forked from cory/tildefriends

267 lines
7.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

let g_about_cache = {};
async function query(sql, args) {
let result = [];
await ssb.sqlAsync(sql, args, function(row) {
return result;
async function contacts_internal(id, last_row_id, following, max_row_id) {
let result = Object.assign({}, following[id] || {});
result.following = result.following || {};
result.blocking = result.blocking || {};
let contacts = await query(
SELECT content FROM messages
WHERE author = ? AND
rowid > ? AND
rowid <= ? AND
json_extract(content, '$.type') = 'contact'
ORDER BY sequence
[id, last_row_id, max_row_id]);
for (let row of contacts) {
let contact = JSON.parse(row.content);
if (contact.following === true) {
result.following[contact.contact] = true;
} else if (contact.following === false) {
delete result.following[contact.contact];
} else if (contact.blocking === true) {
result.blocking[contact.contact] = true;
} else if (contact.blocking === false) {
delete result.blocking[contact.contact];
following[id] = result;
return result;
async function contact(id, last_row_id, following, max_row_id) {
return await contacts_internal(id, last_row_id, following, max_row_id);
async function following_deep_internal(ids, depth, blocking, last_row_id, following, max_row_id) {
let contacts = await Promise.all([...new Set(ids)].map(x => contact(x, last_row_id, following, max_row_id)));
let result = {};
for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
let id = ids[i];
let contact = contacts[i];
let all_blocking = Object.assign({}, contact.blocking, blocking);
let found = Object.keys(contact.following).filter(y => !all_blocking[y]);
let deeper = depth > 1 ? await following_deep_internal(found, depth - 1, all_blocking, last_row_id, following, max_row_id) : [];
result[id] = [id, ...found, ...deeper];
return [...new Set(Object.values(result).flat())];
async function following_deep(ids, depth, blocking) {
let db = await database('cache');
const k_cache_version = 5;
let cache = await db.get('following');
cache = cache ? JSON.parse(cache) : {};
if (cache.version !== k_cache_version) {
cache = {
version: k_cache_version,
following: {},
last_row_id: 0,
let max_row_id = (await query(`
SELECT MAX(rowid) AS max_row_id FROM messages
`, []))[0].max_row_id;
let result = await following_deep_internal(ids, depth, blocking, cache.last_row_id, cache.following, max_row_id);
cache.last_row_id = max_row_id;
let store = JSON.stringify(cache);
await db.set('following', store);
return result;
async function fetch_about(db, ids, users) {
const k_cache_version = 1;
let cache = await db.get('about');
cache = cache ? JSON.parse(cache) : {};
if (cache.version !== k_cache_version) {
cache = {
version: k_cache_version,
about: {},
last_row_id: 0,
let max_row_id = 0;
await ssb.sqlAsync(`
SELECT MAX(rowid) AS max_row_id FROM messages
function(row) {
max_row_id = row.max_row_id;
for (let id of Object.keys(cache.about)) {
if (ids.indexOf(id) == -1) {
delete cache.about[id];
let abouts = [];
await ssb.sqlAsync(
json_each(?1) AS following
messages.author = following.value AND
messages.rowid > ?3 AND
messages.rowid <= ?4 AND
json_extract(messages.content, '$.type') = 'about'
json_each(?2) AS following
messages.author = following.value AND
messages.rowid <= ?4 AND
json_extract(messages.content, '$.type') = 'about'
ORDER BY messages.author, messages.sequence
JSON.stringify(ids.filter(id => cache.about[id])),
JSON.stringify(ids.filter(id => !cache.about[id])),
for (let about of abouts) {
let content = JSON.parse(about.content);
if (content.about === about.author) {
delete content.type;
delete content.about;
cache.about[about.author] = Object.assign(cache.about[about.author] || {}, content);
cache.last_row_id = max_row_id;
await db.set('about', JSON.stringify(cache));
users = users || {};
for (let id of Object.keys(cache.about)) {
users[id] = Object.assign(users[id] || {}, cache.about[id]);
return Object.assign({}, users);
async function getAbout(db, id) {
if (g_about_cache[id]) {
return g_about_cache[id];
let o = await db.get(id + ":about");
const k_version = 4;
let f = o ? JSON.parse(o) : o;
if (!f || f.version != k_version) {
f = {about: {}, sequence: 0, version: k_version};
await ssb.sqlAsync(
" sequence, "+
" content "+
"FROM messages "+
" author = ?1 AND "+
" sequence > ?2 AND "+
" json_extract(content, '$.type') = 'about' AND "+
" json_extract(content, '$.about') = ?1 "+
"UNION SELECT MAX(sequence) as sequence, NULL FROM messages WHERE author = ?1 "+
"ORDER BY sequence",
[id, f.sequence],
function(row) {
f.sequence = row.sequence;
if (row.content) {
let about = {};
try {
about = JSON.parse(row.content);
} catch {
delete about.about;
delete about.type;
f.about = Object.assign(f.about, about);
let j = JSON.stringify(f);
if (o != j) {
await db.set(id + ":about", j);
g_about_cache[id] = f.about;
return f.about;
async function getSize(db, id) {
let size = 0;
await ssb.sqlAsync(
"SELECT (LENGTH(author) * COUNT(*) + SUM(LENGTH(content)) + SUM(LENGTH(id))) AS size FROM messages WHERE author = ?1",
function (row) {
size += row.size;
return size;
async function getSizes(ids) {
let sizes = {};
await ssb.sqlAsync(
(SUM(LENGTH(content)) + SUM(LENGTH(author)) + SUM(LENGTH(messages.id))) AS size
FROM messages
JOIN json_each(?) AS ids ON author = ids.value
GROUP BY author
function (row) {
sizes[row.author] = row.size;
return sizes;
function niceSize(bytes) {
let value = bytes;
let unit = 'B';
const k_units = ['kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'];
for (let u of k_units) {
if (value >= 1024) {
value /= 1024;
unit = u;
} else {
return Math.round(value * 10) / 10 + ' ' + unit;
function escape(value) {
return value.replaceAll('&', '&amp;').replaceAll('<', '&lt;').replaceAll('>', '&gt;');
async function main() {
await app.setDocument('<pre style="color: #fff">building...</pre>');
let db = await database('ssb');
let whoami = await ssb.getIdentities();
let tree = '';
await app.setDocument(`<pre style="color: #fff">Enumerating followed users...</pre>`);
let following = await following_deep(whoami, 2, {});
await app.setDocument(`<pre style="color: #fff">Getting names and sizes...</pre>`);
let [about, sizes] = await Promise.all([
fetch_about(db, following, {}),
await app.setDocument(`<pre style="color: #fff">Finishing...</pre>`);
following.sort((a, b) => ((sizes[b] ?? 0) - (sizes[a] ?? 0)));
for (let id of following) {
tree += `<li><a href="/~core/ssb/#${id}">${escape(about[id]?.name ?? id)}</a> ${niceSize(sizes[id] ?? 0)}</li>\n`;
await app.setDocument('<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<body style="color: #fff"><h1>Following</h1>\n<ul>' + tree + '</ul>\n</body>\n</html>');