#include "mem.h" #include #if !defined(_WIN32) #include #endif #include #include static int64_t s_tf_malloc_size; static int64_t s_uv_malloc_size; static int64_t s_tls_malloc_size; static int64_t s_js_malloc_size; static void* _tf_alloc(int64_t* total, size_t size) { void* ptr = malloc(size + sizeof(size_t)); if (ptr) { __atomic_add_fetch(total, size, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); memcpy(ptr, &size, sizeof(size_t)); return (void*)((intptr_t)ptr + sizeof(size_t)); } else { return NULL; } } static void* _tf_realloc(int64_t* total, void* ptr, size_t size) { void* old_ptr = ptr ? (void*)((intptr_t)ptr - sizeof(size_t)) : NULL; size_t old_size = 0; if (old_ptr) { memcpy(&old_size, old_ptr, sizeof(size_t)); } void* new_ptr = NULL; if (old_ptr && !size) { free(old_ptr); } else { new_ptr = realloc(old_ptr, size + sizeof(size_t)); } if (new_ptr) { __atomic_add_fetch(total, (int64_t)size - (int64_t)old_size, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); memcpy(new_ptr, &size, sizeof(size_t)); return (void*)((intptr_t)new_ptr + sizeof(size_t)); } else { __atomic_sub_fetch(total, old_size, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); return NULL; } } static void _tf_free(int64_t* total, void* ptr) { if (ptr) { void* old_ptr = (void*)((intptr_t)ptr - sizeof(size_t)); size_t size = 0; memcpy(&size, old_ptr, sizeof(size_t)); __atomic_sub_fetch(total, size, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); free(old_ptr); } } static void* _tf_uv_alloc(size_t size) { return _tf_alloc(&s_uv_malloc_size, size); } static void* _tf_uv_realloc(void* ptr, size_t size) { return _tf_realloc(&s_uv_malloc_size, ptr, size); } static void* _tf_uv_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) { void* ptr = calloc(1, nmemb * size + sizeof(size_t)); if (ptr) { size_t total_size = nmemb * size; __atomic_add_fetch(&s_uv_malloc_size, total_size, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); memcpy(ptr, &total_size, sizeof(size_t)); return (void*)((intptr_t)ptr + sizeof(size_t)); } else { return NULL; } } static void _tf_uv_free(void* ptr) { _tf_free(&s_uv_malloc_size, ptr); } void tf_mem_replace_uv_allocator() { uv_replace_allocator(_tf_uv_alloc, _tf_uv_realloc, _tf_uv_calloc, _tf_uv_free); } size_t tf_mem_get_uv_malloc_size() { return s_uv_malloc_size; } #if !defined(_WIN32) void* _tf_tls_alloc(size_t size, const char* file, int line) { return _tf_alloc(&s_tls_malloc_size, size); } void* _tf_tls_realloc(void* ptr, size_t size, const char* file, int line) { return _tf_realloc(&s_tls_malloc_size, ptr, size); } void _tf_tls_free(void* ptr, const char* file, int line) { _tf_free(&s_tls_malloc_size, ptr); } #endif void tf_mem_replace_tls_allocator() { #if !defined(_WIN32) CRYPTO_set_mem_functions(_tf_tls_alloc, _tf_tls_realloc, _tf_tls_free); #endif } size_t tf_mem_get_tls_malloc_size() { return s_tls_malloc_size; } void* tf_malloc(size_t size) { return _tf_alloc(&s_tf_malloc_size, size); } void* tf_realloc(void* ptr, size_t size) { return _tf_realloc(&s_tf_malloc_size, ptr, size); } void tf_free(void* ptr) { _tf_free(&s_tf_malloc_size, ptr); } char* tf_strdup(const char* string) { size_t len = strlen(string); char* buffer = tf_malloc(len + 1); memcpy(buffer, string, len + 1); return buffer; } void* tf_resize_vec(void* ptr, size_t size) { void* alloc_ptr = ptr ? (void*)((intptr_t)ptr - sizeof(size_t)) : NULL; size_t alloc_size = 0; if (alloc_ptr) { memcpy(&alloc_size, alloc_ptr, sizeof(size_t)); } if (alloc_size >= 16 * size + sizeof(size_t)) { /* If we've dropped significantly in size, resize down. */ return tf_realloc(ptr, size); } else if (alloc_size >= size + sizeof(size_t)) { /* Otherwise, if we're big enough, stay the same size. */ return ptr; } else { /* If we need to grow, overallocate 2x to give room to continue growing. */ return tf_realloc(ptr, size * 2); } } size_t tf_mem_get_tf_malloc_size() { return s_tf_malloc_size; } static void* _tf_js_malloc(JSMallocState* state, size_t size) { int64_t delta = 0; void* ptr = _tf_alloc(&delta, size); if (ptr) { __atomic_add_fetch(&s_js_malloc_size, delta, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); state->malloc_count++; state->malloc_size += delta; } return ptr; } static void _tf_js_free(JSMallocState* state, void* ptr) { if (ptr) { int64_t delta = 0; _tf_free(&delta, ptr); __atomic_add_fetch(&s_js_malloc_size, delta, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); state->malloc_count--; state->malloc_size += delta; } } static void* _tf_js_realloc(JSMallocState* state, void* ptr, size_t size) { int64_t delta = 0; void* result = _tf_realloc(&delta, ptr, size); __atomic_add_fetch(&s_js_malloc_size, delta, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); state->malloc_count += (ptr ? -1 : 0) + (result ? 1 : 0); state->malloc_size += delta; return result; } static size_t _tf_js_malloc_usable_size(const void* ptr) { void* old_ptr = ptr ? (void*)((intptr_t)ptr - sizeof(size_t)) : NULL; size_t old_size = 0; if (old_ptr) { memcpy(&old_size, old_ptr, sizeof(size_t)); } return old_size; } void tf_get_js_malloc_functions(JSMallocFunctions* out) { *out = (JSMallocFunctions) { .js_malloc = _tf_js_malloc, .js_free = _tf_js_free, .js_realloc = _tf_js_realloc, .js_malloc_usable_size = _tf_js_malloc_usable_size, }; } size_t tf_mem_get_js_malloc_size() { return s_js_malloc_size; }