/* Copyright libuv project contributors. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifdef _WIN32 #include "uv.h" #include "task.h" #include <errno.h> #include <io.h> #include <string.h> #include <windows.h> #define ESC "\x1b" #define EUR_UTF8 "\xe2\x82\xac" #define EUR_UNICODE 0x20AC const char* expect_str = NULL; ssize_t expect_nread = 0; static void dump_str(const char* str, ssize_t len) { ssize_t i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "%#02x ", *(str + i)); } } static void print_err_msg(const char* expect, ssize_t expect_len, const char* found, ssize_t found_len) { fprintf(stderr, "expect "); dump_str(expect, expect_len); fprintf(stderr, ", but found "); dump_str(found, found_len); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } static void tty_alloc(uv_handle_t* handle, size_t size, uv_buf_t* buf) { buf->base = malloc(size); ASSERT_NOT_NULL(buf->base); buf->len = size; } static void tty_read(uv_stream_t* tty_in, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf) { if (nread > 0) { if (nread != expect_nread) { fprintf(stderr, "expected nread %ld, but found %ld\n", (long)expect_nread, (long)nread); print_err_msg(expect_str, expect_nread, buf->base, nread); ASSERT(FALSE); } if (strncmp(buf->base, expect_str, nread) != 0) { print_err_msg(expect_str, expect_nread, buf->base, nread); ASSERT(FALSE); } uv_close((uv_handle_t*) tty_in, NULL); } else { ASSERT(nread == 0); } } static void make_key_event_records(WORD virt_key, DWORD ctr_key_state, BOOL is_wsl, INPUT_RECORD* records) { # define KEV(I) records[(I)].Event.KeyEvent BYTE kb_state[256] = {0}; WCHAR buf[2]; int ret; records[0].EventType = records[1].EventType = KEY_EVENT; KEV(0).bKeyDown = TRUE; KEV(1).bKeyDown = FALSE; KEV(0).wVirtualKeyCode = KEV(1).wVirtualKeyCode = virt_key; KEV(0).wRepeatCount = KEV(1).wRepeatCount = 1; KEV(0).wVirtualScanCode = KEV(1).wVirtualScanCode = MapVirtualKeyW(virt_key, MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC); KEV(0).dwControlKeyState = KEV(1).dwControlKeyState = ctr_key_state; if (ctr_key_state & LEFT_ALT_PRESSED) { kb_state[VK_LMENU] = 0x01; } if (ctr_key_state & RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED) { kb_state[VK_RMENU] = 0x01; } if (ctr_key_state & LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED) { kb_state[VK_LCONTROL] = 0x01; } if (ctr_key_state & RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED) { kb_state[VK_RCONTROL] = 0x01; } if (ctr_key_state & SHIFT_PRESSED) { kb_state[VK_SHIFT] = 0x01; } ret = ToUnicode(virt_key, KEV(0).wVirtualScanCode, kb_state, buf, 2, 0); if (ret == 1) { if(!is_wsl && ((ctr_key_state & LEFT_ALT_PRESSED) || (ctr_key_state & RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED))) { /* * If ALT key is pressed, the UnicodeChar value of the keyup event is * set to 0 on nomal console. Emulate this behavior. * See https://github.com/Microsoft/console/issues/320 */ KEV(0).uChar.UnicodeChar = buf[0]; KEV(1).uChar.UnicodeChar = 0; } else{ /* * In WSL UnicodeChar is normally set. This behavior cause #2111. */ KEV(0).uChar.UnicodeChar = KEV(1).uChar.UnicodeChar = buf[0]; } } else { KEV(0).uChar.UnicodeChar = KEV(1).uChar.UnicodeChar = 0; } # undef KEV } TEST_IMPL(tty_duplicate_vt100_fn_key) { int r; int ttyin_fd; uv_tty_t tty_in; uv_loop_t* loop; HANDLE handle; INPUT_RECORD records[2]; DWORD written; loop = uv_default_loop(); /* Make sure we have an FD that refers to a tty */ handle = CreateFileA("conin$", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); ASSERT(handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); ttyin_fd = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t) handle, 0); ASSERT(ttyin_fd >= 0); ASSERT(UV_TTY == uv_guess_handle(ttyin_fd)); r = uv_tty_init(uv_default_loop(), &tty_in, ttyin_fd, 1); /* Readable. */ ASSERT(r == 0); ASSERT(uv_is_readable((uv_stream_t*) &tty_in)); ASSERT(!uv_is_writable((uv_stream_t*) &tty_in)); r = uv_read_start((uv_stream_t*)&tty_in, tty_alloc, tty_read); ASSERT(r == 0); expect_str = ESC"[[A"; expect_nread = strlen(expect_str); /* Turn on raw mode. */ r = uv_tty_set_mode(&tty_in, UV_TTY_MODE_RAW); ASSERT(r == 0); /* * Send F1 keystrokes. Test of issue cause by #2114 that vt100 fn key * duplicate. */ make_key_event_records(VK_F1, 0, TRUE, records); WriteConsoleInputW(handle, records, ARRAY_SIZE(records), &written); ASSERT(written == ARRAY_SIZE(records)); uv_run(loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT); MAKE_VALGRIND_HAPPY(loop); return 0; } TEST_IMPL(tty_duplicate_alt_modifier_key) { int r; int ttyin_fd; uv_tty_t tty_in; uv_loop_t* loop; HANDLE handle; INPUT_RECORD records[2]; INPUT_RECORD alt_records[2]; DWORD written; loop = uv_default_loop(); /* Make sure we have an FD that refers to a tty */ handle = CreateFileA("conin$", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); ASSERT(handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); ttyin_fd = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t) handle, 0); ASSERT(ttyin_fd >= 0); ASSERT(UV_TTY == uv_guess_handle(ttyin_fd)); r = uv_tty_init(uv_default_loop(), &tty_in, ttyin_fd, 1); /* Readable. */ ASSERT(r == 0); ASSERT(uv_is_readable((uv_stream_t*) &tty_in)); ASSERT(!uv_is_writable((uv_stream_t*) &tty_in)); r = uv_read_start((uv_stream_t*)&tty_in, tty_alloc, tty_read); ASSERT(r == 0); expect_str = ESC"a"ESC"a"; expect_nread = strlen(expect_str); /* Turn on raw mode. */ r = uv_tty_set_mode(&tty_in, UV_TTY_MODE_RAW); ASSERT(r == 0); /* Emulate transmission of M-a at normal console */ make_key_event_records(VK_MENU, 0, TRUE, alt_records); WriteConsoleInputW(handle, &alt_records[0], 1, &written); ASSERT(written == 1); make_key_event_records(L'A', LEFT_ALT_PRESSED, FALSE, records); WriteConsoleInputW(handle, records, ARRAY_SIZE(records), &written); ASSERT(written == 2); WriteConsoleInputW(handle, &alt_records[1], 1, &written); ASSERT(written == 1); /* Emulate transmission of M-a at WSL(#2111) */ make_key_event_records(VK_MENU, 0, TRUE, alt_records); WriteConsoleInputW(handle, &alt_records[0], 1, &written); ASSERT(written == 1); make_key_event_records(L'A', LEFT_ALT_PRESSED, TRUE, records); WriteConsoleInputW(handle, records, ARRAY_SIZE(records), &written); ASSERT(written == 2); WriteConsoleInputW(handle, &alt_records[1], 1, &written); ASSERT(written == 1); uv_run(loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT); MAKE_VALGRIND_HAPPY(loop); return 0; } TEST_IMPL(tty_composing_character) { int r; int ttyin_fd; uv_tty_t tty_in; uv_loop_t* loop; HANDLE handle; INPUT_RECORD records[2]; INPUT_RECORD alt_records[2]; DWORD written; loop = uv_default_loop(); /* Make sure we have an FD that refers to a tty */ handle = CreateFileA("conin$", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); ASSERT(handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); ttyin_fd = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t) handle, 0); ASSERT(ttyin_fd >= 0); ASSERT(UV_TTY == uv_guess_handle(ttyin_fd)); r = uv_tty_init(uv_default_loop(), &tty_in, ttyin_fd, 1); /* Readable. */ ASSERT(r == 0); ASSERT(uv_is_readable((uv_stream_t*) &tty_in)); ASSERT(!uv_is_writable((uv_stream_t*) &tty_in)); r = uv_read_start((uv_stream_t*)&tty_in, tty_alloc, tty_read); ASSERT(r == 0); expect_str = EUR_UTF8; expect_nread = strlen(expect_str); /* Turn on raw mode. */ r = uv_tty_set_mode(&tty_in, UV_TTY_MODE_RAW); ASSERT(r == 0); /* Emulate EUR inputs by LEFT ALT+NUMPAD ASCII KeyComos */ make_key_event_records(VK_MENU, 0, FALSE, alt_records); alt_records[1].Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar = EUR_UNICODE; WriteConsoleInputW(handle, &alt_records[0], 1, &written); make_key_event_records(VK_NUMPAD0, LEFT_ALT_PRESSED, FALSE, records); WriteConsoleInputW(handle, records, ARRAY_SIZE(records), &written); ASSERT(written == ARRAY_SIZE(records)); make_key_event_records(VK_NUMPAD1, LEFT_ALT_PRESSED, FALSE, records); WriteConsoleInputW(handle, records, ARRAY_SIZE(records), &written); ASSERT(written == ARRAY_SIZE(records)); make_key_event_records(VK_NUMPAD2, LEFT_ALT_PRESSED, FALSE, records); WriteConsoleInputW(handle, records, ARRAY_SIZE(records), &written); ASSERT(written == ARRAY_SIZE(records)); make_key_event_records(VK_NUMPAD8, LEFT_ALT_PRESSED, FALSE, records); WriteConsoleInputW(handle, records, ARRAY_SIZE(records), &written); ASSERT(written == ARRAY_SIZE(records)); WriteConsoleInputW(handle, &alt_records[1], 1, &written); uv_run(loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT); MAKE_VALGRIND_HAPPY(loop); return 0; } #else typedef int file_has_no_tests; /* ISO C forbids an empty translation unit. */ #endif /* ifndef _WIN32 */