#include "ssb.js.h" #include "database.js.h" #include "ssb.db.h" #include "ssb.h" #include "task.h" #include "util.js.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "quickjs-libc.h" static JSClassID _tf_ssb_classId; static JSValue _tf_ssb_whoami(JSContext* context, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst* argv) { tf_ssb_t* ssb = JS_GetOpaque(this_val, _tf_ssb_classId); printf("WHOAMI on %p\n", ssb); if (ssb) { char id[512]; if (tf_ssb_whoami(ssb, id, sizeof(id))) { return JS_NewString(context, id); } } return JS_NULL; } static JSValue _tf_ssb_getMessage(JSContext* context, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst* argv) { JSValue result = JS_NULL; tf_ssb_t* ssb = JS_GetOpaque(this_val, _tf_ssb_classId); if (ssb) { const char* id = JS_ToCString(context, argv[0]); int64_t sequence = 0; JS_ToInt64(context, &sequence, argv[1]); int64_t timestamp = -1; char* contents = NULL; if (tf_ssb_db_get_message_by_author_and_sequence(ssb, id, sequence, NULL, 0, ×tamp, &contents)) { result = JS_NewObject(context); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, result, "timestamp", JS_NewInt64(context, timestamp)); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, result, "content", JS_NewString(context, contents)); free(contents); } JS_FreeCString(context, id); } return result; } static JSValue _tf_ssb_blobGet(JSContext* context, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst* argv) { JSValue result = JS_NULL; tf_ssb_t* ssb = JS_GetOpaque(this_val, _tf_ssb_classId); if (ssb) { const char* id = JS_ToCString(context, argv[0]); uint8_t* blob = NULL; size_t size = 0; if (tf_ssb_db_blob_get(ssb, id, &blob, &size)) { result = JS_NewArrayBufferCopy(context, blob, size); free(blob); } JS_FreeCString(context, id); } return result; } static JSValue _tf_ssb_blobStore(JSContext* context, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst* argv) { JSValue result = JS_NULL; tf_ssb_t* ssb = JS_GetOpaque(this_val, _tf_ssb_classId); if (ssb) { uint8_t* blob = NULL; size_t size = 0; char id[512]; if (JS_IsString(argv[0])) { const char* text = JS_ToCStringLen(context, &size, argv[0]); if (tf_ssb_db_blob_store(ssb, (const uint8_t*)text, size, id, sizeof(id))) { result = JS_NewString(context, id); } JS_FreeCString(context, text); } else if ((blob = tf_util_try_get_array_buffer(context, &size, argv[0])) != 0) { if (tf_ssb_db_blob_store(ssb, blob, size, id, sizeof(id))) { result = JS_NewString(context, id); } } else { size_t offset; size_t element_size; JSValue buffer = tf_util_try_get_typed_array_buffer(context, argv[0], &offset, &size, &element_size); if (!JS_IsException(buffer)) { blob = tf_util_try_get_array_buffer(context, &size, buffer); if (blob) { if (tf_ssb_db_blob_store(ssb, blob, size, id, sizeof(id))) { result = JS_NewString(context, id); } } } JS_FreeValue(context, buffer); } } return result; } static JSValue _tf_ssb_messageContentGet(JSContext* context, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst* argv) { JSValue result = JS_NULL; tf_ssb_t* ssb = JS_GetOpaque(this_val, _tf_ssb_classId); if (ssb) { const char* id = JS_ToCString(context, argv[0]); uint8_t* blob = NULL; size_t size = 0; if (tf_ssb_db_message_content_get(ssb, id, &blob, &size)) { result = JS_NewArrayBufferCopy(context, blob, size); free(blob); } JS_FreeCString(context, id); } return result; } static JSValue _tf_ssb_connections(JSContext* context, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst* argv) { JSValue result = JS_NULL; tf_ssb_t* ssb = JS_GetOpaque(this_val, _tf_ssb_classId); if (ssb) { const char** connections = tf_ssb_get_connection_ids(ssb); if (connections) { result = JS_NewArray(context); uint32_t i = 0; for (const char** p = connections; *p; p++, i++) { JS_SetPropertyUint32(context, result, i, JS_NewString(context, *p)); } free(connections); } } return result; } typedef struct _sqlStream_callback_t { JSContext* context; JSValue callback; } sqlStream_callback_t; static void _tf_ssb_sqlStream_callback(JSValue row, void* user_data) { sqlStream_callback_t* info = user_data; JSValue response = JS_Call(info->context, info->callback, JS_UNDEFINED, 1, &row); tf_util_report_error(info->context, response); JS_FreeValue(info->context, response); if (tf_task_get(info->context)) { tf_task_run_jobs(tf_task_get(info->context)); } else { JSRuntime* runtime = JS_GetRuntime(info->context); while (JS_IsJobPending(runtime)) { JSContext* context = NULL; int r = JS_ExecutePendingJob(runtime, &context); if (context) { JSValue result = JS_GetException(context); tf_util_report_error(context, result); } if (r < 0) { js_std_dump_error(context); } else if (r == 0) { break; } } } } static JSValue _tf_ssb_sqlStream(JSContext* context, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst* argv) { tf_ssb_t* ssb = JS_GetOpaque(this_val, _tf_ssb_classId); if (ssb) { const char* query = JS_ToCString(context, argv[0]); if (query) { sqlStream_callback_t info = { .context = context, .callback = argv[2], }; tf_ssb_db_visit_query(ssb, query, argv[1], _tf_ssb_sqlStream_callback, &info); JS_FreeCString(context, query); } } return JS_NULL; } static JSValue _tf_ssb_post(JSContext* context, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst* argv) { tf_ssb_t* ssb = JS_GetOpaque(this_val, _tf_ssb_classId); if (ssb) { const char* post_text = JS_ToCString(context, argv[0]); if (post_text) { tf_ssb_append_post(ssb, post_text); JS_FreeCString(context, post_text); } } return JS_NULL; } static JSValue _tf_ssb_appendMessage(JSContext* context, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst* argv) { tf_ssb_t* ssb = JS_GetOpaque(this_val, _tf_ssb_classId); if (ssb) { tf_ssb_append_message(ssb, argv[0]); } return JS_NULL; } static JSValue _tf_ssb_storeMessage(JSContext* context, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst* argv) { tf_ssb_t* ssb = JS_GetOpaque(this_val, _tf_ssb_classId); char signature[crypto_sign_BYTES + 128]; char id[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES * 2 + 1]; tf_ssb_calculate_message_id(context, argv[0], id, sizeof(id)); if (tf_ssb_verify_and_strip_signature(context, argv[0], signature, sizeof(signature))) { if (tf_ssb_db_store_message(ssb, context, id, argv[0], signature)) { tf_ssb_notify_message_added(ssb, id); } else { printf("failed to store message\n"); } } else { printf("failed to verify message\n"); } return JS_UNDEFINED; } typedef struct _broadcasts_t { JSContext* context; JSValue array; int length; } broadcasts_t; static void _tf_ssb_broadcasts_visit(const struct sockaddr_in* addr, const uint8_t* pub, void* user_data) { broadcasts_t* broadcasts = user_data; JSValue entry = JS_NewObject(broadcasts->context); char address[256]; char pubkey[k_id_base64_len]; uv_ip4_name(addr, address, sizeof(address)); tf_ssb_id_bin_to_str(pubkey, sizeof(pubkey), pub); JS_SetPropertyStr(broadcasts->context, entry, "address", JS_NewString(broadcasts->context, address)); JS_SetPropertyStr(broadcasts->context, entry, "port", JS_NewInt32(broadcasts->context, ntohs(addr->sin_port))); JS_SetPropertyStr(broadcasts->context, entry, "pubkey", JS_NewString(broadcasts->context, pubkey)); JS_SetPropertyUint32(broadcasts->context, broadcasts->array, broadcasts->length++, entry); } static JSValue _tf_ssb_getBroadcasts(JSContext* context, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst* argv) { JSValue result = JS_UNDEFINED; tf_ssb_t* ssb = JS_GetOpaque(this_val, _tf_ssb_classId); if (ssb) { result = JS_NewArray(context); broadcasts_t broadcasts = { .context = context, .array = result, .length = 0, }; tf_ssb_visit_broadcasts(ssb, _tf_ssb_broadcasts_visit, &broadcasts); } return result; } static JSValue _tf_ssb_connect(JSContext* context, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst* argv) { JSValue args = argv[0]; tf_ssb_t* ssb = JS_GetOpaque(this_val, _tf_ssb_classId); if (ssb) { if (JS_IsString(args)) { const char* address_str = JS_ToCString(context, args); printf("Connecting to %s\n", address_str); tf_ssb_connect_str(ssb, address_str); JS_FreeCString(context, address_str); } else { JSValue address = JS_GetPropertyStr(context, args, "address"); JSValue port = JS_GetPropertyStr(context, args, "port"); JSValue pubkey = JS_GetPropertyStr(context, args, "pubkey"); const char* address_str = JS_ToCString(context, address); int32_t port_int = 0; JS_ToInt32(context, &port_int, port); const char* pubkey_str = JS_ToCString(context, pubkey); uint8_t pubkey_bin[k_id_bin_len]; printf("Connecting to %s:%d\n", address_str, port_int); tf_ssb_id_str_to_bin(pubkey_bin, pubkey_str); tf_ssb_connect(ssb, address_str, port_int, pubkey_bin); JS_FreeCString(context, pubkey_str); JS_FreeCString(context, address_str); JS_FreeValue(context, address); JS_FreeValue(context, port); JS_FreeValue(context, pubkey); } } return JS_UNDEFINED; } static JSValue _tf_ssb_rpc_send_json(JSContext* context, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst* argv) { JSValue connection_val = JS_GetPropertyStr(context, this_val, "connection"); tf_ssb_connection_t* connection = JS_GetOpaque(connection_val, tf_ssb_get_connection_class_id()); JSValue request_val = JS_GetPropertyStr(context, this_val, "request_number"); int32_t request_number; JS_ToInt32(context, &request_number, request_val); JS_FreeValue(context, request_val); JSValue message_val = JS_JSONStringify(context, argv[0], JS_NULL, JS_NULL); size_t size; const char* message = JS_ToCStringLen(context, &size, message_val); tf_ssb_connection_rpc_send( connection, k_ssb_rpc_flag_json | k_ssb_rpc_flag_stream, -request_number, (const uint8_t*)message, size, NULL, NULL); JS_FreeValue(context, connection_val); JS_FreeCString(context, message); JS_FreeValue(context, message_val); return JS_UNDEFINED; } static JSValue _tf_ssb_rpc_send_binary(JSContext* context, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst* argv) { JSValue connection_val = JS_GetPropertyStr(context, this_val, "connection"); tf_ssb_connection_t* connection = JS_GetOpaque(connection_val, tf_ssb_get_connection_class_id()); JSValue request_val = JS_GetPropertyStr(context, this_val, "request_number"); int32_t request_number; JS_ToInt32(context, &request_number, request_val); JS_FreeValue(context, request_val); size_t size; uint8_t* message = tf_util_try_get_array_buffer(context, &size, argv[0]); if (message) { tf_ssb_connection_rpc_send( connection, k_ssb_rpc_flag_binary | k_ssb_rpc_flag_stream, -request_number, (const uint8_t*)message, size, NULL, NULL); } JS_FreeValue(context, connection_val); return JS_UNDEFINED; } void _tf_ssb_on_rpc(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection, uint8_t flags, int32_t request_number, JSValue args, const uint8_t* message, size_t size, void* user_data) { tf_ssb_t* ssb = tf_ssb_connection_get_ssb(connection); JSContext* context = tf_ssb_get_context(ssb); JSValue callback = JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, user_data); JSValue object = JS_NewObject(context); JSValue connection_object = JS_DupValue(context, tf_ssb_connection_get_object(connection)); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "connection", connection_object); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "flags", JS_NewUint32(context, flags)); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "request_number", JS_NewInt32(context, request_number)); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "args", JS_GetPropertyStr(context, args, "args")); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "message", message && size ? JS_NewArrayBufferCopy(context, message, size) : args); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "send_json", JS_NewCFunction(context, _tf_ssb_rpc_send_json, "send_json", 1)); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "send_binary", JS_NewCFunction(context, _tf_ssb_rpc_send_binary, "send_binary", 1)); JSValue result = JS_Call(context, callback, JS_UNDEFINED, 1, &object); tf_util_report_error(context, result); JS_FreeValue(context, result); JS_FreeValue(context, object); } static void _tf_ssb_cleanup_value(tf_ssb_t* ssb, void* user_data) { JSValue callback = JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, user_data); JS_FreeValue(tf_ssb_get_context(ssb), callback); } static JSValue _tf_ssb_add_rpc(JSContext* context, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst* argv) { tf_ssb_t* ssb = JS_GetOpaque(this_val, _tf_ssb_classId); if (!JS_IsArray(context, argv[0])) { return JS_ThrowTypeError(context, "Expected argument 1 to be an array of strings."); } if (!JS_IsFunction(context, argv[1])) { return JS_ThrowTypeError(context, "Expected argument 2 to be a function."); } JSValue length_val = JS_GetPropertyStr(context, argv[0], "length"); int length = 0; JS_ToInt32(context, &length, length_val); enum { k_max_name_parts = 16 }; const char* name[k_max_name_parts + 1] = { 0 }; if (length >= k_max_name_parts) { return JS_ThrowInternalError(context, "Too many parts to RPC name."); } for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { JSValue value = JS_GetPropertyUint32(context, argv[0], i); name[i] = JS_ToCString(context, value); JS_FreeValue(context, value); } tf_ssb_add_rpc_callback(ssb, name, _tf_ssb_on_rpc, _tf_ssb_cleanup_value, JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(JS_DupValue(context, argv[1]))); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { JS_FreeCString(context, name[i]); } return JS_UNDEFINED; } static void _tf_ssb_on_message_added_callback(tf_ssb_t* ssb, const char* id, void* user_data) { JSContext* context = tf_ssb_get_context(ssb); JSValue callback = JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, user_data); JSValue string = JS_NewString(context, id); JSValue response = JS_Call(context, callback, JS_UNDEFINED, 1, &string); tf_util_report_error(context, response); JS_FreeValue(context, response); JS_FreeValue(context, string); } static void _tf_ssb_on_blob_want_added_callback(tf_ssb_t* ssb, const char* id, void* user_data) { JSContext* context = tf_ssb_get_context(ssb); JSValue callback = JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, user_data); JSValue string = JS_NewString(context, id); JSValue response = JS_Call(context, callback, JS_UNDEFINED, 1, &string); tf_util_report_error(context, response); JS_FreeValue(context, response); JS_FreeValue(context, string); } static void _tf_ssb_on_connections_changed_callback(tf_ssb_t* ssb, tf_ssb_change_t change, tf_ssb_connection_t* connection, void* user_data) { JSContext* context = tf_ssb_get_context(ssb); JSValue callback = JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, user_data); JSValue response = JS_UNDEFINED; switch (change) { case k_tf_ssb_change_create: break; case k_tf_ssb_change_connect: { JSValue object = JS_DupValue(context, tf_ssb_connection_get_object(connection)); JSValue args[] = { JS_NewString(context, "add"), object, }; printf("calling function for ptr %p IsFunction=%d\n", user_data, JS_IsFunction(context, callback)); response = JS_Call(context, callback, JS_UNDEFINED, 2, args); tf_util_report_error(context, response); JS_FreeValue(context, args[0]); JS_FreeValue(context, object); } break; case k_tf_ssb_change_remove: { JSValue object = JS_DupValue(context, tf_ssb_connection_get_object(connection)); JSValue args[] = { JS_NewString(context, "remove"), object, }; response = JS_Call(context, callback, JS_UNDEFINED, 2, args); tf_util_report_error(context, response); JS_FreeValue(context, args[0]); JS_FreeValue(context, object); } break; } JS_FreeValue(context, response); } static void _tf_ssb_on_broadcasts_changed_callback(tf_ssb_t* ssb, void* user_data) { JSContext* context = tf_ssb_get_context(ssb); JSValue callback = JS_MKPTR(JS_TAG_OBJECT, user_data); JSValue argv = JS_UNDEFINED; JSValue response = JS_Call(context, callback, JS_UNDEFINED, 1, &argv); tf_util_report_error(context, response); JS_FreeValue(context, response); } void tf_ssb_run_file(JSContext* context, const char* file_name) { FILE* file = fopen(file_name, "rb"); if (!file) { printf("Unable to open %s: %s.", file_name, strerror(errno)); return; } char* source = NULL; fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); long file_size = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); source = malloc(file_size + 1); fread(source, 1, file_size, file); source[file_size] = '\0'; fclose(file); JSValue result = JS_Eval(context, source, file_size, file_name, 0); if (JS_IsError(context, result)) { printf("Error running %s.\n", file_name); const char* value = JS_ToCString(context, result); printf("ERROR: %s\n", value); JS_FreeCString(context, value); JSValue stack = JS_GetPropertyStr(context, result, "stack"); if (!JS_IsUndefined(stack)) { const char* stack_str = JS_ToCString(context, stack); printf("%s\n", stack_str); JS_FreeCString(context, stack_str); } JS_FreeValue(context, stack); } else if (JS_IsException(result)) { printf("Exception running %s.\n", file_name); JSValue error = JS_GetException(context); const char* value = JS_ToCString(context, error); printf("Exception: %s\n", value); JS_FreeCString(context, value); JS_FreeValue(context, error); } JSRuntime* runtime = JS_GetRuntime(context); while (JS_IsJobPending(runtime)) { JSContext* context2 = NULL; int r = JS_ExecutePendingJob(runtime, &context2); JSValue result = JS_GetException(context2); tf_util_report_error(context, result); if (r == 0) { break; } } JS_FreeValue(context, result); free(source); } static JSValue _tf_ssb_add_event_listener(JSContext* context, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst* argv) { tf_ssb_t* ssb = JS_GetOpaque(this_val, _tf_ssb_classId); const char* event_name = JS_ToCString(context, argv[0]); JSValue callback = argv[1]; JSValue result = JS_UNDEFINED; if (!event_name) { result = JS_ThrowTypeError(context, "Expected argument 1 to be a string event name."); } else if (!JS_IsFunction(context, callback)) { result = JS_ThrowTypeError(context, "Expected argument 2 to be a function."); } else { if (strcmp(event_name, "connections") == 0) { void* ptr = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(JS_DupValue(context, callback)); tf_ssb_add_connections_changed_callback(ssb, _tf_ssb_on_connections_changed_callback, _tf_ssb_cleanup_value, ptr); } else if (strcmp(event_name, "broadcasts") == 0) { void* ptr = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(JS_DupValue(context, callback)); tf_ssb_add_broadcasts_changed_callback(ssb, _tf_ssb_on_broadcasts_changed_callback, _tf_ssb_cleanup_value, ptr); } else if (strcmp(event_name, "message") == 0) { void* ptr = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(JS_DupValue(context, callback)); printf("add message listener %p\n", ptr); tf_ssb_add_message_added_callback(ssb, _tf_ssb_on_message_added_callback, _tf_ssb_cleanup_value, ptr); } else if (strcmp(event_name, "blob_want_added") == 0) { void* ptr = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(JS_DupValue(context, callback)); tf_ssb_add_blob_want_added_callback(ssb, _tf_ssb_on_blob_want_added_callback, _tf_ssb_cleanup_value, ptr); } } JS_FreeCString(context, event_name); return result; } static JSValue _tf_ssb_remove_event_listener(JSContext* context, JSValueConst this_val, int argc, JSValueConst* argv) { tf_ssb_t* ssb = JS_GetOpaque(this_val, _tf_ssb_classId); const char* event_name = JS_ToCString(context, argv[0]); JSValue callback = argv[1]; JSValue result = JS_UNDEFINED; if (!event_name) { result = JS_ThrowTypeError(context, "Expected argument 1 to be a string event name."); } else if (!JS_IsFunction(context, callback)) { result = JS_ThrowTypeError(context, "Expected argument 2 to be a function."); } else { if (strcmp(event_name, "connections") == 0) { void* ptr = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(JS_DupValue(context, callback)); tf_ssb_remove_connections_changed_callback(ssb, _tf_ssb_on_connections_changed_callback, ptr); } else if (strcmp(event_name, "broadcasts") == 0) { void* ptr = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(JS_DupValue(context, callback)); tf_ssb_remove_broadcasts_changed_callback(ssb, _tf_ssb_on_broadcasts_changed_callback, ptr); } else if (strcmp(event_name, "message") == 0) { void* ptr = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(JS_DupValue(context, callback)); tf_ssb_remove_message_added_callback(ssb, _tf_ssb_on_message_added_callback, ptr); } else if (strcmp(event_name, "blob_want_added") == 0) { void* ptr = JS_VALUE_GET_PTR(JS_DupValue(context, callback)); tf_ssb_remove_blob_want_added_callback(ssb, _tf_ssb_on_blob_want_added_callback, ptr); } } JS_FreeCString(context, event_name); return result; } void tf_ssb_register(JSContext* context, tf_ssb_t* ssb) { JS_NewClassID(&_tf_ssb_classId); JSClassDef def = { .class_name = "ssb", }; if (JS_NewClass(JS_GetRuntime(context), _tf_ssb_classId, &def) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to register ssb.\n"); } JSValue global = JS_GetGlobalObject(context); JSValue object = JS_NewObjectClass(context, _tf_ssb_classId); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, global, "ssb", object); JS_SetOpaque(object, ssb); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "whoami", JS_NewCFunction(context, _tf_ssb_whoami, "whoami", 0)); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "getMessage", JS_NewCFunction(context, _tf_ssb_getMessage, "getMessage", 2)); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "blobGet", JS_NewCFunction(context, _tf_ssb_blobGet, "blobGet", 1)); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "blobStore", JS_NewCFunction(context, _tf_ssb_blobStore, "blobStore", 2)); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "messageContentGet", JS_NewCFunction(context, _tf_ssb_messageContentGet, "messageContentGet", 1)); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "connections", JS_NewCFunction(context, _tf_ssb_connections, "connections", 0)); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "sqlStream", JS_NewCFunction(context, _tf_ssb_sqlStream, "sqlStream", 3)); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "post", JS_NewCFunction(context, _tf_ssb_post, "post", 1)); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "appendMessage", JS_NewCFunction(context, _tf_ssb_appendMessage, "appendMessage", 1)); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "storeMessage", JS_NewCFunction(context, _tf_ssb_storeMessage, "storeMessage", 1)); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "getBroadcasts", JS_NewCFunction(context, _tf_ssb_getBroadcasts, "getBroadcasts", 0)); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "connect", JS_NewCFunction(context, _tf_ssb_connect, "connect", 1)); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "addRpc", JS_NewCFunction(context, _tf_ssb_add_rpc, "addRpc", 2)); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "addEventListener", JS_NewCFunction(context, _tf_ssb_add_event_listener, "addEventListener", 2)); JS_SetPropertyStr(context, object, "removeEventListener", JS_NewCFunction(context, _tf_ssb_remove_event_listener, "removeEventListener", 2)); JS_FreeValue(context, global); tf_util_register(context); tf_database_register(context, tf_ssb_get_db(ssb)); tf_ssb_run_file(context, "core/ssb.js"); }