| " + text + " |"});
terminal.print({class: "green", value: "+" + "-".repeat(text.length + 2) + "+"});
function dumpDocumentation(prefix, object, depth) {
if (typeof object == "function") {
let documentation = kDocumentation[prefix.substring("imports.".length)] || ["", ""];
{class: "yellow", value: prefix.substring("imports.".length)},
{class: "base0", value: documentation[0]},
terminal.print({style: "display: block; margin-left: 2em", value: documentation[1]});
} else if (object && typeof object != "string") {
for (let i in object) {
dumpDocumentation(prefix + "." + i, object[i], (depth || 0) + 1);
function dumpColors() {
var kColors = [
terminal.print({style: "background-color: #000", value: { return [" ", {class: color, value: color}, " "]; })});