import * as tfrpc from '/static/tfrpc.js'; import * as tfshared from './tf-shared.js'; export var g_data = { whoami: null, connections: [], messages: [], messages_by_id: {}, users: {}, broadcasts: [], show_connect_dialog: false, show_user_dialog: null, connect: null, pubs: [], votes: {}, apps: {}, reply_root: null, reply_branch: null, mentions: {}, unread: 0, loading: true, selected: null, edit_profile_name: null, edit_profile_description: null, edit_profile_image: null, load_time: null, post_text: null, times: {}, }; var g_load_start = new Date(); var g_data_initial = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(g_data)); var g_message_queue = []; var g_process_pending = false; function updateEditUser() { g_data.edit_profile_name = g_data.users[g_data.whoami] ? g_data.users[g_data.whoami].name : null; g_data.edit_profile_description = g_data.users[g_data.whoami] ? g_data.users[g_data.whoami].description : null; g_data.edit_profile_image = g_data.users[g_data.whoami] ? g_data.users[g_data.whoami].image : null; } function processMessages() { for (let event of g_message_queue) { var key = Object.keys([0]; if (key == 'message') { var new_message =; new_message.children = []; var found = false; var root = JSON.parse(new_message.content).root; /* If we had inserted a fake root, replace it if we see the real message. */ if (g_data.messages_by_id[]) { var old_message = g_data.messages_by_id[]; new_message.children = old_message.children; for (let child of new_message.children) { child.parent = new_message; } if (old_message.parent) { old_message.parent.children = old_message.parent.children.filter(x => x != old_message); } else { g_data.messages = g_data.messages.filter(x => x != old_message); } } Vue.set(g_data.messages_by_id,, new_message); if (root) { /* If we don't know of the message's root, add it. */ if (!g_data.messages_by_id[root]) { var fake_root = { id: root, children: [], timestamp: new_message.timestamp, content: '{}', }; Vue.set(g_data.messages_by_id, root, fake_root); g_data.messages.push(fake_root); g_data.messages.sort((x, y) => y.timestamp - x.timestamp); found = true; } var message = g_data.messages_by_id[root]; new_message.parent = message; message.children.push(new_message); message.children.sort((x, y) => x.timestamp - y.timestamp); } else { /* This is just a new message with no root. Add it. */ g_data.messages.push(new_message); g_data.messages.sort((x, y) => y.timestamp - x.timestamp); g_data.messages = g_data.messages.slice(0, 32); } } else if (key + 's' in g_data && Array.isArray(g_data[key + 's'])) { g_data[key + 's'].push([key]); } else if (key == 'user') { Vue.set(g_data.users,, Object.assign({}, g_data.users[] || {},; if ( == g_data.whoami) { updateEditUser(); } } else if (key == 'following') { if (!g_data.users[]) { Vue.set(g_data.users,, {}); } if (!g_data.users[].following) { Vue.set(g_data.users[], 'following', {}); } for (let user of { Vue.set(g_data.users[].following, user, true); if (!g_data.users[user]) { Vue.set(g_data.users, user, {}); } if (!g_data.users[user].followers) { Vue.set(g_data.users[user], 'followers', {}); } Vue.set(g_data.users[user].followers,, true); } } else if (key == 'blocking') { if (!g_data.users[]) { Vue.set(g_data.users,, {}); } if (!g_data.users[].blocking) { Vue.set(g_data.users[], 'blocking', {}); } for (let user of { Vue.set(g_data.users[].blocking, user, true); } } else if (key == 'broadcasts') { g_data.broadcasts =; } else if (key == 'pubs') { g_data.pubs =; } else if (key == 'apps') { g_data.apps =; } else if (key == 'votes') { { var content = JSON.parse(vote.content); var link =; if (!g_data.votes[link]) { Vue.set(g_data.votes, link, {}); } if (!g_data.votes[link][]) { Vue.set(g_data.votes[link],, []); } g_data.votes[link][].push({author:, value:}); }); } else if (key == 'clear') { g_load_start = new Date(); g_data.loading = true; Object.keys(g_data_initial).forEach(function(key) { Vue.set(g_data, key, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(g_data_initial[key]))); }); } else if (key == 'ready') { g_data.load_time = (new Date() - g_load_start) / 1000; g_data.loading = false; g_data.times =; } else if (key == 'unread') { g_data.unread +=; } else if (key == 'hash') { g_data.selected =; if (g_data.selected == g_data.whoami) { updateEditUser(); } } else if (key == 'storeBlobComplete') { var blob =; if (blob.context == 'profile') { g_data.edit_profile_image = blob.path.substring(1); } else { g_data.post_text = (g_data.post_text || '') + `\n![${}](${blob.path.substring(1)})`; Vue.set(g_data.mentions, blob.path.substring(1), { link: blob.path.substring(1), name:, type: blob.type, }); } } else { g_data[key] =[key]; } } g_message_queue = []; g_process_pending = false; } window.addEventListener('message', function(event) { if ( === 'tfrpc') { return; } g_message_queue.push(event); if (!g_process_pending) { g_process_pending = true; setTimeout(processMessages, 250); } }); window.addEventListener('load', function() { Vue.use(VueMaterial.default); var vue = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: g_data, methods: { post_message: function() { var message = { type: 'post', text: document.getElementById('post_text').value, }; if (g_data.reply_root || g_data.reply_branch) { message.root = g_data.reply_root; message.branch = g_data.reply_branch; } if (Object.keys(g_data.mentions).length) { message.mentions = Object.values(g_data.mentions); } window.parent.postMessage({appendMessage: message}, '*'); g_data.post_text = null; Vue.set(g_data, 'mentions', {}); g_data.reply_root = null; g_data.reply_branch = null; }, ssb_connect: function(connection) { window.parent.postMessage({connect: connection}, '*'); }, content_json: function(message) { try { return JSON.parse(message.content); } catch { return undefined; } }, markdown: tfshared.markdown, refresh: function() { window.parent.postMessage({refresh: true}, '*'); }, add_app_to_mentions: function(app) { Vue.set(g_data.mentions, g_data.apps[app], { link: g_data.apps[app], name: app, type: 'application/tildefriends', }); }, remove_from_mentions: function(link) { Vue.delete(g_data.mentions, link); }, save_profile: function() { var message = { appendMessage: { type: 'about', about: g_data.selected, name: g_data.edit_profile_name, description: g_data.edit_profile_description, image: g_data.edit_profile_image, } }; window.parent.postMessage(message, '*'); }, follow: function(id) { if (confirm('Are you sure you want to follow ' + id + '?')) { window.parent.postMessage({appendMessage: {type: "contact", following: true, contact: id}}, '*'); } }, unfollow: function(id) { if (confirm('Are you sure you want to unfollow ' + id + '?')) { window.parent.postMessage({appendMessage: {type: "contact", following: false, contact: id}}, '*'); } }, block: function(id) { if (confirm('Are you sure you want to block ' + id + '?')) { window.parent.postMessage({appendMessage: {type: "contact", blocking: true, contact: id}}, '*'); } }, unblock: function(id) { if (confirm('Are you sure you want to unblock ' + id + '?')) { window.parent.postMessage({appendMessage: {type: "contact", blocking: false, contact: id}}, '*'); } }, set_hash(hash) { window.parent.postMessage({action: 'setHash', hash: hash ? hash : '#'}, '*'); }, attach(context) { var input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'file'; input.onchange = function(event) { var file =[0]; file.arrayBuffer().then(function(buffer) { let bin = Array.from(new Uint8Array(buffer)); return tfrpc.rpc.store_blob(bin); }).then(function(id) { g_data.post_text = `${g_data.post_text || ''}\n![${}](${id})`; Vue.set(g_data.mentions, id, { link: id, name:, type: file.type, }); }).catch(function(e) { console.log('error', e); }); };; }, paste(event) { var items = (event.clipboardData || event.originalEvent.clipboardData).items; for (let item of items) { var file = item.getAsFile(); if (file) { file.arrayBuffer().then(function(buffer) { window.parent.postMessage({ action: 'storeBlob', blob: { name:, type: file.type, buffer: buffer, }, }, '*'); }); event.preventDefault(); break; } } }, human_size(bytes) { if (typeof bytes == 'number') { let value = bytes; let unit = 'B'; const k_units = ['kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB']; for (let u of k_units) { if (value > 1024) { value /= 1024; unit = u; } } return Math.round(value * 10) / 10 + ' ' + unit; } else { return bytes; } } } }); tfrpc.rpc.ready(); });