import {LitElement, html, unsafeHTML} from './lit-all.min.js'; import * as tfrpc from '/static/tfrpc.js'; import * as tfutils from './tf-utils.js'; import * as emojis from './emojis.js'; import {styles} from './tf-styles.js'; class TfMessageElement extends LitElement { static get properties() { return { whoami: {type: String}, message: {type: Object}, users: {type: Object}, reply: {type: Boolean}, raw: {type: Boolean}, } } static styles = styles; constructor() { super(); let self = this; this.whoami = null; this.message = {}; this.users = {}; this.reply = false; this.raw = false; } show_reply() { this.reply = true; } render_votes() { function normalize_expression(expression) { if (expression === 'Like' || !expression) { return '👍'; } else if (expression === 'Unlike') { return '👎'; } else if (expression === 'heart') { return '❤️'; } else { return expression; } } return html`
${(this.message.votes || []).map(vote => html`${normalize_expression(}`)}
`; } render_raw() { return html`
${JSON.stringify(this.message, null, 2)}
` } vote(emoji) { let reaction = emoji.emoji; let message =; if (confirm('Are you sure you want to react with ' + reaction + ' to ' + message + '?')) { tfrpc.rpc.appendMessage( this.whoami, { type: 'vote', vote: { link: message, value: 1, expression: reaction, }, }).catch(function(error) { alert(error?.message); }); } } react(event) { emojis.picker(x =>; } render_mention(mention) { if ('&') && mention.type?.startsWith('image/')) { return html` `; } else if ('&') &&'audio:')) { return html` `; } else if ('%') ||'@')) { return html` ${}`; } else if ('#')) { return html` ${}`; } else { return html`
`; } } render_mentions() { if (this.message?.content?.mentions?.length) { let self = this; return html`
Mentions ${(this.message?.content?.mentions || []).map(x => self.render_mention(x))}
`; } } render() { let content = this.message?.content; let self = this; let raw_button = this.raw ? html` self.raw = false}>` : html` self.raw = true}>`; function small_frame(inner) { return html`
% ${new Date(self.message.timestamp).toLocaleString()} ${raw_button} ${self.raw ? self.render_raw() : inner} ${self.render_votes()}
` } if (this.message.placeholder) { return html`
${} (placeholder)
${(this.message.child_messages || []).map(x => html` `)}
`; } else if (content.type == 'about') { return small_frame(html`
Updated profile:
${JSON.stringify(content, null, 2)}
`); } else if (content.type == 'contact') { return small_frame(html`
is now ${ content.blocking === true ? 'blocking' : content.blocking === false ? 'unblocking' : content.following === true ? 'following' : content.following === false ? 'unfollowing' : '?' }
`); } else if (content.type == 'post') { let reply = this.reply ? html` this.reply = false}> ` : html` `; let self = this; let body = this.raw ? this.render_raw() : unsafeHTML(tfutils.markdown(content.text)); return html`
% ${new Date(this.message.timestamp).toLocaleString()} ${raw_button}
${this.render_mentions()} ${this.render_votes()}
${(this.message.child_messages || []).map(x => html``)}
`; } else if (typeof(this.message.content) == 'string') { return small_frame(html`🔒`); } else { return small_frame(this.render_raw()); } } } customElements.define('tf-message', TfMessageElement);