import {LitElement, html, unsafeHTML, css, guard, until} from './lit-all.min.js'; import * as tfrpc from '/static/tfrpc.js'; import * as polyline from './polyline.js'; import {gpx_parse} from './gpx.js'; const k_client_id = '28276'; const k_redirect_url = ''; const k_color_snow = [128, 128, 255, 255]; const k_color_ice = [160, 160, 255, 255]; const k_color_water = [0, 0, 255, 255]; const k_color_dirt = [128, 129, 130, 255]; const k_color_pavement = [32, 32, 32, 255]; const k_color_grass = [0, 255, 0, 255]; const k_color_default = [128, 128, 128, 255]; class GgAppElement extends LitElement { static get properties() { return { user: {type: Object}, strava: {type: Object}, activities: {type: Array}, activity: {type: Object}, world: {type: Object}, id: {type: String}, status: {type: Object}, }; } constructor() { super(); this.activities = []; this.activity = {}; this.loaded_activities = []; this.strava = {}; this.min_lat = Number.MAX_VALUE; this.min_lon = Number.MAX_VALUE; this.max_lat = -Number.MAX_VALUE; this.max_lon = -Number.MAX_VALUE; this.status = undefined; this.load().catch(function(e) { console.log('load error', e); }); } async load() { console.log('load'); this.user = await tfrpc.rpc.getUser(); try { await this.update_credentials(); } catch (e) { console.log('update_credentials failed', e); } try { await this.update_activities(); } catch (e) { console.log('update_activities failed', e); } await this.acquire_ssb_identity(); if ( && this.activities?.length) { await this.sync_activities(); } await this.get_activities_from_ssb(); } async get_activities_from_ssb() { this.status = {text: 'loading activities'}; this.loaded_activities = []; let blob_ids = await tfrpc.rpc.query(` SELECT json_extract(mention.value, '$.link') AS blob_id FROM messages_fts('"gg-activity"') JOIN messages ON messages.rowid = messages_fts.rowid, json_each(messages.content, '$.mentions') as mention WHERE json_extract(messages.content, '$.type') = 'gg-activity' AND json_extract(mention.value, '$.name') = 'activity_data' ORDER BY messages.timestamp DESC `, []); for (let [index, row] of blob_ids.entries()) { this.status = {text: 'loading activity data', value: index, max: blob_ids.length}; let blob = await tfrpc.rpc.get_blob(row.blob_id); try { this.loaded_activities.push(JSON.parse(blob)); } catch { this.loaded_activities.push(gpx_parse(blob)); } } this.status = undefined; this.update_map(); } async sync_activities() { let ids = => `${}`); let missing = await tfrpc.rpc.query(` WITH my_activities AS ( SELECT json_extract(mention.value, '$.link') AS url FROM messages, json_each(messages.content, '$.mentions') AS mention WHERE author = ? AND json_extract(messages.content, '$.type') = 'gg-activity' AND json_extract(mention.value, '$.name') = 'activity_url') SELECT from_strava.value FROM json_each(?) AS from_strava LEFT OUTER JOIN my_activities ON from_strava.value = my_activities.url WHERE my_activities.url IS NULL `, [, JSON.stringify(ids)]); console.log('missing = ', missing); for (let [index, row] of missing.entries()) { this.status = {text: 'syncing from strava', value: index, max: missing.length}; let url = row.value; let id = url.match(/.*\/(\d+)/)[1]; let response = await fetch(`${id}`, { headers: { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${this.strava.access_token}`, }, }); let activity = await response.json(); let blob_id = await tfrpc.rpc.store_blob(JSON.stringify(activity)); let message = { type: 'gg-activity', mentions: [ { link: url, name: 'activity_url', }, { link: blob_id, name: 'activity_data', } ], }; await tfrpc.rpc.appendMessage(, message); } this.status = undefined; } async acquire_ssb_identity() { let user = await tfrpc.rpc.getUser(); if (!user?.credentials?.session?.name) { return; } let ids = await tfrpc.rpc.getIdentities(); let players = ids.length ? (await tfrpc.rpc.query(` SELECT author FROM messages JOIN json_each(?) ON = json_each.value WHERE json_extract(messages.content, '$.type') = 'gg-player' AND json_extract(messages.content, '$.active') ORDER BY timestamp DESC limit 1 `, [JSON.stringify(ids)])).map(row => : []; if (!players.length) { = await tfrpc.rpc.createIdentity(); if ( { await tfrpc.rpc.appendMessage(, { type: 'gg-player', active: true, }); } } else { players.sort(); = players[0]; } } async update_credentials() { let name = this.user?.credentials?.session?.name; if (!name) { return; } let shared = await tfrpc.rpc.sharedDatabaseGet(name); if (shared) { await tfrpc.rpc.databaseSet('strava', shared); await tfrpc.rpc.sharedDatabaseRemove(name); } this.strava = JSON.parse(await tfrpc.rpc.databaseGet('strava') || '{}'); if (new Date().valueOf() / 1000 > this.strava.expires_at) { console.log('this looks expired', new Date().valueOf() / 1000, '>', this.strava.expires_at); let x = await tfrpc.rpc.refresh_token(this.strava); if (x) { this.strava = x; await tfrpc.rpc.databaseSet('strava', JSON.stringify(x)); } else { this.strava = null; } } } async update_activities() { if (this?.strava?.access_token) { let response = await fetch('', { headers: { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${this.strava.access_token}`, }, }); this.activities = await response.json(); this.activities.sort((a, b) => ( -; } } color_to_emoji(color) { const k_map = [ [k_color_snow, '⬜'], [k_color_ice, '🟦'], [k_color_water, '🟦'], [k_color_dirt, '🟫'], [k_color_pavement, '⬛'], [k_color_grass, '🟩'], [k_color_default, '🟧'], ]; for (let m of k_map) { if (m[0][0] == color[0] && m[0][1] == color[1] && m[0][2] == color[2] && m[0][3] == color[3]) { return m[1]; } } } activity_bounds(activity) { let min_lat = Number.MAX_VALUE; let min_lon = Number.MAX_VALUE; let max_lat = -Number.MAX_VALUE; let max_lon = -Number.MAX_VALUE; if (activity?.map?.polyline) { for (let pt of polyline.decode( { min_lat = Math.min(min_lat, pt[0]); min_lon = Math.min(min_lon, pt[1]); max_lat = Math.max(max_lat, pt[0]); max_lon = Math.max(max_lon, pt[1]); } } if (activity?.segments) { for (let segment of activity.segments) { for (let pt of segment) { min_lat = Math.min(min_lat,; min_lon = Math.min(min_lon, pt.lon); max_lat = Math.max(max_lat,; max_lon = Math.max(max_lon, pt.lon); } } } return { min: { lat: min_lat, lng: min_lon, }, max: { lat: max_lat, lng: max_lon, }, }; } on_click(event) { let popup = L.popup() .setLatLng(event.latlng) .setContent(`
`) .openOn(this.leaflet); } async update_map() { if (!this.leaflet) { this.leaflet ='map', {attributionControl: false, maxZoom: 16, bounceAtZoomLimits: false}); this.leaflet.on({click: this.on_click.bind(this)}); } let self = this; let grid_layer = L.GridLayer.extend({ createTile: function(coords) { var tile = L.DomUtil.create('canvas', 'leaflet-tile'); var size = this.getTileSize(); tile.width = size.x; tile.height = size.y; var context = tile.getContext('2d'); context.font = '10pt sans'; let bounds = this._tileCoordsToBounds(coords); let degrees = 360.0 / (2 ** coords.z); let ul = bounds.getNorthWest(); let lr = bounds.getSouthEast(); //context.fillText(JSON.stringify(coords), 0, 12); //context.fillText(`${Math.round( * 100) / 100} ${Math.round(ul.lng * 100) / 100}`, 0, 24); //context.fillText(`${Math.round( * 100) / 100} ${Math.round(lr.lng * 100) / 100}`, 0, 36); let mini = document.createElement('canvas'); mini.width = Math.floor(size.x / 16.0); mini.height = Math.floor(size.y / 16.0); let mini_context = mini.getContext('2d'); let image_data = context.getImageData(0, 0, mini.width, mini.height); for (let activity of self.loaded_activities) { self.draw_activity_to_tile(image_data, mini.width, mini.height, ul, lr, activity); } //mini_context.putImageData(image_data, 0, 0); for (let x = 0; x < mini.width; x++) { for (let y = 0; y < mini.height; y++) { let start = (y * mini.width + x) * 4; let pixel = self.color_to_emoji(, start + 4)); if (pixel) { context.fillText(pixel, x * size.x / mini.width, y * size.y / mini.height + 10); } } } return tile; } }); if (this.grid_layer) { this.grid_layer.redraw(); } else { this.grid_layer = new grid_layer(); this.grid_layer.addTo(this.leaflet); } for (let activity of this.loaded_activities) { let bounds = this.activity_bounds(activity); this.min_lat = Math.min(this.min_lat,; this.min_lon = Math.min(this.min_lon, bounds.min.lng); this.max_lat = Math.max(this.max_lat,; this.max_lon = Math.max(this.max_lon, bounds.max.lng); } this.leaflet.fitBounds([ [this.min_lat, this.min_lon], [this.max_lat, this.max_lon], ]); } activity_to_color(activity) { let color = [0, 0, 0, 255]; switch (activity.sport_type) { /* Implies snow. */ case 'AlpineSki': case 'BackcountrySki': case 'NordicSki': case 'Snowshoe': case 'Snowboard': color = k_color_snow; break; /* Implies ice. */ case 'IceSkate': case 'InlineSkate': color = k_color_ice; break; /* Implies water. */ case 'Canoeing': case 'Kayaking': case 'Kitesurf': case 'Rowing': case 'Sail': case 'StandUpPaddling': case 'Surfing': case 'Swim': case 'Windsurf': color = k_color_water; break; /* Implies dirt. */ case 'EMountainBikeRide': case 'Hike': case 'MountainBikeRide': case 'RockClimbing': case 'TrailRun': color = k_color_dirt; break; /* Implies pavement. */ case 'EBikeRide': case 'GravelRide': case 'Handcycle': case 'Ride': case 'RollerSki': case 'Run': case 'Skateboard': case 'Badminton': case 'Tennis': case 'Velomobile': case 'Walk': case 'Wheelchair': color = k_color_pavement; break; /* Grass, maybe? */ case 'Golf': case 'Soccer': case 'Squash': color = k_color_grass; break; // Crossfit, // Elliptical // HighIntensityIntervalTraining // Pickleball // Pilates // Racquetball // StairStepper // TableTennis, // VirtualRide // VirtualRow // VirtualRun // WeightTraining // Workout // Yoga default: color = k_color_default; } return color; } line(image_data, x0, y0, x1, y1, value) { /* <3 */ let dx = Math.abs(x1 - x0); let sx = x0 < x1 ? 1 : -1; let dy = -Math.abs(y1 - y0); let sy = y0 < y1 ? 1 : -1; let error = dx + dy; while (true) { if (x0 >= 0 && y0 >= 0 && x0 < image_data.width && y0 < image_data.height) { let base = (y0 * image_data.width + x0) * 4;[base + 0] = value[0];[base + 1] = value[1];[base + 2] = value[2];[base + 3] = value[3]; } if (x0 == x1 && y0 == y1) { break; } let e2 = 2 * error; if (e2 >= dy) { if (x0 == x1) { break; } error += dy; x0 = Math.round(x0 + sx); } if (e2 <= dx) { if (y0 == y1) { break; } error += dx; y0 = Math.round(y0 + sy); } } } draw_activity_to_tile(image_data, width, height, ul, lr, activity) { let color = this.activity_to_color(activity); if (activity?.map?.polyline) { let last; for (let pt of polyline.decode( { let px = [ Math.floor(width * (pt[1] - ul.lng) / (lr.lng - ul.lng)), Math.floor(height * (pt[0] - / ( -, ]; if (last) { this.line(image_data, last[0], last[1], px[0], px[1], color); } last = px; } } if (activity?.segments) { for (let segment of activity.segments) { let last; for (let pt of segment) { let px = [ Math.floor(width * (pt.lon - ul.lng) / (lr.lng - ul.lng)), Math.floor(height * ( - / ( -, ]; if (last) { this.line(image_data, last[0], last[1], px[0], px[1], color); } last = px; } } } } async on_upload(event) { try { let file = event.srcElement.files[0]; let xml = await file.text(); let gpx = gpx_parse(xml); let blob_id = await tfrpc.rpc.store_blob(xml); console.log('blob_id = ', blob_id); console.log(gpx); let message = { type: 'gg-activity', mentions: [ { link: `https://${}/activity/${gpx.time}`, name: 'activity_url', }, { link: blob_id, name: 'activity_data', } ], }; console.log('id =',, 'message = ', message); let id = await tfrpc.rpc.appendMessage(, message); console.log('appended message', id); alert('Activity uploaded.'); await this.get_activities_from_ssb(); } catch (e) { alert(`Error: ${JSON.stringify(e, null, 2)}`); } } upload() { let input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'file'; input.onchange = (event) => this.on_upload(event);; } render() { if (!this.user?.credentials?.session?.name) { return html`