"use strict"; var gFocus = true; var gUnread = 0; var gPresence = {}; let gSessions = {}; let gCurrentConversation; function updateTitle() { terminal.setTitle((gUnread ? "(" + gUnread.toString() + ") " : "") + "Chat"); } let kAccountsKey = JSON.stringify(["accounts", core.user.name]); function runCommand(data) { if (data.action == "addAccount") { addAccount(); } else if (data.action == "deleteAccount") { deleteAccount(data.id); } else if (data.action == "updateAccount") { delete data.action; let id = data.id; delete data.id; configureAccount(id, data); } else if (data.action == "connect") { connect(data.id); } else if (data.action == "disconnect") { disconnect(data.id); } else if (data.action == "window") { gCurrentConversation = gSessions[data.account].conversations[data.conversation]; updateConversation(); updateWindows(); } } function addAccount() { return database.get(kAccountsKey).then(function(data) { let accounts = data ? JSON.parse(data) : []; let id = 0; for (var i in accounts) { id = Math.max(id, accounts[i].id + 1); } accounts.push({name: "unnamed", id: id}); return database.set(kAccountsKey, JSON.stringify(accounts)); }).then(updateWindows); } core.register("submit", function(data) { if (data.value.submit == "Save Account") { let id = data.value.id; delete data.value.id; delete data.value.submit; configureAccount(id, data.value); } }); function configureAccount(id, updates) { return Promise.all([database.get(kAccountsKey), core.getPackages()]).then(function(results) { let accounts = results[0] ? JSON.parse(results[0]) : []; let packages = results[1]; let account; let accountIndex; for (let i in accounts) { if (accounts[i].id == id) { account = accounts[i]; accountIndex = i; } } let promises = []; if (updates) { for (let i in updates) { account[i] = updates[i]; } promises.push(database.set(kAccountsKey, JSON.stringify(accounts))); } return Promise.all(promises).then(function() { terminal.clear(); terminal.print(JSON.stringify(account)); terminal.print({input: "hidden", value: id, name: "id"}); terminal.print({input: "text", value: account.name, name: "name"}); terminal.print({command: "/command " + JSON.stringify({action: "deleteAccount", id: id}), value: "delete account"}); terminal.print({command: "/command " + JSON.stringify({action: "connect", id: id}), value: "connect"}); terminal.print({command: "/command " + JSON.stringify({action: "disconnect", id: id}), value: "disconnect"}); if (!account.type) { terminal.print("Pick account type:"); for (let i in packages) { let app = packages[i]; if (app.manifest && app.manifest.chat) { terminal.print({command: "/command " + JSON.stringify({action: "updateAccount", id: id, type: app.name}), value: app.name}); } } } else { let schema; for (let i in packages) { let app = packages[i]; if (app.name == account.type && app.manifest && app.manifest.chat) { schema = app.manifest.chat.settings; break; } } if (schema) { for (var i in schema) { let field = schema[i]; terminal.print({style: "font-weight: bold", value: field.name + ": "}, {input: field.type, name: field.name, value: account[field.name] || field.default}); } } } terminal.print({input: "submit", value: "Save Account", name: "submit"}); }).then(updateWindows); }).catch(function(error) { print("whoops", error); }); } function deleteAccount(id) { return database.get(kAccountsKey).then(function(data) { let accounts = data ? JSON.parse(data) : []; for (var i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) { if (accounts[i] && (!accounts[i].id || accounts[i].id == id)) { accounts.splice(i, 1); break; } } return database.set(kAccountsKey, JSON.stringify(accounts)); }).then(terminal.clear).then(updateWindows); } function connect(id) { return database.get(kAccountsKey).then(function(data) { let accounts = data ? JSON.parse(data) : []; let account; for (var i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) { if (accounts[i] && (!accounts[i].id || accounts[i].id == id)) { account = accounts[i]; break; } } if (account) { let self = {account: account}; let options = {callback: chatCallback.bind(self)}; for (var i in account) { options[i] = account[i]; } return core.getService("chat", account.type).then(function(service) { return service.postMessage(options).then(function(sessions) { let session = sessions[0]; self.session = session; gSessions[id] = session; session.conversations = {}; getConversation(session, {}); session.getConversations().then(function(conversations) { for (let j in conversations) { getConversation(session, {conversation: conversations[j]}); } }); }); }); } }).catch(function(error) { print(error); }); } function disconnect(id) { gSessions[id].disconnect(); } function updateWindows() { database.get(kAccountsKey).then(function(data) { let accounts = data ? JSON.parse(data) : []; terminal.cork(); terminal.select("windows"); terminal.clear(); terminal.print({style: "font-size: x-large", value: "Windows"}); for (let i in accounts) { let account = accounts[i]; terminal.print({style: "font-size: large", command: "/command " + JSON.stringify({action: "updateAccount", id: account.id}), value: account.name}); if (gSessions[account.id] && gSessions[account.id].conversations) { let conversations = gSessions[account.id].conversations; for (let j in conversations) { terminal.print({ command: "/command " + JSON.stringify({action: "window", account: account.id, conversation: j}), value: j ? j : "", style: (conversations[j] == gCurrentConversation ? "font-weight: bold; " : "") + "color: white", }); } } } terminal.print({style: "color: yellow", command: "/command " + JSON.stringify({action: "addAccount"}), value: "add account"}); terminal.select("terminal"); terminal.uncork(); }).catch(function(error) { print(error); }); } function updateConversation() { if (gCurrentConversation) { Promise.all([ gCurrentConversation.session.getHistory(gCurrentConversation.name), gCurrentConversation.session.getParticipants(gCurrentConversation.name), ]).then(function(data) { let history = data[0]; let participants = data[1]; gCurrentConversation.messages = history; gCurrentConversation.participants = participants; terminal.cork(); terminal.select("terminal"); terminal.clear(); for (var i in gCurrentConversation.messages) { printMessage(gCurrentConversation.messages[i]); } updateUsers(); terminal.uncork(); }).catch(function(error) { terminal.print(error); }); } } function updateUsers() { terminal.cork(); terminal.select("users"); terminal.clear(); terminal.print({style: "font-size: x-large", value: "Users"}); if (gCurrentConversation) { gCurrentConversation.participants.sort(); for (var i in gCurrentConversation.participants) { terminal.print(gCurrentConversation.participants[i]); } } terminal.select("terminal"); terminal.uncork(); } terminal.cork(); terminal.split([ {type: "horizontal", children: [ {name: "windows", basis: "2in", grow: "0", shrink: "0"}, {name: "terminal", grow: "1"}, {name: "users", basis: "2in", grow: "0", shrink: "0"}, ]}, ]); updateTitle(); updateWindows(); updateUsers(); terminal.setEcho(false); terminal.select("terminal"); terminal.print("~Friends Chat"); terminal.uncork(); function getConversation(session, message) { let result; for (var i in gSessions) { if (session == gSessions[i]) { let key = message.conversation || message.from || ""; if (!session.conversations[key]) { session.conversations[key] = { session: session, name: key, messages: [], sendMessage: function(message) { return session.sendMessage(key, message); }, }; updateWindows(); } result = session.conversations[key]; break; } } if (result && !gCurrentConversation) { gCurrentConversation = result; } return result; } function chatCallback(event) { try { if (event.action == "message") { let conversation = getConversation(this.session, event); if (conversation == gCurrentConversation) { printMessage(event); } conversation.messages.push(event); if (!gFocus) { gUnread++; updateTitle(); } } else if (event.action == "presence") { let conversation = event.jid.split('/', 2)[0]; if (gCurrentConversation.name == conversation) { let index = gCurrentConversation.participants.indexOf(event.name); if (event.type == "unavailable") { if (index != -1) { gCurrentConversation.participants.splice(index, 1); updateUsers(); terminal.print(new Date().toString(), ": ", event.name + " has left the room."); } } else { if (index == -1) { gCurrentConversation.participants.push(event.name); updateUsers(); terminal.print(new Date().toString(), ": ", event.name + " has joined the room."); } } } } else { terminal.print("Unhandled event: ", JSON.stringify(event)); } } catch (error) { terminal.print("chatCallback: ", error); } }; core.register("onInput", function(input) { if (input.substring(0, "/command ".length) == "/command ") { runCommand(JSON.parse(input.substring("/command ".length))); } else if (gCurrentConversation) { gCurrentConversation.sendMessage(input).catch(function(error) { terminal.print("Message not sent: ", error); }); } }); function niceTime(lastTime, thisTime) { if (!lastTime) { return thisTime; } let result = []; let lastParts = lastTime.split(" "); let thisParts = thisTime.split(" "); for (let i = 0; i < thisParts.length; i++) { if (thisParts[i] !== lastParts[i]) { result.push(thisParts[i]); } } return result.join(" "); } function formatMessage(message) { var result; if (typeof message == "string") { result = []; var regex = /(\w+:\/*\S+?)(?=(?:[\.!?])?(?:$|\s))/gi; var match; var lastIndex = 0; while ((match = regex.exec(message)) !== null) { result.push({class: "base1", value: message.substring(lastIndex, match.index)}); result.push({href: match[0]}); lastIndex = regex.lastIndex; } result.push({class: "base1", value: message.substring(lastIndex)}); } else { result = message; } return result; } var lastTimestamp = null; function printMessage(message) { var now = message.timestamp || new Date().toString(); var from = message.from || "unknown"; terminal.print( {class: "base0", value: niceTime(lastTimestamp, now)}, " ", {class: "base00", value: "<"}, {class: "base3", value: from}, {class: "base00", value: ">"}, " ", formatMessage(message.message)); lastTimestamp = now; } core.register("focus", function() { gFocus = true; gUnread = 0; updateTitle(); }); core.register("blur", function() { gFocus = false; }); // Connect all accounts on start. Promise.all([database.get(kAccountsKey), core.getPackages()]).then(function(results) { let accounts = results[0] ? JSON.parse(results[0]) : []; for (let i in accounts) { connect(accounts[i].id); } });