2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
# include "ssb.db.h"
# include "ssb.h"
# include "trace.h"
# include <base64c.h>
# include <sodium/crypto_hash_sha256.h>
# include <sqlite3.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
static void _tf_ssb_db_exec ( sqlite3 * db , const char * statement )
char * error = NULL ;
int result = sqlite3_exec ( db , statement , NULL , NULL , & error ) ;
if ( result ! = SQLITE_OK )
printf ( " Error running '%s': %s. \n " , statement , error ) ;
abort ( ) ;
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
void tf_ssb_db_init ( tf_ssb_t * ssb )
sqlite3 * db = tf_ssb_get_db ( ssb ) ;
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
_tf_ssb_db_exec ( db , " PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL " ) ;
_tf_ssb_db_exec ( db , " PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL " ) ;
_tf_ssb_db_exec ( db ,
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
" author TEXT, "
" sequence INTEGER, "
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
" timestamp REAL, "
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
" previous TEXT, "
" hash TEXT, "
" content TEXT, "
" signature TEXT, "
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
" sequence_before_author INTEGER, "
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
" UNIQUE(author, sequence) "
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
" ) " ) ;
_tf_ssb_db_exec ( db , " CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS messages_author_id_index ON messages (author, id) " ) ;
_tf_ssb_db_exec ( db , " CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS messages_author_sequence_index ON messages (author, sequence) " ) ;
_tf_ssb_db_exec ( db , " CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS messages_author_timestamp_index ON messages (author, timestamp) " ) ;
_tf_ssb_db_exec ( db ,
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
" content BLOB, "
" created INTEGER "
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
" ) " ) ;
_tf_ssb_db_exec ( db ,
2021-09-06 17:50:38 +00:00
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
" ) " ) ;
_tf_ssb_db_exec ( db ,
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
" id TEXT, "
" key TEXT, "
" value TEXT, "
" UNIQUE(id, key) "
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
" ) " ) ;
_tf_ssb_db_exec ( db ,
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS connections ( "
" host TEXT, "
" port INTEGER, "
" key TEXT, "
" last_attempt INTEGER, "
" last_success INTEGER, "
" UNIQUE(host, port, key) "
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
" ) " ) ;
bool need_add_sequence_before_author = true ;
bool need_convert_timestamp_to_real = false ;
sqlite3_stmt * statement = NULL ;
if ( sqlite3_prepare ( db , " PRAGMA table_info(messages) " , - 1 , & statement , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK )
2022-02-12 02:51:43 +00:00
int result = SQLITE_OK ;
while ( ( result = sqlite3_step ( statement ) ) = = SQLITE_ROW )
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
const char * name = ( const char * ) sqlite3_column_text ( statement , 1 ) ;
2022-02-12 02:51:43 +00:00
const char * type = ( const char * ) sqlite3_column_text ( statement , 2 ) ;
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
if ( name & & type & & strcmp ( name , " timestamp " ) = = 0 & & strcmp ( type , " INTEGER " ) = = 0 )
need_convert_timestamp_to_real = true ;
if ( name & & strcmp ( name , " sequence_before_author " ) = = 0 )
need_add_sequence_before_author = false ;
sqlite3_finalize ( statement ) ;
if ( need_convert_timestamp_to_real )
2022-02-12 02:51:43 +00:00
printf ( " Converting timestamp column from INTEGER to REAL. \n " ) ;
_tf_ssb_db_exec ( db , " BEGIN TRANSACTION " ) ;
_tf_ssb_db_exec ( db , " DROP INDEX IF EXISTS messages_author_timestamp_index " ) ;
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
_tf_ssb_db_exec ( db , " ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN timestamp_real REAL " ) ;
_tf_ssb_db_exec ( db , " UPDATE messages SET timestamp_real = timestamp " ) ;
2022-02-12 02:51:43 +00:00
_tf_ssb_db_exec ( db , " ALTER TABLE messages DROP COLUMN timestamp " ) ;
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
_tf_ssb_db_exec ( db , " ALTER TABLE messages RENAME COLUMN timestamp_real TO timestamp " ) ;
2022-02-12 02:51:43 +00:00
_tf_ssb_db_exec ( db , " CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS messages_author_timestamp_index ON messages (author, timestamp) " ) ;
_tf_ssb_db_exec ( db , " COMMIT TRANSACTION " ) ;
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
if ( need_add_sequence_before_author )
2022-02-12 02:51:43 +00:00
printf ( " Adding sequence_before_author column. \n " ) ;
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
_tf_ssb_db_exec ( db , " ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN sequence_before_author INTEGER " ) ;
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
2022-02-06 03:51:25 +00:00
static bool _tf_ssb_db_previous_message_exists ( sqlite3 * db , const char * author , int64_t sequence , const char * previous )
bool exists = false ;
if ( sequence = = 1 )
exists = true ;
sqlite3_stmt * statement ;
if ( sqlite3_prepare ( db , " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE author = ?1 AND sequence = ?2 AND id = ?3 " , - 1 , & statement , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK )
if ( sqlite3_bind_text ( statement , 1 , author , - 1 , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK & &
sqlite3_bind_int64 ( statement , 2 , sequence - 1 ) = = SQLITE_OK & &
sqlite3_bind_text ( statement , 3 , previous , - 1 , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK & &
sqlite3_step ( statement ) = = SQLITE_ROW )
exists = sqlite3_column_int ( statement , 0 ) ! = 0 ;
sqlite3_finalize ( statement ) ;
return exists ;
2022-02-03 02:00:05 +00:00
bool tf_ssb_db_store_message ( tf_ssb_t * ssb , JSContext * context , const char * id , JSValue val , const char * signature , bool sequence_before_author )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
bool stored = false ;
JSValue previousval = JS_GetPropertyStr ( context , val , " previous " ) ;
const char * previous = JS_IsNull ( previousval ) ? NULL : JS_ToCString ( context , previousval ) ;
JSValue authorval = JS_GetPropertyStr ( context , val , " author " ) ;
const char * author = JS_ToCString ( context , authorval ) ;
int64_t sequence = - 1 ;
JS_ToInt64 ( context , & sequence , JS_GetPropertyStr ( context , val , " sequence " ) ) ;
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
double timestamp = - 1.0 ;
JS_ToFloat64 ( context , & timestamp , JS_GetPropertyStr ( context , val , " timestamp " ) ) ;
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
JSValue contentval = JS_GetPropertyStr ( context , val , " content " ) ;
JSValue content = JS_JSONStringify ( context , contentval , JS_NULL , JS_NULL ) ;
size_t content_len ;
const char * contentstr = JS_ToCStringLen ( context , & content_len , content ) ;
JS_FreeValue ( context , contentval ) ;
sqlite3 * db = tf_ssb_get_db ( ssb ) ;
sqlite3_stmt * statement ;
2021-09-06 17:50:38 +00:00
int64_t last_row_id = - 1 ;
2022-02-06 03:51:25 +00:00
if ( _tf_ssb_db_previous_message_exists ( db , author , sequence , previous ) )
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
2022-02-06 03:51:25 +00:00
const char * query = " INSERT INTO messages (id, previous, author, sequence, timestamp, content, hash, signature, sequence_before_author) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING " ;
if ( sqlite3_prepare ( db , query , - 1 , & statement , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK )
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
2022-02-06 03:51:25 +00:00
if ( sqlite3_bind_text ( statement , 1 , id , - 1 , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK & &
( previous ? sqlite3_bind_text ( statement , 2 , previous , - 1 , NULL ) : sqlite3_bind_null ( statement , 2 ) ) = = SQLITE_OK & &
sqlite3_bind_text ( statement , 3 , author , - 1 , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK & &
sqlite3_bind_int64 ( statement , 4 , sequence ) = = SQLITE_OK & &
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
sqlite3_bind_double ( statement , 5 , timestamp ) = = SQLITE_OK & &
2022-02-06 03:51:25 +00:00
sqlite3_bind_text ( statement , 6 , contentstr , content_len , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK & &
sqlite3_bind_text ( statement , 7 , " sha256 " , 6 , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK & &
sqlite3_bind_text ( statement , 8 , signature , - 1 , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK & &
sqlite3_bind_int ( statement , 9 , sequence_before_author ) = = SQLITE_OK )
2021-09-06 17:50:38 +00:00
2022-02-06 03:51:25 +00:00
int r = sqlite3_step ( statement ) ;
if ( r ! = SQLITE_DONE )
printf ( " %s \n " , sqlite3_errmsg ( db ) ) ;
stored = r = = SQLITE_DONE & & sqlite3_changes ( db ) ! = 0 ;
if ( stored )
last_row_id = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid ( db ) ;
2021-09-06 17:50:38 +00:00
2022-05-21 01:38:13 +00:00
printf ( " bind failed \n " ) ;
2022-02-06 03:51:25 +00:00
sqlite3_finalize ( statement ) ;
printf ( " prepare failed: %s \n " , sqlite3_errmsg ( db ) ) ;
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
2022-02-06 03:51:25 +00:00
printf ( " Previous message doesn't exist. \n " ) ;
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
2021-09-06 17:50:38 +00:00
if ( last_row_id ! = - 1 )
2022-02-06 03:51:25 +00:00
const char * query = " INSERT INTO blob_wants (id) SELECT DISTINCT json.value FROM messages, json_tree(messages.content) AS json LEFT OUTER JOIN blobs ON json.value = blobs.id WHERE messages.rowid = ?1 AND json.value LIKE '&%%.sha256' AND length(json.value) = ?2 AND blobs.content IS NULL ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING RETURNING id " ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
if ( sqlite3_prepare ( db , query , - 1 , & statement , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK )
2021-09-06 17:50:38 +00:00
if ( sqlite3_bind_int64 ( statement , 1 , last_row_id ) = = SQLITE_OK & &
2021-10-24 19:23:21 +00:00
sqlite3_bind_int ( statement , 2 , k_blob_id_len - 1 ) = = SQLITE_OK )
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
2021-09-06 17:50:38 +00:00
int r = SQLITE_OK ;
while ( ( r = sqlite3_step ( statement ) ) = = SQLITE_ROW )
tf_ssb_notify_blob_want_added ( ssb , ( const char * ) sqlite3_column_text ( statement , 0 ) ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
if ( r ! = SQLITE_DONE )
2021-09-06 17:50:38 +00:00
printf ( " %s \n " , sqlite3_errmsg ( db ) ) ;
sqlite3_finalize ( statement ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
2021-09-06 17:50:38 +00:00
printf ( " prepare failed: %s \n " , sqlite3_errmsg ( db ) ) ;
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
JS_FreeValue ( context , previousval ) ;
JS_FreeCString ( context , author ) ;
JS_FreeValue ( context , authorval ) ;
JS_FreeCString ( context , previous ) ;
JS_FreeCString ( context , contentstr ) ;
JS_FreeValue ( context , content ) ;
return stored ;
2021-08-22 19:41:27 +00:00
bool tf_ssb_db_message_content_get ( tf_ssb_t * ssb , const char * id , uint8_t * * out_blob , size_t * out_size )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
bool result = false ;
sqlite3_stmt * statement ;
const char * query = " SELECT content FROM messages WHERE id = ? " ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
if ( sqlite3_prepare ( tf_ssb_get_db ( ssb ) , query , - 1 , & statement , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
if ( sqlite3_bind_text ( statement , 1 , id , - 1 , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK & &
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
sqlite3_step ( statement ) = = SQLITE_ROW )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
const uint8_t * blob = sqlite3_column_blob ( statement , 0 ) ;
int size = sqlite3_column_bytes ( statement , 0 ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
if ( out_blob )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
* out_blob = malloc ( size + 1 ) ;
memcpy ( * out_blob , blob , size ) ;
( * out_blob ) [ size ] = ' \0 ' ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
if ( out_size )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
* out_size = size ;
result = true ;
sqlite3_finalize ( statement ) ;
return result ;
2021-08-22 19:41:27 +00:00
bool tf_ssb_db_blob_get ( tf_ssb_t * ssb , const char * id , uint8_t * * out_blob , size_t * out_size )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
bool result = false ;
sqlite3_stmt * statement ;
const char * query = " SELECT content FROM blobs WHERE id = $1 " ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
if ( sqlite3_prepare ( tf_ssb_get_db ( ssb ) , query , - 1 , & statement , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
if ( sqlite3_bind_text ( statement , 1 , id , - 1 , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK & &
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
sqlite3_step ( statement ) = = SQLITE_ROW )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
const uint8_t * blob = sqlite3_column_blob ( statement , 0 ) ;
int size = sqlite3_column_bytes ( statement , 0 ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
if ( out_blob )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
* out_blob = malloc ( size + 1 ) ;
2022-01-17 21:46:32 +00:00
if ( size )
memcpy ( * out_blob , blob , size ) ;
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
( * out_blob ) [ size ] = ' \0 ' ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
if ( out_size )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
* out_size = size ;
result = true ;
sqlite3_finalize ( statement ) ;
return result ;
2021-08-22 19:41:27 +00:00
bool tf_ssb_db_blob_store ( tf_ssb_t * ssb , const uint8_t * blob , size_t size , char * out_id , size_t out_id_size )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
bool result = false ;
sqlite3 * db = tf_ssb_get_db ( ssb ) ;
sqlite3_stmt * statement ;
uint8_t hash [ crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES ] ;
crypto_hash_sha256 ( hash , blob , size ) ;
char hash64 [ 256 ] ;
base64c_encode ( hash , sizeof ( hash ) , ( uint8_t * ) hash64 , sizeof ( hash64 ) ) ;
char id [ 512 ] ;
snprintf ( id , sizeof ( id ) , " &%s.sha256 " , hash64 ) ;
2022-01-09 01:32:33 +00:00
int rows = 0 ;
2021-10-31 21:15:18 +00:00
if ( sqlite3_prepare ( db , " INSERT INTO blobs (id, content, created) VALUES ($1, $2, CAST(strftime('%s') AS INTEGER)) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING " , - 1 , & statement , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK )
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
if ( sqlite3_bind_text ( statement , 1 , id , - 1 , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK & &
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
sqlite3_bind_blob ( statement , 2 , blob , size , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
result = sqlite3_step ( statement ) = = SQLITE_DONE ;
2022-01-09 01:32:33 +00:00
rows = sqlite3_changes ( db ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
printf ( " bind failed: %s \n " , sqlite3_errmsg ( db ) ) ;
sqlite3_finalize ( statement ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
printf ( " prepare failed: %s \n " , sqlite3_errmsg ( db ) ) ;
2022-01-09 01:32:33 +00:00
if ( rows )
printf ( " blob stored %s %zd => %d \n " , id , size , result ) ;
2021-10-31 21:15:18 +00:00
if ( result )
if ( sqlite3_prepare ( db , " DELETE FROM blob_wants WHERE id = ?1 " , - 1 , & statement , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK )
if ( sqlite3_bind_text ( statement , 1 , id , - 1 , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK )
sqlite3_step ( statement ) ;
sqlite3_finalize ( statement ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
if ( result & & out_id )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
snprintf ( out_id , out_id_size , " %s " , id ) ;
return result ;
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
bool tf_ssb_db_get_message_by_author_and_sequence ( tf_ssb_t * ssb , const char * author , int64_t sequence , char * out_message_id , size_t out_message_id_size , double * out_timestamp , char * * out_content )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
bool found = false ;
sqlite3_stmt * statement ;
const char * query = " SELECT id, timestamp, content FROM messages WHERE author = $1 AND sequence = $2 " ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
if ( sqlite3_prepare ( tf_ssb_get_db ( ssb ) , query , - 1 , & statement , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
if ( sqlite3_bind_text ( statement , 1 , author , - 1 , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK & &
sqlite3_bind_int64 ( statement , 2 , sequence ) = = SQLITE_OK & &
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
sqlite3_step ( statement ) = = SQLITE_ROW )
if ( out_message_id )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
strncpy ( out_message_id , ( const char * ) sqlite3_column_text ( statement , 0 ) , out_message_id_size - 1 ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
if ( out_timestamp )
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
* out_timestamp = sqlite3_column_double ( statement , 1 ) ;
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
if ( out_content )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
* out_content = strdup ( ( const char * ) sqlite3_column_text ( statement , 2 ) ) ;
found = true ;
sqlite3_finalize ( statement ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
printf ( " prepare failed: %s \n " , sqlite3_errmsg ( tf_ssb_get_db ( ssb ) ) ) ;
return found ;
2021-08-22 19:41:27 +00:00
bool tf_ssb_db_get_latest_message_by_author ( tf_ssb_t * ssb , const char * author , int64_t * out_sequence , char * out_message_id , size_t out_message_id_size )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
bool found = false ;
sqlite3_stmt * statement ;
const char * query = " SELECT id, sequence FROM messages WHERE author = $1 AND sequence = (SELECT MAX(sequence) FROM messages WHERE author = $1) " ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
if ( sqlite3_prepare ( tf_ssb_get_db ( ssb ) , query , - 1 , & statement , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
if ( sqlite3_bind_text ( statement , 1 , author , - 1 , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK & &
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
sqlite3_step ( statement ) = = SQLITE_ROW )
if ( out_sequence )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
* out_sequence = sqlite3_column_int64 ( statement , 1 ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
if ( out_message_id )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
strncpy ( out_message_id , ( const char * ) sqlite3_column_text ( statement , 0 ) , out_message_id_size - 1 ) ;
found = true ;
sqlite3_finalize ( statement ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
printf ( " prepare failed: %s \n " , sqlite3_errmsg ( tf_ssb_get_db ( ssb ) ) ) ;
return found ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
static bool _tf_ssb_sqlite_bind_json ( JSContext * context , sqlite3 * db , sqlite3_stmt * statement , JSValue binds )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
bool all_bound = true ;
int32_t length = 0 ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
if ( JS_IsUndefined ( binds ) )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
return true ;
JSValue lengthval = JS_GetPropertyStr ( context , binds , " length " ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
if ( JS_ToInt32 ( context , & length , lengthval ) = = 0 )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < length ; i + + )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
JSValue value = JS_GetPropertyUint32 ( context , binds , i ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
if ( JS_IsString ( value ) )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
size_t str_len = 0 ;
const char * str = JS_ToCStringLen ( context , & str_len , value ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
if ( str )
if ( sqlite3_bind_text ( statement , i + 1 , str , str_len , SQLITE_TRANSIENT ) ! = SQLITE_OK )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
printf ( " failed to bind: %s \n " , sqlite3_errmsg ( db ) ) ;
all_bound = false ;
JS_FreeCString ( context , str ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
printf ( " expected cstring \n " ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
else if ( JS_IsNumber ( value ) )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
int64_t number = 0 ;
JS_ToInt64 ( context , & number , value ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
if ( sqlite3_bind_int64 ( statement , i + 1 , number ) ! = SQLITE_OK )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
printf ( " failed to bind: %s \n " , sqlite3_errmsg ( db ) ) ;
all_bound = false ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
else if ( JS_IsNull ( value ) )
if ( sqlite3_bind_null ( statement , i + 1 ) ! = SQLITE_OK )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
printf ( " failed to bind: %s \n " , sqlite3_errmsg ( db ) ) ;
all_bound = false ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
const char * str = JS_ToCString ( context , value ) ;
printf ( " expected string: %s \n " , str ) ;
JS_FreeCString ( context , str ) ;
2021-09-06 20:54:44 +00:00
JS_FreeValue ( context , value ) ;
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
printf ( " expected array \n " ) ;
JS_FreeValue ( context , lengthval ) ;
return all_bound ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
static JSValue _tf_ssb_sqlite_row_to_json ( JSContext * context , sqlite3_stmt * row )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
JSValue result = JS_NewObject ( context ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sqlite3_column_count ( row ) ; i + + )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
const char * name = sqlite3_column_name ( row , i ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
switch ( sqlite3_column_type ( row , i ) )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
JS_SetPropertyStr ( context , result , name , JS_NewInt64 ( context , sqlite3_column_int64 ( row , i ) ) ) ;
break ;
JS_SetPropertyStr ( context , result , name , JS_NewFloat64 ( context , sqlite3_column_double ( row , i ) ) ) ;
break ;
JS_SetPropertyStr ( context , result , name , JS_NewStringLen ( context , ( const char * ) sqlite3_column_text ( row , i ) , sqlite3_column_bytes ( row , i ) ) ) ;
break ;
JS_SetPropertyStr ( context , result , name , JS_NewArrayBufferCopy ( context , sqlite3_column_blob ( row , i ) , sqlite3_column_bytes ( row , i ) ) ) ;
break ;
JS_SetPropertyStr ( context , result , name , JS_NULL ) ;
break ;
return result ;
static int _tf_ssb_sqlite_authorizer ( void * user_data , int action_code , const char * arg0 , const char * arg1 , const char * arg2 , const char * arg3 )
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
switch ( action_code )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
return SQLITE_OK ;
2021-09-06 17:50:38 +00:00
( strcmp ( arg0 , " messages " ) = = 0 | |
strcmp ( arg0 , " blob_wants " ) = = 0 )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
break ;
return SQLITE_DENY ;
2022-04-18 00:24:00 +00:00
JSValue tf_ssb_db_visit_query ( tf_ssb_t * ssb , const char * query , const JSValue binds , void ( * callback ) ( JSValue row , void * user_data ) , void * user_data )
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
2022-04-18 00:24:00 +00:00
JSValue result = JS_UNDEFINED ;
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
sqlite3 * db = tf_ssb_get_db ( ssb ) ;
2022-04-18 00:24:00 +00:00
JSContext * context = tf_ssb_get_context ( ssb ) ;
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
sqlite3_stmt * statement ;
sqlite3_set_authorizer ( db , _tf_ssb_sqlite_authorizer , ssb ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
if ( sqlite3_prepare ( db , query , - 1 , & statement , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK )
if ( _tf_ssb_sqlite_bind_json ( context , db , statement , binds ) )
2022-04-18 00:24:00 +00:00
int r = SQLITE_OK ;
while ( ( r = sqlite3_step ( statement ) ) = = SQLITE_ROW )
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
JSValue row = _tf_ssb_sqlite_row_to_json ( context , statement ) ;
tf_trace_t * trace = tf_ssb_get_trace ( ssb ) ;
tf_trace_begin ( trace , " callback " ) ;
callback ( row , user_data ) ;
tf_trace_end ( trace ) ;
JS_FreeValue ( context , row ) ;
2022-04-18 00:24:00 +00:00
if ( r ! = SQLITE_DONE )
result = JS_ThrowInternalError ( context , " SQL Error %s: running \" %s \" . " , sqlite3_errmsg ( db ) , query ) ;
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
sqlite3_finalize ( statement ) ;
2021-10-10 21:51:38 +00:00
2022-04-18 00:24:00 +00:00
result = JS_ThrowInternalError ( context , " SQL Error %s: preparing \" %s \" . " , sqlite3_errmsg ( db ) , query ) ;
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
sqlite3_set_authorizer ( db , NULL , NULL ) ;
2022-04-18 00:24:00 +00:00
return result ;
2021-08-22 19:34:28 +00:00
2022-02-10 03:58:33 +00:00
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
static JSValue _tf_ssb_format_message ( JSContext * context , const char * previous , const char * author , int64_t sequence , double timestamp , const char * hash , const char * content , const char * signature , bool sequence_before_author )
2022-02-10 03:58:33 +00:00
JSValue value = JS_NewObject ( context ) ;
JS_SetPropertyStr ( context , value , " previous " , previous ? JS_NewString ( context , previous ) : JS_NULL ) ;
if ( sequence_before_author )
JS_SetPropertyStr ( context , value , " sequence " , JS_NewInt64 ( context , sequence ) ) ;
JS_SetPropertyStr ( context , value , " author " , JS_NewString ( context , author ) ) ;
JS_SetPropertyStr ( context , value , " author " , JS_NewString ( context , author ) ) ;
JS_SetPropertyStr ( context , value , " sequence " , JS_NewInt64 ( context , sequence ) ) ;
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
JS_SetPropertyStr ( context , value , " timestamp " , JS_NewFloat64 ( context , timestamp ) ) ;
2022-02-10 03:58:33 +00:00
JS_SetPropertyStr ( context , value , " hash " , JS_NewString ( context , hash ) ) ;
JS_SetPropertyStr ( context , value , " content " , JS_ParseJSON ( context , content , strlen ( content ) , NULL ) ) ;
JS_SetPropertyStr ( context , value , " signature " , JS_NewString ( context , signature ) ) ;
return value ;
bool _tf_ssb_update_message_id ( sqlite3 * db , const char * old_id , const char * new_id )
bool success = false ;
sqlite3_stmt * statement = NULL ;
if ( sqlite3_prepare ( db , " UPDATE messages SET id = ? WHERE id = ? " , - 1 , & statement , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK )
if ( sqlite3_bind_text ( statement , 1 , new_id , - 1 , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK & &
sqlite3_bind_text ( statement , 2 , old_id , - 1 , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK )
success = sqlite3_step ( statement ) = = SQLITE_DONE ;
sqlite3_finalize ( statement ) ;
return success ;
2022-02-11 02:44:27 +00:00
bool tf_ssb_db_check ( sqlite3 * db , const char * check_author )
2022-02-10 03:58:33 +00:00
JSRuntime * runtime = JS_NewRuntime ( ) ;
JSContext * context = JS_NewContext ( runtime ) ;
sqlite3_stmt * statement = NULL ;
2022-02-11 02:44:27 +00:00
int result = check_author ?
sqlite3_prepare ( db , " SELECT id, previous, author, sequence, timestamp, hash, content, signature, sequence_before_author FROM messages WHERE author = ? ORDER BY author, sequence " , - 1 , & statement , NULL ) :
sqlite3_prepare ( db , " SELECT id, previous, author, sequence, timestamp, hash, content, signature, sequence_before_author FROM messages ORDER BY author, sequence " , - 1 , & statement , NULL ) ;
if ( result = = SQLITE_OK )
2022-02-10 03:58:33 +00:00
2022-02-11 02:44:27 +00:00
if ( check_author )
sqlite3_bind_text ( statement , 1 , check_author , - 1 , NULL ) ;
2022-02-10 03:58:33 +00:00
char previous_id [ k_id_base64_len ] ;
while ( sqlite3_step ( statement ) = = SQLITE_ROW )
const char * id = ( const char * ) sqlite3_column_text ( statement , 0 ) ;
const char * previous = ( const char * ) sqlite3_column_text ( statement , 1 ) ;
const char * author = ( const char * ) sqlite3_column_text ( statement , 2 ) ;
int64_t sequence = sqlite3_column_int64 ( statement , 3 ) ;
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
double timestamp = sqlite3_column_double ( statement , 4 ) ;
2022-02-10 03:58:33 +00:00
const char * hash = ( const char * ) sqlite3_column_text ( statement , 5 ) ;
const char * content = ( const char * ) sqlite3_column_text ( statement , 6 ) ;
const char * signature = ( const char * ) sqlite3_column_text ( statement , 7 ) ;
bool sequence_before_author = sqlite3_column_int ( statement , 8 ) ;
JSValue message = _tf_ssb_format_message ( context , previous , author , sequence , timestamp , hash , content , signature , sequence_before_author ) ;
char out_signature [ 512 ] ;
char actual_id [ k_id_base64_len ] ;
bool actual_sequence_before_author = false ;
JSValue j = JS_JSONStringify ( context , message , JS_NULL , JS_NewInt32 ( context , 2 ) ) ;
const char * jv = JS_ToCString ( context , j ) ;
if ( tf_ssb_verify_and_strip_signature ( context , message , actual_id , sizeof ( actual_id ) , out_signature , sizeof ( out_signature ) , & actual_sequence_before_author ) )
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
if ( previous & & strcmp ( previous , previous_id ) )
2022-02-10 03:58:33 +00:00
printf ( " %s:%d previous was %s should be %s \n " , id , ( int ) sequence , previous_id , previous ) ;
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
2022-02-10 03:58:33 +00:00
if ( strcmp ( id , actual_id ) )
if ( _tf_ssb_update_message_id ( db , id , actual_id ) )
printf ( " updated %s to %s \n " , id , actual_id ) ;
printf ( " failed to update %s to %s \n " , id , actual_id ) ;
2022-02-12 01:44:11 +00:00
printf ( " %s sequence=% " PRId64 " unable to verify signature for %s sequence_before_author=%d message=[%.*s] \n " , author , sequence , id , sequence_before_author , ( int ) strlen ( jv ) , jv ) ;
2022-02-12 02:51:43 +00:00
printf ( " Deleting author = %s sequence >= % " PRId64 " . \n " , author , sequence ) ;
sqlite3_stmt * delete_statement = NULL ;
if ( sqlite3_prepare ( db , " DELETE FROM messages WHERE author = ? AND sequence >= ? " , - 1 , & delete_statement , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK )
if ( sqlite3_bind_text ( delete_statement , 1 , author , - 1 , NULL ) = = SQLITE_OK & &
sqlite3_bind_int64 ( delete_statement , 2 , sequence ) = = SQLITE_OK )
if ( sqlite3_step ( delete_statement ) ! = SQLITE_DONE )
printf ( " Error deleting author = %s sequence >= % " PRId64 " . \n " , author , sequence ) ;
sqlite3_finalize ( delete_statement ) ;
2022-02-10 03:58:33 +00:00
JS_FreeCString ( context , jv ) ;
JS_FreeValue ( context , j ) ;
snprintf ( previous_id , sizeof ( previous_id ) , " %s " , id ) ;
JS_FreeValue ( context , message ) ;
sqlite3_finalize ( statement ) ;
JS_FreeContext ( context ) ;
JS_FreeRuntime ( runtime ) ;
return false ;