import {LitElement, html, keyed} from './lit-all.min.js'; import * as tfrpc from '/static/tfrpc.js'; class TfCollectionsAppElement extends LitElement { static get properties() { return { ids: {type: Array}, owner_ids: {type: Array}, whoami: {type: String}, wikis: {type: Object}, wiki_docs: {type: Object}, wiki: {type: Object}, wiki_doc: {type: Object}, hash: {type: String}, }; } constructor() { super(); this.ids = []; this.owner_ids = []; this.load(); let self = this; tfrpc.register(function hash_changed(hash) { self.notify_hash_changed(hash); }); tfrpc.rpc.get_hash().then(hash => self.notify_hash_changed(hash)); } async load() { this.ids = await tfrpc.rpc.getIdentities(); this.owner_ids = await tfrpc.rpc.getOwnerIdentities(); this.whoami = await tfrpc.rpc.localStorageGet('collections_whoami'); await this.read_wikis(); await this.read_Wiki_docs(); } async read_wikis() { let max_rowid; let wikis; while (true) { console.log('read_wikis', max_rowid); [max_rowid, wikis] = await tfrpc.rpc.collection(this.owner_ids, 'wiki', undefined, max_rowid, wikis); this.wikis = wikis; this.update_wiki(); } } async read_wiki_docs() { if (! { return; } let start_id =; let max_rowid; let wiki_docs; while (true) { console.log('read_wiki_docs', max_rowid); [max_rowid, wiki_docs] = await tfrpc.rpc.collection(this.owner_ids, 'wiki-doc',, max_rowid, wiki_docs); if ( !== start_id) { console.log('ending read_wiki_docs'); break; } this.wiki_docs = wiki_docs; this.update_wiki_doc(); } } hash_wiki() { let hash = this.hash ?? ''; hash = hash.charAt(0) == '#' ? hash.substring(1) : hash; let parts = hash.split('/'); return parts[0]; } hash_wiki_doc() { let hash = this.hash ?? ''; hash = hash.charAt(0) == '#' ? hash.substring(1) : hash; let slash = hash.indexOf('/'); return slash != -1 ? hash.substring(slash + 1) : undefined; } update_wiki() { let want_wiki = this.hash_wiki(); for (let wiki of Object.values(this.wikis ?? {})) { if ( === want_wiki) { = wiki; this.read_wiki_docs(); break; } } } update_wiki_doc() { let want_wiki_doc = this.hash_wiki_doc(); for (let wiki_doc of Object.values(this.wiki_docs ?? {})) { if ( === want_wiki_doc) { this.wiki_doc = wiki_doc; } } } notify_hash_changed(hash) { this.hash = hash; this.update_wiki(); this.update_wiki_doc(); } async on_whoami_changed(event) { let new_id = event.srcElement.selected; await tfrpc.rpc.localStorageSet('collections_whoami', new_id); this.whoami = new_id; } update_hash() { tfrpc.rpc.set_hash(this.wiki_doc ? `${}/${}` : `${}`); } async on_wiki_changed(event) { = event.detail.value; this.wiki_doc = undefined; this.wiki_docs = undefined; this.update_hash(); this.read_wiki_docs(); } async on_wiki_doc_changed(event) { this.wiki_doc = event.detail.value; this.update_hash(); } render() { let self = this; return html`