# Tilde Friends Cheat Sheet

Making apps for the impatient tilde friend.

## Prerequisites

- either run your own instance or use [tildefriends.net](https://www.tildefriends.net/)
- register and login
- [optional] use the `ssb` app to create yourself an SSB identity

## Development Process

1.  hit the `edit` link from any app or new app URL
2.  make sure the path in the text box is under your username: `/~username/app/`
3.  write server-side code in `app.js`
4.  click the `save` button or press the save hotkey (Alt+S or _[browser-specific modifiers]_+S)
5.  see the app reload on the right side

## Output

- **`app.setDocument(html)`** - send HTML to the browser
- **`print(...)`** - send values to the browser's developer console

## Persistence

- **`app.localStorageGet(key)`** -> **`value`**
- **`app.localStorageSet(key, value)`**
- **`database()`**, **`shared_database(key)`**, **`my_shared_database(package, key)`**
  - **`db.get(key)`** -> **`value`**
  - **`db.set(key, value)`**
  - **`db.exchange(key, expected, value)`** -> **`exchanged`**
  - **`db.remove(key)`**
  - **`db.getAll()`** -> **`[key1, ...]`**
  - **`db.getLike(pattern)`** -> **`{key1: value1, ...}`**

## SSB

- **`ssb.createIdentity()`** -> **`id`**
- **`ssb.getIdentities()`** -> **`[id1, ...]`**
- **`ssb.appendMessageWithIdentity(id, content)`** -> **`message_id`**
- **`ssb.blobStore(blob)`** -> **`blob_id`**
- **`ssb.blobGet(id)`** -> **`blob`**
- **`ssb.sqlAsync(query, args, row_callback)`**


Stock helper code for calling functions across the web server and browser boundary.

- on the server: `import * as tfrpc from '/tfrpc.js';`
- in the browser: `import * as tfrpc from '/static/tfrpc.js';`
- either direction:
  - register a function: `tfrpc.register(function my_function() {});`
  - call a remote function: `let promise = tfrpc.rpc.my_function();`

## Share

- give out web links: [https://www.tildefriends.net/~cory/screwble/](https://www.tildefriends.net/~cory/screwble/)
- use the `Attach App` button when composing a post in [the SSB app](https://www.tildefriends.net/~core/ssb/)

## More Docs

- [api reference](https://www.tildefriends.net/~cory/api/)
- [source code](https://dev.tildefriends.net/cory/tildefriends/releases)