2021-01-02 18:10:00 +00:00
#include "ssb.h"
#include "ssb.connections.h"
#include "ssb.rpc.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <base64c.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/rand.h>
#include <quickjs.h>
#include <sodium/crypto_auth.h>
#include <sodium/crypto_box.h>
#include <sodium/crypto_hash_sha256.h>
#include <sodium/crypto_scalarmult.h>
#include <sodium/crypto_scalarmult_curve25519.h>
#include <sodium/crypto_secretbox.h>
#include <sodium/crypto_sign.h>
#include <sodium/utils.h>
#include <sqlite3.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <uv.h>
static_assert(ID_BASE64_LEN == sodium_base64_ENCODED_LEN(9 + crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL), "ID_BASE64_LEN");
static_assert(ID_BIN_LEN == crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES, "ID_BIN_LEN");
static_assert(BLOB_ID_LEN == (sodium_base64_ENCODED_LEN(crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL) + 8), "BLOB_ID_LEN");
const uint8_t k_ssb_network[] = {
0xd4, 0xa1, 0xcb, 0x88, 0xa6, 0x6f, 0x02, 0xf8,
0xdb, 0x63, 0x5c, 0xe2, 0x64, 0x41, 0xcc, 0x5d,
0xac, 0x1b, 0x08, 0x42, 0x0c, 0xea, 0xac, 0x23,
0x08, 0x39, 0xb7, 0x55, 0x84, 0x5a, 0x9f, 0xfb
const char* k_secrets_path = "/.config/tildefriends/secret";
typedef enum {
} tf_ssb_state_t;
enum {
k_connections_changed_callbacks_max = 4,
2021-01-02 19:27:41 +00:00
k_tf_ssb_rpc_message_body_length_max = 8192,
2021-01-02 18:10:00 +00:00
typedef struct _tf_ssb_broadcast_t tf_ssb_broadcast_t;
typedef struct _tf_ssb_connection_t tf_ssb_connection_t;
typedef struct _tf_ssb_request_t tf_ssb_request_t;
typedef struct _tf_ssb_request_t {
tf_ssb_request_t* next;
int32_t request_number;
tf_ssb_rpc_callback_t* callback;
void* user_data;
} tf_ssb_request_t;
typedef struct _tf_ssb_broadcast_t {
tf_ssb_broadcast_t* next;
time_t ctime;
time_t mtime;
char host[256];
struct sockaddr_in addr;
uint8_t pub[crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
} tf_ssb_broadcast_t;
typedef struct _tf_ssb_rpc_callback_node_t tf_ssb_rpc_callback_node_t;
typedef struct _tf_ssb_rpc_callback_node_t {
const char** name;
tf_ssb_rpc_callback_t* callback;
void* user_data;
tf_ssb_rpc_callback_node_t* next;
} tf_ssb_rpc_callback_node_t;
typedef struct _tf_ssb_t {
bool own_context;
JSRuntime* runtime;
JSContext* context;
tf_trace_t* trace;
sqlite3* db;
bool owns_db;
const char* secrets_path;
uv_loop_t own_loop;
uv_loop_t* loop;
uv_udp_t broadcast_listener;
uv_udp_t broadcast_sender;
uv_timer_t broadcast_timer;
uv_tcp_t server;
uint8_t pub[crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
uint8_t priv[crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES];
tf_ssb_connections_changed_callback_t* connections_changed[k_connections_changed_callbacks_max];
void* connections_changed_user_data[k_connections_changed_callbacks_max];
int connections_changed_count;
tf_ssb_connection_t* connections;
tf_ssb_connections_t* connections_tracker;
tf_ssb_rpc_t* rpc_state;
void (*broadcasts_changed)(tf_ssb_t* ssb, void* user_data);
void* broadcasts_changed_user_data;
tf_ssb_broadcast_t* broadcasts;
tf_ssb_rpc_callback_node_t* rpc;
} tf_ssb_t;
typedef struct _tf_ssb_connection_t {
tf_ssb_t* ssb;
uv_tcp_t tcp;
uv_connect_t connect;
char host[256];
int port;
tf_ssb_state_t state;
uint8_t epub[crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
uint8_t epriv[crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES];
uint8_t serverpub[crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
uint8_t serverepub[crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
uint8_t detached_signature_A[crypto_sign_BYTES];
uint8_t s_to_c_box_key[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES];
uint8_t c_to_s_box_key[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES];
uint8_t recv_buffer[8192];
size_t recv_size;
uint8_t nonce[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES];
uint8_t send_nonce[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES];
uint16_t body_len;
uint8_t body_auth_tag[16];
uint8_t rpc_recv_buffer[8 * 1024 * 1024];
uint8_t pad;
size_t rpc_recv_size;
uint32_t send_request_number;
tf_ssb_connection_t* next;
tf_ssb_request_t* requests;
} tf_ssb_connection_t;
static void _tf_ssb_connection_client_send_hello(uv_stream_t* stream);
static void _tf_ssb_connection_on_close(uv_handle_t* handle);
static void _tf_ssb_connection_close(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection, const char* reason);
static void _tf_ssb_nonce_inc(uint8_t* nonce);
static void _tf_ssb_write(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection, void* data, size_t size);
static void _tf_ssb_connection_send_close(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection)
uint8_t message_enc[34];
uint8_t nonce1[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES];
memcpy(nonce1, connection->send_nonce, sizeof(nonce1));
uint8_t header[18] = { 0 };
if (crypto_secretbox_easy(message_enc, header, sizeof(header), nonce1, connection->c_to_s_box_key) == 0) {
_tf_ssb_write(connection, message_enc, sizeof(message_enc));
} else {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "crypto_secretbox_easy close message");
static void _tf_ssb_connection_close(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection, const char* reason)
if (connection->state == k_tf_ssb_state_closing) {
} else if (connection->state == k_tf_ssb_state_verified ||
connection->state == k_tf_ssb_state_server_verified) {
2021-01-02 19:27:41 +00:00
printf("Connection %p is closing: %s.\n", connection, reason);
2021-01-02 18:10:00 +00:00
connection->state = k_tf_ssb_state_closing;
} else {
printf("closing: %s\n", reason);
uv_close((uv_handle_t*)&connection->tcp, _tf_ssb_connection_on_close);
static void _tf_ssb_connection_on_tcp_alloc(uv_handle_t* handle, size_t suggested_size, uv_buf_t* buf)
tf_ssb_connection_t* connection = handle->data;
size_t malloc_size = sizeof(connection->recv_buffer) - connection->recv_size;
buf->base = malloc(malloc_size);
buf->len = malloc_size;
static void _tf_ssb_connection_on_write(uv_write_t* req, int status)
static void _tf_ssb_write(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection, void* data, size_t size)
uv_write_t* write = malloc(sizeof(uv_write_t) + size);
*write = (uv_write_t) { .data = connection };
memcpy(write + 1, data, size);
uv_write(write, (uv_stream_t*)&connection->tcp, &(uv_buf_t) { .base = (char*)(write + 1), .len = size }, 1, _tf_ssb_connection_on_write);
static void _tf_ssb_connection_send_identity(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection, uint8_t* hmac, uint8_t* pubkey)
memcpy(connection->serverepub, pubkey, sizeof(connection->serverepub));
if (crypto_auth_hmacsha512256_verify(hmac, connection->serverepub, 32, k_ssb_network) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "invalid server hello");
uint8_t shared_secret_ab[crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_SCALARBYTES];
if (crypto_scalarmult_curve25519(shared_secret_ab, connection->epriv, connection->serverepub) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to compute shared_secret_ab as client");
uint8_t servercurvepub[crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_SCALARBYTES];
if (crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(servercurvepub, connection->serverpub) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to compute key to curve25519 as client");
uint8_t shared_secret_aB[crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_SCALARBYTES];
if (crypto_scalarmult_curve25519(shared_secret_aB, connection->epriv, servercurvepub) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to compute shared_secret_aB as client");
uint8_t hash[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES];
crypto_hash_sha256(hash, shared_secret_ab, sizeof(shared_secret_ab));
uint8_t msg[sizeof(k_ssb_network) + sizeof(connection->serverpub) + crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES];
memcpy(msg, k_ssb_network, sizeof(k_ssb_network));
memcpy(msg + sizeof(k_ssb_network), connection->serverpub, sizeof(connection->serverpub));
memcpy(msg + sizeof(k_ssb_network) + sizeof(connection->serverpub), hash, sizeof(hash));
unsigned long long siglen;
if (crypto_sign_detached(connection->detached_signature_A, &siglen, msg, sizeof(msg), connection->ssb->priv) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to compute detached_signature_A as client");
uint8_t tosend[crypto_sign_BYTES + sizeof(connection->ssb->pub)];
memcpy(tosend, connection->detached_signature_A, sizeof(connection->detached_signature_A));
memcpy(tosend + sizeof(connection->detached_signature_A), connection->ssb->pub, sizeof(connection->ssb->pub));
uint8_t nonce[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES] = { 0 };
uint8_t tohash[sizeof(k_ssb_network) + sizeof(shared_secret_ab) + sizeof(shared_secret_aB)];
memcpy(tohash, k_ssb_network, sizeof(k_ssb_network));
memcpy(tohash + sizeof(k_ssb_network), shared_secret_ab, sizeof(shared_secret_ab));
memcpy(tohash + sizeof(k_ssb_network) + sizeof(shared_secret_ab), shared_secret_aB, sizeof(shared_secret_aB));
uint8_t hash2[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES];
crypto_hash_sha256(hash2, tohash, sizeof(tohash));
uint8_t c[crypto_secretbox_MACBYTES + sizeof(tosend)];
if (crypto_secretbox_easy(c, tosend, sizeof(tosend), nonce, hash2) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to create initial secretbox as client");
static_assert(sizeof(c) == 112, "client send size");
_tf_ssb_write(connection, c, sizeof(c));
connection->state = k_tf_ssb_state_sent_identity;
static void _tf_ssb_nonce_inc(uint8_t* nonce)
int i = 23;
while (++nonce[i] == 0 && i > 0) {
static void _tf_ssb_connection_box_stream_send(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection, const uint8_t* message, size_t size)
uint8_t* message_enc = malloc(size + 34);
uint8_t nonce1[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES];
memcpy(nonce1, connection->send_nonce, sizeof(nonce1));
uint8_t nonce2[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES];
memcpy(nonce2, connection->send_nonce, sizeof(nonce2));
if (crypto_secretbox_easy(message_enc + 34 - 16, message, size, nonce2, connection->c_to_s_box_key) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to secretbox message");
uint8_t header[18];
*(uint16_t*)header = htons((uint16_t)size);
memcpy(header + sizeof(uint16_t), message_enc + 34 - 16, 16);
if (crypto_secretbox_easy(message_enc, header, sizeof(header), nonce1, connection->c_to_s_box_key) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to secretbox header");
_tf_ssb_write(connection, message_enc, size + 34);
static bool _tf_ssb_connection_get_request_callback(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection, int32_t request_number, tf_ssb_rpc_callback_t** out_callback, void** out_user_data)
bool found = false;
for (tf_ssb_request_t* it = connection->requests; it; it = it->next) {
if (it->request_number == request_number) {
if (out_callback) {
*out_callback = it->callback;
if (out_user_data) {
*out_user_data = it->user_data;
found = true;
return found;
2021-01-02 22:48:33 +00:00
void tf_ssb_connection_add_request(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection, int32_t request_number, tf_ssb_rpc_callback_t* callback, void* user_data)
2021-01-02 18:10:00 +00:00
if (_tf_ssb_connection_get_request_callback(connection, request_number, NULL, NULL)) {
tf_ssb_request_t* request = malloc(sizeof(tf_ssb_request_t));
*request = (tf_ssb_request_t) {
.next = connection->requests,
.request_number = request_number,
.callback = callback,
.user_data = user_data,
connection->requests = request;
void tf_ssb_connection_remove_request(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection, int32_t request_number)
for (tf_ssb_request_t** it = &connection->requests; *it; it = &(*it)->next) {
if ((*it)->request_number == request_number) {
tf_ssb_request_t* found = *it;
*it = found->next;
void tf_ssb_connection_rpc_send(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection, uint8_t flags, int32_t request_number, const uint8_t* message, size_t size, tf_ssb_rpc_callback_t* callback, void* user_data)
if (request_number > 0) {
2021-01-02 22:48:33 +00:00
tf_ssb_connection_add_request(connection, request_number, callback, user_data);
2021-01-02 18:10:00 +00:00
uint8_t* combined = malloc(9 + size);
*combined = flags;
uint32_t u32size = htonl((uint32_t)size);
memcpy(combined + 1, &u32size, sizeof(u32size));
uint32_t rn = htonl((uint32_t)request_number);
memcpy(combined + 1 + sizeof(uint32_t), &rn, sizeof(rn));
memcpy(combined + 1 + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t), message, size);
_tf_ssb_connection_box_stream_send(connection, combined, 1 + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t) + size);
printf("RPC SEND flags=%x RN=%d: %.*s\n", flags, request_number, (int)size, message);
bool tf_ssb_get_message_by_author_and_sequence(tf_ssb_t* ssb, const char* author, int64_t sequence, char* out_message_id, size_t out_message_id_size, int64_t* out_timestamp, char** out_content)
bool found = false;
sqlite3_stmt* statement;
const char* query = "SELECT id, timestamp, content FROM messages WHERE author = $1 AND sequence = $2";
if (sqlite3_prepare(ssb->db, query, -1, &statement, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) {
if (sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 1, author, -1, NULL) == SQLITE_OK &&
sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 2, sequence) == SQLITE_OK &&
sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW) {
if (out_message_id) {
strncpy(out_message_id, (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(statement, 0), out_message_id_size - 1);
if (out_timestamp) {
*out_timestamp = sqlite3_column_int64(statement, 1);
if (out_content) {
*out_content = strdup((const char*)sqlite3_column_text(statement, 2));
found = true;
} else {
printf("prepare failed: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(ssb->db));
return found;
bool tf_ssb_get_latest_message_by_author(tf_ssb_t* ssb, const char* author, int64_t* out_sequence, char* out_message_id, size_t out_message_id_size)
bool found = false;
sqlite3_stmt* statement;
const char* query = "SELECT id, sequence FROM messages WHERE author = $1 AND sequence = (SELECT MAX(sequence) FROM messages WHERE author = $1)";
if (sqlite3_prepare(ssb->db, query, -1, &statement, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) {
if (sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 1, author, -1, NULL) == SQLITE_OK &&
sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW) {
if (out_sequence) {
*out_sequence = sqlite3_column_int64(statement, 1);
if (out_message_id) {
strncpy(out_message_id, (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(statement, 0), out_message_id_size - 1);
found = true;
} else {
printf("prepare failed: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(ssb->db));
return found;
static bool _tf_ssb_sqlite_bind_json(JSContext* context, sqlite3* db, sqlite3_stmt* statement, JSValue binds) {
bool all_bound = true;
int32_t length = 0;
if (JS_IsUndefined(binds)) {
return true;
JSValue lengthval = JS_GetPropertyStr(context, binds, "length");
if (JS_ToInt32(context, &length, lengthval) == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
JSValue value = JS_GetPropertyUint32(context, binds, i);
if (JS_IsString(value)) {
size_t str_len = 0;
const char* str = JS_ToCStringLen(context, &str_len, value);
if (str) {
if (sqlite3_bind_text(statement, i + 1, str, str_len, SQLITE_TRANSIENT) != SQLITE_OK) {
printf("failed to bind: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
all_bound = false;
JS_FreeCString(context, str);
} else {
printf("expected cstring\n");
} else if (JS_IsNumber(value)) {
int64_t number = 0;
JS_ToInt64(context, &number, value);
if (sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, i + 1, number) != SQLITE_OK) {
printf("failed to bind: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
all_bound = false;
} else if (JS_IsNull(value)) {
if (sqlite3_bind_null(statement, i + 1) != SQLITE_OK) {
printf("failed to bind: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
all_bound = false;
} else {
const char* str = JS_ToCString(context, value);
printf("expected string: %s\n", str);
JS_FreeCString(context, str);
} else {
printf("expected array\n");
JS_FreeValue(context, lengthval);
return all_bound;
static JSValue _tf_ssb_sqlite_row_to_json(JSContext* context, sqlite3_stmt* row) {
JSValue result = JS_NewObject(context);
for (int i = 0; i < sqlite3_column_count(row); i++) {
const char* name = sqlite3_column_name(row, i);
switch (sqlite3_column_type(row, i)) {
JS_SetPropertyStr(context, result, name, JS_NewInt64(context, sqlite3_column_int64(row, i)));
JS_SetPropertyStr(context, result, name, JS_NewFloat64(context, sqlite3_column_double(row, i)));
JS_SetPropertyStr(context, result, name, JS_NewStringLen(context, (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(row, i), sqlite3_column_bytes(row, i)));
JS_SetPropertyStr(context, result, name, JS_NewArrayBufferCopy(context, sqlite3_column_blob(row, i), sqlite3_column_bytes(row, i)));
JS_SetPropertyStr(context, result, name, JS_NULL);
return result;
static int _tf_ssb_sqlite_authorizer(void* user_data, int action_code, const char* arg0, const char* arg1, const char* arg2, const char* arg3)
switch (action_code) {
return SQLITE_OK;
return strcmp(arg0, "messages") == 0 ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_DENY;
void tf_ssb_visit_query(tf_ssb_t* ssb, const char* query, const JSValue binds, void (*callback)(JSValue row, void* user_data), void* user_data)
sqlite3_stmt* statement;
sqlite3_set_authorizer(ssb->db, _tf_ssb_sqlite_authorizer, ssb);
if (sqlite3_prepare(ssb->db, query, -1, &statement, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) {
if (_tf_ssb_sqlite_bind_json(ssb->context, ssb->db, statement, binds)) {
while (sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW) {
JSValue row = _tf_ssb_sqlite_row_to_json(ssb->context, statement);
tf_trace_begin(ssb->trace, "callback");
callback(row, user_data);
JS_FreeValue(ssb->context, row);
} else {
printf("prepare failed: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(ssb->db));
sqlite3_set_authorizer(ssb->db, NULL, NULL);
void tf_ssb_calculate_message_id(JSContext* context, JSValue message, char* out_id, size_t out_id_size)
JSValue idval = JS_JSONStringify(context, message, JS_NULL, JS_NewInt32(context, 2));
size_t len = 0;
const char* messagestr = JS_ToCStringLen(context, &len, idval);
uint8_t id[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES];
crypto_hash_sha256(id, (uint8_t*)messagestr, len);
char id_base64[k_id_base64_len];
base64c_encode(id, sizeof(id), (uint8_t*)id_base64, sizeof(id_base64));
snprintf(out_id, out_id_size, "%%%s.sha256", id_base64);
JS_FreeCString(context, messagestr);
JS_FreeValue(context, idval);
bool tf_ssb_verify_and_strip_signature(JSContext* context, JSValue val, char* out_signature, size_t out_signature_size)
bool verified = false;
JSValue signature = JS_GetPropertyStr(context, val, "signature");
const char* str = JS_ToCString(context, signature);
JSAtom sigatom = JS_NewAtom(context, "signature");
JS_DeleteProperty(context, val, sigatom, 0);
JS_FreeAtom(context, sigatom);
if (out_signature) {
memset(out_signature, 0, out_signature_size);
strncpy(out_signature, str, out_signature_size - 1);
JSValue sigval = JS_JSONStringify(context, val, JS_NULL, JS_NewInt32(context, 2));
const char* sigstr = JS_ToCString(context, sigval);
const char* sigkind = strstr(str, ".sig.ed25519");
JSValue authorval = JS_GetPropertyStr(context, val, "author");
const char* author = JS_ToCString(context, authorval);
const char* author_id = author && *author == '@' ? author + 1 : author;
const char* type = strstr(author_id, ".ed25519");
uint8_t publickey[crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
int r = base64c_decode((const uint8_t*)author_id, type - author_id, publickey, sizeof(publickey));
if (r != -1) {
uint8_t binsig[crypto_sign_BYTES];
r = base64c_decode((const uint8_t*)str, sigkind - str, binsig, sizeof(binsig));
if (r != -1) {
r = crypto_sign_verify_detached(binsig, (const uint8_t*)sigstr, strlen(sigstr), publickey);
verified = r == 0;
if (!verified) {
printf("crypto_sign_verify_detached fail\n");
} else {
printf("base64 decode sig fail\n");
} else {
printf("base64 decode author fail\n");
JS_FreeCString(context, author);
JS_FreeCString(context, sigstr);
JS_FreeCString(context, str);
JS_FreeValue(context, sigval);
JS_FreeValue(context, signature);
JS_FreeValue(context, authorval);
return verified;
bool tf_ssb_store_message(tf_ssb_t* ssb, JSContext* context, const char* id, JSValue val, const char* signature)
bool stored = false;
JSValue previousval = JS_GetPropertyStr(context, val, "previous");
const char* previous = JS_IsNull(previousval) ? NULL : JS_ToCString(context, previousval);
JSValue authorval = JS_GetPropertyStr(context, val, "author");
const char* author = JS_ToCString(context, authorval);
int64_t sequence = -1;
JS_ToInt64(context, &sequence, JS_GetPropertyStr(context, val, "sequence"));
int64_t timestamp = -1;
JS_ToInt64(context, ×tamp, JS_GetPropertyStr(context, val, "timestamp"));
JSValue contentval = JS_GetPropertyStr(context, val, "content");
JSValue content = JS_JSONStringify(context, contentval, JS_NULL, JS_NULL);
size_t content_len;
const char* contentstr = JS_ToCStringLen(context, &content_len, content);
JS_FreeValue(context, contentval);
sqlite3_stmt* statement;
const char* query = "INSERT INTO messages (id, previous, author, sequence, timestamp, content, hash, signature) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING";
if (sqlite3_prepare(ssb->db, query, -1, &statement, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) {
if (sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 1, id, -1, NULL) == SQLITE_OK &&
(previous ? sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, previous, -1, NULL) : sqlite3_bind_null(statement, 2)) == SQLITE_OK &&
sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 3, author, -1, NULL) == SQLITE_OK &&
sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 4, sequence) == SQLITE_OK &&
sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 5, timestamp) == SQLITE_OK &&
sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 6, contentstr, content_len, NULL) == SQLITE_OK &&
sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 7, "sha256", 6, NULL) == SQLITE_OK &&
sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 8, signature, -1, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) {
int r = sqlite3_step(statement);
if (r != SQLITE_DONE) {
printf("%s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(ssb->db));
stored = r == SQLITE_DONE && sqlite3_changes(ssb->db) != 0;
} else {
printf("prepare failed: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(ssb->db));
JS_FreeValue(context, previousval);
JS_FreeCString(context, author);
JS_FreeValue(context, authorval);
JS_FreeCString(context, previous);
JS_FreeCString(context, contentstr);
JS_FreeValue(context, content);
return stored;
void tf_ssb_send_createHistoryStream(tf_ssb_t* ssb, const char* id)
for (tf_ssb_connection_t* connection = ssb->connections; connection; connection = connection->next) {
tf_ssb_rpc_send_createHistoryStream(connection, id);
void tf_ssb_send_close(tf_ssb_t* ssb)
for (tf_ssb_connection_t* connection = ssb->connections; connection; connection = connection->next) {
bool tf_ssb_id_bin_to_str(char* str, size_t str_size, const uint8_t* bin)
char buffer[k_id_base64_len - 9];
base64c_encode(bin, crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES, (uint8_t*)buffer, sizeof(buffer));
return snprintf(str, str_size, "@%s.ed25519", buffer) < (int)str_size;
bool tf_ssb_id_str_to_bin(uint8_t* bin, const char* str)
const char* author_id = str && *str == '@' ? str + 1 : str;
const char* type = strstr(str, ".ed25519");
return base64c_decode((const uint8_t*)author_id, type - author_id, bin, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES) != 0;
static void _tf_ssb_connection_verify_identity(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection, const uint8_t* message, size_t len)
uint8_t nonce[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES] = { 0 };
uint8_t shared_secret_ab[crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_SCALARBYTES];
if (crypto_scalarmult_curve25519(shared_secret_ab, connection->epriv, connection->serverepub) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to compute shared_secret_ab");
uint8_t servercurvepub[crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_SCALARBYTES];
if (crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(servercurvepub, connection->serverpub) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to convert key to curve25519");
uint8_t shared_secret_aB[crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_SCALARBYTES];
if (crypto_scalarmult_curve25519(shared_secret_aB, connection->epriv, servercurvepub) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to compute shared_secret_aB");
uint8_t clientcurvepriv[crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_SCALARBYTES];
if (crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519(clientcurvepriv, connection->ssb->priv) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to convert key to curve25519");
uint8_t shared_secret_Ab[crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_SCALARBYTES];
if (crypto_scalarmult_curve25519(shared_secret_Ab, clientcurvepriv, connection->serverepub) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to compute shared_secret_Ab");
uint8_t tohash[sizeof(k_ssb_network) + sizeof(shared_secret_ab) + sizeof(shared_secret_aB) + sizeof(shared_secret_Ab)];
memcpy(tohash, k_ssb_network, sizeof(k_ssb_network));
memcpy(tohash + sizeof(k_ssb_network), shared_secret_ab, sizeof(shared_secret_ab));
memcpy(tohash + sizeof(k_ssb_network) + sizeof(shared_secret_ab), shared_secret_aB, sizeof(shared_secret_aB));
memcpy(tohash + sizeof(k_ssb_network) + sizeof(shared_secret_ab) + sizeof(shared_secret_aB), shared_secret_Ab, sizeof(shared_secret_Ab));
uint8_t hash2[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES];
crypto_hash_sha256(hash2, tohash, sizeof(tohash));
uint8_t hash3a[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES + crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
crypto_hash_sha256(hash3a, hash2, sizeof(hash2));
memcpy(hash3a + crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES, connection->ssb->pub, sizeof(connection->ssb->pub));
crypto_hash_sha256(connection->s_to_c_box_key, hash3a, sizeof(hash3a));
uint8_t hash3b[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES + crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
crypto_hash_sha256(hash3b, hash2, sizeof(hash2));
memcpy(hash3b + crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES, connection->serverpub, sizeof(connection->serverpub));
crypto_hash_sha256(connection->c_to_s_box_key, hash3b, sizeof(hash3b));
uint8_t m[80];
if (crypto_secretbox_open_easy(m, message, len, nonce, hash2) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to open initial secret box as client");
uint8_t hash3[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES];
crypto_hash_sha256(hash3, shared_secret_ab, sizeof(shared_secret_ab));
uint8_t msg[sizeof(k_ssb_network) + sizeof(connection->detached_signature_A) + sizeof(connection->ssb->pub) + sizeof(hash3)];
memcpy(msg, k_ssb_network, sizeof(k_ssb_network));
memcpy(msg + sizeof(k_ssb_network), connection->detached_signature_A, sizeof(connection->detached_signature_A));
memcpy(msg + sizeof(k_ssb_network) + sizeof(connection->detached_signature_A), connection->ssb->pub, sizeof(connection->ssb->pub));
memcpy(msg + sizeof(k_ssb_network) + sizeof(connection->detached_signature_A) + sizeof(connection->ssb->pub), hash3, sizeof(hash3));
if (crypto_sign_verify_detached(m, msg, sizeof(msg), connection->serverpub) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to verify server identity");
uint8_t nonce2[crypto_auth_hmacsha512256_BYTES];
if (crypto_auth_hmacsha512256(nonce2, connection->epub, sizeof(connection->epub), k_ssb_network) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to compute client recv nonce");
memcpy(connection->nonce, nonce2, sizeof(connection->nonce));
uint8_t nonce3[crypto_auth_hmacsha512256_BYTES];
if (crypto_auth_hmacsha512256(nonce3, connection->serverepub, sizeof(connection->serverepub), k_ssb_network) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to compute client send nonce");
memcpy(connection->send_nonce, nonce3, sizeof(connection->send_nonce));
char fullid[k_id_base64_len];
tf_ssb_id_bin_to_str(fullid, sizeof(fullid), connection->serverpub);
connection->state = k_tf_ssb_state_verified;
for (int i = 0; i < connection->ssb->connections_changed_count; i++) {
connection->ssb->connections_changed[i](connection->ssb, k_tf_ssb_change_connect, connection, connection->ssb->connections_changed_user_data[i]);
const char* tf_ssb_connection_get_host(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection)
return connection->host;
int tf_ssb_connection_get_port(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection)
return connection->port;
bool tf_ssb_connection_get_id(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection, char* out_id, size_t out_id_size)
return tf_ssb_id_bin_to_str(out_id, out_id_size, connection->serverpub);
static void _tf_ssb_connection_verify_client_identity(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection, const uint8_t* message, size_t len)
uint8_t nonce[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES] = { 0 };
** shared_secret_ab = nacl_scalarmult(
** server_ephemeral_sk,
** client_ephemeral_pk
** )
uint8_t shared_secret_ab[crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_SCALARBYTES];
if (crypto_scalarmult_curve25519(shared_secret_ab, connection->epriv, connection->serverepub) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to compute shared_secret_ab");
** shared_secret_aB = nacl_scalarmult(
** sk_to_curve25519(server_longterm_sk),
** client_ephemeral_pk
** )
uint8_t curvepriv[crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_SCALARBYTES];
if (crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519(curvepriv, connection->ssb->priv) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to convert key to curve25519");
static_assert(sizeof(connection->ssb->priv) == crypto_sign_ed25519_SECRETKEYBYTES, "size");
uint8_t shared_secret_aB[crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_SCALARBYTES] = { 0 };
if (crypto_scalarmult(shared_secret_aB, curvepriv, connection->serverepub) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to compute shared_secret_aB");
static_assert(sizeof(k_ssb_network) == crypto_auth_KEYBYTES, "network key size");
uint8_t tohash[sizeof(k_ssb_network) + sizeof(shared_secret_ab) + sizeof(shared_secret_aB)];
memcpy(tohash, k_ssb_network, sizeof(k_ssb_network));
memcpy(tohash + sizeof(k_ssb_network), shared_secret_ab, sizeof(shared_secret_ab));
memcpy(tohash + sizeof(k_ssb_network) + sizeof(shared_secret_ab), shared_secret_aB, sizeof(shared_secret_aB));
uint8_t hash2[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES];
crypto_hash_sha256(hash2, tohash, sizeof(tohash));
** msg3_plaintext = assert_nacl_secretbox_open(
** ciphertext: msg3,
** nonce: 24_bytes_of_zeros,
** key: sha256(
** concat(
** network_identifier,
** shared_secret_ab,
** shared_secret_aB
** )
** )
** )
uint8_t m[96];
if (crypto_secretbox_open_easy(m, message, len, nonce, hash2) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to open initial secret box as server");
uint8_t* detached_signature_A = m;
memcpy(connection->serverpub, m + 64, sizeof(connection->serverpub));
uint8_t hash3[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES];
crypto_hash_sha256(hash3, shared_secret_ab, sizeof(shared_secret_ab));
uint8_t msg[sizeof(k_ssb_network) + sizeof(connection->ssb->pub) + sizeof(hash3)];
memcpy(msg, k_ssb_network, sizeof(k_ssb_network));
memcpy(msg + sizeof(k_ssb_network), connection->ssb->pub, sizeof(connection->ssb->pub));
memcpy(msg + sizeof(k_ssb_network) + sizeof(connection->ssb->pub), hash3, sizeof(hash3));
if (crypto_sign_verify_detached(detached_signature_A, msg, sizeof(msg), connection->serverpub) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to verify client identity");
uint8_t nonce2[crypto_auth_hmacsha512256_BYTES];
if (crypto_auth_hmacsha512256(nonce2, connection->epub, sizeof(connection->epub), k_ssb_network) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to compute initial recv nonce as server");
memcpy(connection->nonce, nonce2, sizeof(connection->nonce));
uint8_t nonce3[crypto_auth_hmacsha512256_BYTES];
if (crypto_auth_hmacsha512256(nonce3, connection->serverepub, sizeof(connection->serverepub), k_ssb_network) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to compute initial send nonce as server");
memcpy(connection->send_nonce, nonce3, sizeof(connection->send_nonce));
int detached_signature_A_size = 64;
uint8_t sign_b[sizeof(k_ssb_network) + detached_signature_A_size + sizeof(connection->serverpub) + sizeof(hash3)];
memcpy(sign_b, k_ssb_network, sizeof(k_ssb_network));
memcpy(sign_b + sizeof(k_ssb_network), detached_signature_A, detached_signature_A_size);
memcpy(sign_b + sizeof(k_ssb_network) + detached_signature_A_size, connection->serverpub, sizeof(connection->serverpub));
memcpy(sign_b + sizeof(k_ssb_network) + detached_signature_A_size + sizeof(connection->serverpub), hash3, sizeof(hash3));
uint8_t detached_signature_B[crypto_sign_BYTES];
unsigned long long siglen;
if (crypto_sign_detached(detached_signature_B, &siglen, sign_b, sizeof(sign_b), connection->ssb->priv) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to compute detached_signature_B as server");
uint8_t clientcurvepub[crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_SCALARBYTES];
if (crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(clientcurvepub, connection->serverpub) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to convert key to curve25519");
uint8_t shared_secret_Ab[crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_SCALARBYTES];
if (crypto_scalarmult_curve25519(shared_secret_Ab, connection->epriv, clientcurvepub) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to compute shared_secret_Ab as server");
uint8_t key_buf[sizeof(k_ssb_network) + sizeof(shared_secret_ab) + sizeof(shared_secret_aB) + sizeof(shared_secret_Ab)];
memcpy(key_buf, k_ssb_network, sizeof(k_ssb_network));
memcpy(key_buf + sizeof(k_ssb_network), shared_secret_ab, sizeof(shared_secret_ab));
memcpy(key_buf + sizeof(k_ssb_network) + sizeof(shared_secret_ab), shared_secret_aB, sizeof(shared_secret_aB));
memcpy(key_buf + sizeof(k_ssb_network) + sizeof(shared_secret_ab) + sizeof(shared_secret_aB), shared_secret_Ab, sizeof(shared_secret_Ab));
uint8_t key_hash[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES];
crypto_hash_sha256(key_hash, key_buf, sizeof(key_buf));
uint8_t hash3a[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES + crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
crypto_hash_sha256(hash3a, key_hash, sizeof(key_hash));
memcpy(hash3a + crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES, connection->ssb->pub, sizeof(connection->ssb->pub));
crypto_hash_sha256(connection->s_to_c_box_key, hash3a, sizeof(hash3a));
uint8_t hash3b[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES + crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
crypto_hash_sha256(hash3b, key_hash, sizeof(key_hash));
memcpy(hash3b + crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES, connection->serverpub, sizeof(connection->serverpub));
crypto_hash_sha256(connection->c_to_s_box_key, hash3b, sizeof(hash3b));
uint8_t c[crypto_secretbox_MACBYTES + sizeof(detached_signature_B)];
if (crypto_secretbox_easy(c, detached_signature_B, sizeof(detached_signature_B), nonce, key_hash) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "unable to create initial secret box as server");
static_assert(sizeof(c) == 80, "server send size");
_tf_ssb_write(connection, c, sizeof(c));
connection->state = k_tf_ssb_state_server_verified;
for (int i = 0; i < connection->ssb->connections_changed_count; i++) {
connection->ssb->connections_changed[i](connection->ssb, k_tf_ssb_change_connect, connection, connection->ssb->connections_changed_user_data[i]);
static bool _tf_ssb_connection_recv_pop(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection, uint8_t* buffer, size_t size)
if (connection->recv_size < size) {
return false;
memcpy(buffer, connection->recv_buffer, size);
if (connection->recv_size - size) {
memmove(connection->recv_buffer, connection->recv_buffer + size, connection->recv_size - size);
connection->recv_size -= size;
return true;
static bool _tf_ssb_name_equals(JSContext* context, JSValue object, const char** match)
bool result = true;
JSValue name = JS_GetPropertyStr(context, object, "name");
if (JS_IsArray(context, name)) {
int length;
JSValue lengthval = JS_GetPropertyStr(context, name, "length");
if (JS_ToInt32(context, &length, lengthval) == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (!match[i]) {
result = false;
JSValue element = JS_GetPropertyUint32(context, name, i);
const char* str = JS_ToCString(context, element);
if (!str || strcmp(str, match[i]) != 0) {
result = false;
JS_FreeCString(context, str);
JS_FreeValue(context, element);
if (result && match[length]) {
result = false;
JS_FreeValue(context, lengthval);
} else {
result = false;
JS_FreeValue(context, name);
return result;
static void _tf_ssb_connection_rpc_recv(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection, uint8_t flags, int32_t request_number, const uint8_t* message, size_t size)
if (flags & k_ssb_rpc_flag_json) {
printf("RPC RECV flags=%x RN=%d: %.*s\n", flags, request_number, (int)size, message);
JSContext* context = connection->ssb->context;
JSValue val = JS_ParseJSON(context, (const char*)message, size, NULL);
if (JS_IsObject(val)) {
bool found = false;
for (tf_ssb_rpc_callback_node_t* it = connection->ssb->rpc; it; it = it->next) {
if (_tf_ssb_name_equals(context, val, it->name)) {
it->callback(connection, flags, request_number, val, message, size, it->user_data);
found = true;
if (!found) {
tf_ssb_rpc_callback_t* callback = NULL;
void* user_data = NULL;
if (_tf_ssb_connection_get_request_callback(connection, -request_number, &callback, &user_data)) {
if (callback) {
callback(connection, flags, request_number, val, NULL, 0, user_data);
} else {
2021-01-13 02:15:09 +00:00
const char* k_unsupported = "{\"message\": \"unsupported message\", \"name\": \"Error\", \"stack\": \"none\", \"args\": []}";
2021-01-02 18:10:00 +00:00
tf_ssb_connection_rpc_send(connection, k_ssb_rpc_flag_json | k_ssb_rpc_flag_end_error, -request_number,
(const uint8_t*)k_unsupported, strlen(k_unsupported), NULL, NULL);
JS_FreeValue(context, val);
} else if ((flags & k_ssb_rpc_mask_type) == k_ssb_rpc_flag_binary) {
printf("RPC RECV flags=%x RN=%d: %zd bytes\n", flags, request_number, size);
tf_ssb_rpc_callback_t* callback = NULL;
void* user_data = NULL;
if (_tf_ssb_connection_get_request_callback(connection, -request_number, &callback, &user_data)) {
if (callback) {
callback(connection, flags, request_number, JS_UNDEFINED, message, size, user_data);
if (request_number < 0 &&
(flags & k_ssb_rpc_flag_end_error)) {
tf_ssb_connection_remove_request(connection, -request_number);
static void _tf_ssb_connection_rpc_recv_push(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection, const uint8_t* data, size_t size)
if (connection->rpc_recv_size + size > sizeof(connection->rpc_recv_buffer)) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "recv buffer overflow");
memcpy(connection->rpc_recv_buffer + connection->rpc_recv_size, data, size);
connection->rpc_recv_size += size;
while (connection->rpc_recv_size >= 9) {
uint8_t flags = *connection->rpc_recv_buffer;
uint32_t body_len;
int32_t request_number;
memcpy(&body_len, connection->rpc_recv_buffer + 1, sizeof(body_len));
body_len = htonl(body_len);
memcpy(&request_number, connection->rpc_recv_buffer + 1 + sizeof(body_len), sizeof(request_number));
request_number = htonl(request_number);
size_t rpc_size = 9 + body_len;
if (connection->rpc_recv_size >= rpc_size) {
uint8_t* end = &connection->rpc_recv_buffer[9 + body_len];
uint8_t tmp = *end;
*end = '\0';
_tf_ssb_connection_rpc_recv(connection, flags, request_number, connection->rpc_recv_buffer + 9, body_len);
*end = tmp;
memmove(connection->rpc_recv_buffer, connection->rpc_recv_buffer + rpc_size, connection->rpc_recv_size - rpc_size);
connection->rpc_recv_size -= rpc_size;
} else {
/* Wait for more body. */
static bool _tf_ssb_connection_box_stream_recv(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection)
if (!connection->body_len) {
uint8_t header_enc[34];
if (_tf_ssb_connection_recv_pop(connection, header_enc, sizeof(header_enc))) {
uint8_t header[18];
if (crypto_secretbox_open_easy(header, header_enc, sizeof(header_enc), connection->nonce, connection->s_to_c_box_key) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "failed to open header secret box");
return false;
connection->body_len = htons(*(uint16_t*)header);
2021-01-02 19:27:41 +00:00
if (connection->body_len > k_tf_ssb_rpc_message_body_length_max) {
2021-01-02 18:10:00 +00:00
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "body length is too large");
return false;
memcpy(connection->body_auth_tag, header + sizeof(uint16_t), sizeof(connection->body_auth_tag));
if (!connection->body_len) {
uv_close((uv_handle_t*)&connection->tcp, _tf_ssb_connection_on_close);
} else {
return false;
if (connection->body_len) {
2021-01-02 19:27:41 +00:00
uint8_t buf[16 + k_tf_ssb_rpc_message_body_length_max];
2021-01-02 18:10:00 +00:00
memcpy(buf, connection->body_auth_tag, sizeof(connection->body_auth_tag));
if (_tf_ssb_connection_recv_pop(connection, buf + 16, connection->body_len)) {
2021-01-02 19:27:41 +00:00
uint8_t body[k_tf_ssb_rpc_message_body_length_max];
2021-01-02 18:10:00 +00:00
if (crypto_secretbox_open_easy(body, buf, 16 + connection->body_len, connection->nonce, connection->s_to_c_box_key) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "failed to open secret box");
return false;
_tf_ssb_connection_rpc_recv_push(connection, body, connection->body_len);
connection->body_len = 0;
} else {
return false;
return true;
void tf_ssb_append_message(tf_ssb_t* ssb, JSValue message)
char author[k_id_base64_len];
tf_ssb_id_bin_to_str(author, sizeof(author), ssb->pub);
char previous_id[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES * 2];
int64_t previous_sequence = 0;
bool have_previous = tf_ssb_get_latest_message_by_author(ssb, author, &previous_sequence, previous_id, sizeof(previous_id));
JSContext* context = ssb->context;
JSValue root = JS_NewObject(context);
JSValue previousstr = JS_NULL;
if (have_previous) {
previousstr = JS_NewString(context, previous_id);
JS_SetPropertyStr(context, root, "previous", previousstr);
} else {
JS_SetPropertyStr(context, root, "previous", JS_NULL);
JSValue authorstr = JS_NewString(context, author);
JS_SetPropertyStr(context, root, "author", authorstr);
JS_SetPropertyStr(context, root, "sequence", JS_NewInt64(context, previous_sequence + 1));
time_t now = time(NULL);
JS_SetPropertyStr(context, root, "timestamp", JS_NewInt64(context, now * 1000));
JSValue hashstr = JS_NewString(context, "sha256");
JS_SetPropertyStr(context, root, "hash", hashstr);
JSValue content = JS_DupValue(context, message);
JS_SetPropertyStr(context, root, "content", content);
JSValue jsonval = JS_JSONStringify(context, root, JS_NULL, JS_NewInt32(context, 2));
size_t len = 0;
const char* json = JS_ToCStringLen(context, &len, jsonval);
uint8_t signature[crypto_sign_BYTES];
unsigned long long siglen;
bool valid = crypto_sign_detached(signature, &siglen, (const uint8_t*)json, len, ssb->priv) == 0;
JS_FreeCString(context, json);
JS_FreeValue(context, jsonval);
char signature_base64[crypto_sign_BYTES * 2];
base64c_encode(signature, sizeof(signature), (uint8_t*)signature_base64, sizeof(signature_base64));
strcat(signature_base64, ".sig.ed25519");
JSValue sigstr = JS_NewString(context, signature_base64);
JS_SetPropertyStr(context, root, "signature", sigstr);
jsonval = JS_JSONStringify(context, root, JS_NULL, JS_NewInt32(context, 2));
len = 0;
json = JS_ToCStringLen(context, &len, jsonval);
printf("appending message %.*s\n", (int)len, json);
JS_FreeCString(context, json);
JS_FreeValue(context, jsonval);
char id[sodium_base64_ENCODED_LEN(crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL) + 1];
tf_ssb_calculate_message_id(ssb->context, root, id, sizeof(id));
if (valid &&
!tf_ssb_store_message(ssb, ssb->context, id, root, signature_base64)) {
printf("message not stored.\n");
if (!tf_ssb_verify_and_strip_signature(ssb->context, root, NULL, 0)) {
printf("Failed to verify message signature.\n");
JS_FreeValue(context, root);
void tf_ssb_connection_destroy(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection)
tf_ssb_t* ssb = connection->ssb;
for (tf_ssb_connection_t** it = &connection->ssb->connections; *it; it = &(*it)->next) {
if (*it == connection) {
*it = connection->next;
connection->next = NULL;
while (connection->requests) {
tf_ssb_connection_remove_request(connection, connection->requests->request_number);
for (int i = 0; i < ssb->connections_changed_count; i++) {
ssb->connections_changed[i](ssb, k_tf_ssb_change_remove, connection, ssb->connections_changed_user_data[i]);
static void _tf_ssb_connection_on_close(uv_handle_t* handle)
printf("destroy connection\n");
tf_ssb_connection_t* connection = handle->data;
handle->data = NULL;
static void _tf_ssb_connection_on_tcp_recv(uv_stream_t* stream, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf)
tf_ssb_connection_t* connection = stream->data;
if (nread >= 0) {
if (connection->recv_size + nread > sizeof(connection->recv_buffer)) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "recv buffer overflow");
memcpy(connection->recv_buffer + connection->recv_size, buf->base, nread);
connection->recv_size += nread;
switch (connection->state) {
case k_tf_ssb_state_invalid:
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "received a message in invalid state");
case k_tf_ssb_state_connected:
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "received a message in connected state");
case k_tf_ssb_state_sent_hello:
uint8_t hello[64];
if (_tf_ssb_connection_recv_pop(connection, hello, sizeof(hello))) {
_tf_ssb_connection_send_identity(connection, hello, hello + 32);
case k_tf_ssb_state_sent_identity:
uint8_t identity[80];
if (_tf_ssb_connection_recv_pop(connection, identity, sizeof(identity))) {
_tf_ssb_connection_verify_identity(connection, identity, sizeof(identity));
case k_tf_ssb_state_verified:
while (_tf_ssb_connection_box_stream_recv(connection)) {}
case k_tf_ssb_state_server_wait_hello:
uint8_t hello[64];
if (_tf_ssb_connection_recv_pop(connection, hello, sizeof(hello))) {
uint8_t* hmac = hello;
memcpy(connection->serverepub, hello + crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
static_assert(sizeof(connection->serverepub) == crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES, "serverepub size");
if (crypto_auth_hmacsha512256_verify(hmac, connection->serverepub, 32, k_ssb_network) != 0) {
printf("crypto_auth_hmacsha512256_verify failed\n");
uv_close((uv_handle_t*)stream, _tf_ssb_connection_on_close);
} else {
connection->state = k_tf_ssb_state_server_wait_client_identity;
case k_tf_ssb_state_server_wait_client_identity:
uint8_t identity[112];
if (_tf_ssb_connection_recv_pop(connection, identity, sizeof(identity))) {
_tf_ssb_connection_verify_client_identity(connection, identity, sizeof(identity));
case k_tf_ssb_state_server_verified:
while (_tf_ssb_connection_box_stream_recv(connection)) {}
case k_tf_ssb_state_closing:
} else {
uv_close((uv_handle_t*)stream, _tf_ssb_connection_on_close);
static void _tf_ssb_connection_client_send_hello(uv_stream_t* stream)
tf_ssb_connection_t* connection = stream->data;
char write[crypto_auth_BYTES + crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
if (crypto_box_keypair(connection->epub, connection->epriv) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "failed to generate ephemeral keypair");
uint8_t a[crypto_auth_hmacsha512256_BYTES];
if (crypto_auth_hmacsha512256(a, connection->epub, sizeof(connection->epub), k_ssb_network) != 0) {
_tf_ssb_connection_close(connection, "failed to create hello message");
char* b = write;
memcpy(b, a, crypto_auth_BYTES);
memcpy(b + crypto_auth_BYTES, connection->epub, sizeof(connection->epub));
_tf_ssb_write(connection, b, crypto_auth_BYTES + sizeof(connection->epub));
connection->state = k_tf_ssb_state_sent_hello;
static void _tf_ssb_connection_on_connect(uv_connect_t* connect, int status)
tf_ssb_connection_t* connection = connect->data;
connect->data = NULL;
if (status == 0) {
printf("on connect\n");
connection->state = k_tf_ssb_state_connected;
uv_read_start(connect->handle, _tf_ssb_connection_on_tcp_alloc, _tf_ssb_connection_on_tcp_recv);
} else {
printf("connect => %s\n", uv_strerror(status));
uv_close((uv_handle_t*)&connection->tcp, _tf_ssb_connection_on_close);
static bool _tf_ssb_load_keys(tf_ssb_t* ssb)
const char* home = getenv("HOME");
if (!home) {
return false;
size_t path_size = strlen(home) + strlen(ssb->secrets_path) + 1;
char* path = malloc(path_size);
snprintf(path, path_size, "%s%s", home, ssb->secrets_path);
FILE* file = fopen(path, "rb");
if (!file) {
printf("Failed to open %s: %s.\n", path, strerror(errno));
return false;
char* json = NULL;
bool result = false;
if (fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) {
printf("Failed to seek %s: %s\n.", path, strerror(errno));
goto failed;
long len = ftell(file);
if (len < 0 ||
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
printf("Failed to seek %s: %s\n.", path, strerror(errno));
goto failed;
json = malloc(len + 1);
if (fread(json, 1, len, file) != (size_t)len) {
printf("Failed to read %s: %s\n.", path, strerror(errno));
goto failed;
json[len] = '\0';
JSContext* context = ssb->context;
JSValue root = JS_ParseJSON(context, (const char*)json, len, NULL);
JSValue pubvalue = JS_GetPropertyStr(context, root, "public");
size_t pubstrlen = 0;
const char* pubstr = JS_ToCStringLen(context, &pubstrlen, pubvalue);
size_t privstrlen = 0;
JSValue privvalue = JS_GetPropertyStr(context, root, "private");
const char* privstr = JS_ToCStringLen(context, &privstrlen, privvalue);
if (pubstr && privstr) {
result =
base64c_decode((const uint8_t*)pubstr, pubstrlen - strlen(".ed25519"), ssb->pub, sizeof(ssb->pub)) != 0 &&
base64c_decode((const uint8_t*)privstr, privstrlen - strlen(".ed25519"), ssb->priv, sizeof(ssb->priv)) != 0;
JS_FreeCString(context, pubstr);
JS_FreeCString(context, privstr);
JS_FreeValue(context, pubvalue);
JS_FreeValue(context, privvalue);
JS_FreeValue(context, root);
if (json) {
if (path) {
return result;
static bool _tf_ssb_save_keys(tf_ssb_t* ssb)
bool result = false;
char private_base64[crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES * 2];
char public_base64[crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES * 2];
char private[crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES * 2 + 16];
char public[crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES * 2 + 16];
char id[crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES * 2 + 16];
base64c_encode(ssb->pub, sizeof(ssb->pub), (uint8_t*)public_base64, sizeof(public_base64));
base64c_encode(ssb->priv, sizeof(ssb->priv), (uint8_t*)private_base64, sizeof(private_base64));
snprintf(private, sizeof(private), "%s.ed25519", private_base64);
snprintf(public, sizeof(public), "%s.ed25519", public_base64);
snprintf(id, sizeof(id), "@%s.ed25519", public_base64);
const char* home = getenv("HOME");
if (!home) {
return false;
size_t path_size = strlen(home) + strlen(ssb->secrets_path) + 1;
char* path = malloc(path_size);
snprintf(path, path_size, "%s%s", home, ssb->secrets_path);
JSContext* context = ssb->context;
JSValue root = JS_NewObject(context);
JS_SetPropertyStr(context, root, "curve", JS_NewString(context, "ed25519"));
JS_SetPropertyStr(context, root, "public", JS_NewString(context, public));
JS_SetPropertyStr(context, root, "private", JS_NewString(context, private));
JS_SetPropertyStr(context, root, "id", JS_NewString(context, id));
JSValue jsonval = JS_JSONStringify(context, root, JS_NULL, JS_NewInt32(context, 2));
size_t len = 0;
const char* json = JS_ToCStringLen(context, &len, jsonval);
FILE* file = fopen(path, "wb");
if (file) {
result = fwrite(json, 1, len, file) == len;
JS_FreeCString(context, json);
JS_FreeValue(context, jsonval);
JS_FreeValue(context, root);
return result;
tf_ssb_t* tf_ssb_create(uv_loop_t* loop, JSContext* context, sqlite3* db, const char* secrets_path)
tf_ssb_t* ssb = malloc(sizeof(tf_ssb_t));
memset(ssb, 0, sizeof(*ssb));
ssb->secrets_path = secrets_path ? secrets_path : k_secrets_path;
if (context) {
ssb->context = context;
} else {
ssb->own_context = true;
ssb->runtime = JS_NewRuntime();
ssb->context = JS_NewContext(ssb->runtime);
if (db) {
ssb->db = db;
} else {
sqlite3_open("db.sqlite", &ssb->db);
ssb->owns_db = true;
" author TEXT,"
" sequence INTEGER,"
" timestamp INTEGER,"
" previous TEXT,"
" hash TEXT,"
" content TEXT,"
" signature TEXT,"
" UNIQUE(author, sequence)"
sqlite3_exec(ssb->db, "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS messages_author_id_index ON messages (author, id)", NULL, NULL, NULL);
sqlite3_exec(ssb->db, "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS messages_author_sequence_index ON messages (author, sequence)", NULL, NULL, NULL);
2021-01-02 19:27:41 +00:00
sqlite3_exec(ssb->db, "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS messages_author_timestamp_index ON messages (author, timestamp)", NULL, NULL, NULL);
2021-01-02 18:10:00 +00:00
" content BLOB,"
" created INTEGER"
" id TEXT,"
" key TEXT,"
" value TEXT,"
" UNIQUE(id, key)"
" host TEXT,"
" port INTEGER,"
" key TEXT,"
" last_attempt INTEGER,"
" last_success INTEGER,"
" UNIQUE(host, port, key)"
if (loop) {
ssb->loop = loop;
} else {
ssb->loop = &ssb->own_loop;
ssb->broadcast_timer.data = ssb;
uv_timer_init(ssb->loop, &ssb->broadcast_timer);
ssb->broadcast_sender.data = ssb;
uv_udp_init(ssb->loop, &ssb->broadcast_sender);
struct sockaddr_in broadcast_from = {
.sin_family = AF_INET,
.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY,
uv_udp_bind(&ssb->broadcast_sender, (struct sockaddr*)&broadcast_from, 0);
uv_udp_set_broadcast(&ssb->broadcast_sender, 1);
if (!_tf_ssb_load_keys(ssb)) {
printf("Generating a new keypair.\n");
ssb->rpc_state = tf_ssb_rpc_create(ssb);
ssb->connections_tracker = tf_ssb_connections_create(ssb);
return ssb;
sqlite3* tf_ssb_get_db(tf_ssb_t* ssb)
return ssb->db;
uv_loop_t* tf_ssb_get_loop(tf_ssb_t* ssb)
return ssb->loop;
tf_ssb_rpc_t* tf_ssb_get_rpc(tf_ssb_t* ssb)
return ssb->rpc_state;
void tf_ssb_generate_keys(tf_ssb_t* ssb)
crypto_sign_ed25519_keypair(ssb->pub, ssb->priv);
void tf_ssb_set_trace(tf_ssb_t* ssb, tf_trace_t* trace)
ssb->trace = trace;
if (trace && ssb->db) {
tf_trace_sqlite(trace, ssb->db);
tf_trace_t* tf_ssb_get_trace(tf_ssb_t* ssb)
return ssb->trace;
JSContext* tf_ssb_get_context(tf_ssb_t* ssb)
return ssb->context;
static void _tf_ssb_on_handle_close(uv_handle_t* handle)
handle->data = NULL;
void tf_ssb_destroy(tf_ssb_t* ssb)
ssb->connections_tracker = NULL;
ssb->rpc_state = NULL;
if (ssb->broadcast_listener.data && !uv_is_closing((uv_handle_t*)&ssb->broadcast_listener)) {
uv_close((uv_handle_t*)&ssb->broadcast_listener, _tf_ssb_on_handle_close);
if (ssb->broadcast_sender.data && !uv_is_closing((uv_handle_t*)&ssb->broadcast_sender)) {
uv_close((uv_handle_t*)&ssb->broadcast_sender, _tf_ssb_on_handle_close);
if (ssb->broadcast_timer.data && !uv_is_closing((uv_handle_t*)&ssb->broadcast_timer)) {
uv_close((uv_handle_t*)&ssb->broadcast_timer, _tf_ssb_on_handle_close);
if (ssb->server.data && !uv_is_closing((uv_handle_t*)&ssb->server)) {
uv_close((uv_handle_t*)&ssb->server, _tf_ssb_on_handle_close);
while (ssb->broadcast_listener.data ||
ssb->broadcast_sender.data ||
ssb->broadcast_timer.data ||
ssb->server.data) {
uv_run(ssb->loop, UV_RUN_ONCE);
if (ssb->loop == &ssb->own_loop) {
if (ssb->own_context) {
if (ssb->owns_db) {
while (ssb->broadcasts) {
tf_ssb_broadcast_t* broadcast = ssb->broadcasts;
ssb->broadcasts = broadcast->next;
while (ssb->rpc) {
tf_ssb_rpc_callback_node_t* node = ssb->rpc;
ssb->rpc = node->next;
void tf_ssb_run(tf_ssb_t* ssb)
uv_run(ssb->loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT);
tf_ssb_connection_t* tf_ssb_connection_create(tf_ssb_t* ssb, const char* host, const struct sockaddr_in* addr, const uint8_t* public_key)
tf_ssb_connection_t* connection = malloc(sizeof(tf_ssb_connection_t));
memset(connection, 0, sizeof(*connection));
connection->ssb = ssb;
connection->tcp.data = connection;
connection->connect.data = connection;
connection->send_request_number = 1;
snprintf(connection->host, sizeof(connection->host), "%s", host);
connection->port = ntohs(addr->sin_port);
memcpy(connection->serverpub, public_key, sizeof(connection->serverpub));
uv_tcp_init(ssb->loop, &connection->tcp);
uv_tcp_connect(&connection->connect, &connection->tcp, (const struct sockaddr*)addr, _tf_ssb_connection_on_connect);
connection->next = ssb->connections;
ssb->connections = connection;
for (int i = 0; i < ssb->connections_changed_count; i++) {
ssb->connections_changed[i](ssb, k_tf_ssb_change_create, connection, ssb->connections_changed_user_data[i]);
return connection;
typedef struct _connect_t {
tf_ssb_t* ssb;
uv_getaddrinfo_t req;
char host[256];
int port;
uint8_t key[k_id_bin_len];
} connect_t;
static void _tf_on_connect_getaddrinfo(uv_getaddrinfo_t* addrinfo, int result, struct addrinfo* info)
connect_t* connect = addrinfo->data;
if (result == 0 && info) {
struct sockaddr_in addr = *(struct sockaddr_in*)info->ai_addr;
addr.sin_port = htons(connect->port);
tf_ssb_connection_create(connect->ssb, connect->host, &addr, connect->key);
void tf_ssb_connect(tf_ssb_t* ssb, const char* host, int port, const uint8_t* key)
2021-01-14 02:45:10 +00:00
for (tf_ssb_connection_t* connection = ssb->connections; connection; connection = connection->next) {
if (memcmp(connection->serverpub, key, k_id_bin_len) == 0) {
char id[k_id_base64_len];
tf_ssb_id_bin_to_str(id, sizeof(id), key);
2021-01-20 01:39:06 +00:00
printf("Not connecting to %s:%d, because we are already connected to %s.\n", host, port, id);
2021-01-14 02:45:10 +00:00
} else if (memcmp(key, ssb->pub, k_id_bin_len) == 0) {
char id[k_id_base64_len];
tf_ssb_id_bin_to_str(id, sizeof(id), key);
2021-01-20 01:39:06 +00:00
printf("Not connecting to %s:%d, because they appear to be ourselves %s.\n", host, port, id);
2021-01-14 02:45:10 +00:00
2021-01-02 18:10:00 +00:00
connect_t* connect = malloc(sizeof(connect_t));
*connect = (connect_t) {
.ssb = ssb,
.port = port,
.req.data = connect,
snprintf(connect->host, sizeof(connect->host), "%s", host);
memcpy(connect->key, key, k_id_bin_len);
int r = uv_getaddrinfo(ssb->loop, &connect->req, _tf_on_connect_getaddrinfo, host, NULL, &(struct addrinfo) { .ai_family = AF_INET });
if (r < 0) {
printf("uv_getaddrinfo: %s\n", uv_strerror(r));
static void _tf_ssb_on_connection(uv_stream_t* stream, int status) {
tf_ssb_t* ssb = stream->data;
if (status < 0) {
printf("uv_listen failed: %s\n", uv_strerror(status));
tf_ssb_connection_t* connection = malloc(sizeof(tf_ssb_connection_t));
memset(connection, 0, sizeof(*connection));
connection->ssb = ssb;
connection->tcp.data = connection;
connection->send_request_number = 1;
if (uv_tcp_init(ssb->loop, &connection->tcp) != 0) {
printf("uv_tcp_init failed\n");
if (uv_accept(stream, (uv_stream_t*)&connection->tcp) != 0) {
printf("uv_accept failed\n");
connection->next = ssb->connections;
ssb->connections = connection;
for (int i = 0; i < ssb->connections_changed_count; i++) {
ssb->connections_changed[i](ssb, k_tf_ssb_change_create, connection, ssb->connections_changed_user_data[i]);
connection->state = k_tf_ssb_state_server_wait_hello;
uv_read_start((uv_stream_t*)&connection->tcp, _tf_ssb_connection_on_tcp_alloc, _tf_ssb_connection_on_tcp_recv);
static void _tf_ssb_send_broadcast(tf_ssb_t* ssb, struct sockaddr_in* address)
struct sockaddr server_addr;
int len = (int)sizeof(server_addr);
if (uv_tcp_getsockname(&ssb->server, &server_addr, &len) != 0 ||
server_addr.sa_family != AF_INET) {
printf("Unable to get server's address.\n");
char address_str[256];
if (uv_ip4_name(address, address_str, sizeof(address_str)) != 0) {
printf("Unable to convert address to string.\n");
char fullid[k_id_base64_len];
base64c_encode(ssb->pub, sizeof(ssb->pub), (uint8_t*)fullid, sizeof(fullid));
char message[512];
snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "net:%s:%d~shs:%s", address_str, ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in*)&server_addr)->sin_port), fullid);
printf("Broadcasting %s\n", message);
uv_buf_t buf = { .base = message, .len = strlen(message) };
struct sockaddr_in broadcast_addr = { 0 };
broadcast_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
broadcast_addr.sin_port = htons(8008);
broadcast_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST;
int r = uv_udp_try_send(&ssb->broadcast_sender, &buf, 1, (struct sockaddr*)&broadcast_addr);
if (r < 0) {
printf("failed to send broadcast %d: %s\n", r, uv_strerror(r));
static void _tf_ssb_broadcast_timer(uv_timer_t* timer)
tf_ssb_t* ssb = timer->data;
uv_interface_address_t* info = NULL;
int count = 0;
if (uv_interface_addresses(&info, &count) == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (!info[i].is_internal &&
info[i].address.address4.sin_family == AF_INET) {
_tf_ssb_send_broadcast(ssb, &info[i].address.address4);
uv_free_interface_addresses(info, count);
void tf_ssb_server_open(tf_ssb_t* ssb, int port)
if (ssb->server.data) {
printf("Already listening.\n");
ssb->server.data = ssb;
if (uv_tcp_init(ssb->loop, &ssb->server) != 0) {
printf("uv_tcp_init failed\n");
struct sockaddr_in addr = { 0 };
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_port = htons(port);
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
if (uv_tcp_bind(&ssb->server, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, 0) != 0) {
printf("uv_tcp_bind failed\n");
int status = uv_listen((uv_stream_t*)&ssb->server, SOMAXCONN, _tf_ssb_on_connection);
if (status != 0) {
printf("uv_listen failed: %s\n", uv_strerror(status));
/* TODO: cleanup */
uv_timer_start(&ssb->broadcast_timer, _tf_ssb_broadcast_timer, 2000, 2000);
void tf_ssb_server_close(tf_ssb_t* ssb)
if (ssb->server.data && !uv_is_closing((uv_handle_t*)&ssb->server)) {
uv_close((uv_handle_t*)&ssb->server, _tf_ssb_on_handle_close);
bool tf_ssb_whoami(tf_ssb_t* ssb, char* out_id, size_t out_id_size)
return tf_ssb_id_bin_to_str(out_id, out_id_size, ssb->pub);
bool tf_ssb_blob_get(tf_ssb_t* ssb, const char* id, uint8_t** out_blob, size_t* out_size)
bool result = false;
sqlite3_stmt* statement;
const char* query = "SELECT content FROM blobs WHERE id = $1";
if (sqlite3_prepare(ssb->db, query, -1, &statement, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) {
if (sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 1, id, -1, NULL) == SQLITE_OK &&
sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW) {
const uint8_t* blob = sqlite3_column_blob(statement, 0);
int size = sqlite3_column_bytes(statement, 0);
if (out_blob) {
*out_blob = malloc(size + 1);
memcpy(*out_blob, blob, size);
(*out_blob)[size] = '\0';
if (out_size) {
*out_size = size;
result = true;
return result;
bool tf_ssb_blob_store(tf_ssb_t* ssb, const uint8_t* blob, size_t size, char* out_id, size_t out_id_size)
bool result = false;
sqlite3_stmt* statement;
uint8_t hash[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES];
crypto_hash_sha256(hash, blob, size);
char hash64[256];
base64c_encode(hash, sizeof(hash), (uint8_t*)hash64, sizeof(hash64));
char id[512];
snprintf(id, sizeof(id), "&%s.sha256", hash64);
2021-01-02 22:48:33 +00:00
printf("blob store %s\n", id);
2021-01-02 18:10:00 +00:00
const char* query = "INSERT INTO blobs (id, content, created) VALUES ($1, $2, CAST(strftime('%s') AS INTEGER)) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING";
if (sqlite3_prepare(ssb->db, query, -1, &statement, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) {
if (sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 1, id, -1, NULL) == SQLITE_OK &&
sqlite3_bind_blob(statement, 2, blob, size, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) {
result = sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE;
} else {
printf("bind failed: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(ssb->db));
} else {
printf("prepare failed: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(ssb->db));
if (result && out_id) {
snprintf(out_id, out_id_size, "%s", id);
return result;
2021-01-09 23:06:33 +00:00
bool tf_ssb_message_content_get(tf_ssb_t* ssb, const char* id, uint8_t** out_blob, size_t* out_size)
bool result = false;
sqlite3_stmt* statement;
const char* query = "SELECT content FROM messages WHERE id = ?";
if (sqlite3_prepare(ssb->db, query, -1, &statement, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) {
if (sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 1, id, -1, NULL) == SQLITE_OK &&
sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW) {
const uint8_t* blob = sqlite3_column_blob(statement, 0);
int size = sqlite3_column_bytes(statement, 0);
if (out_blob) {
*out_blob = malloc(size + 1);
memcpy(*out_blob, blob, size);
(*out_blob)[size] = '\0';
if (out_size) {
*out_size = size;
result = true;
return result;
2021-01-02 18:10:00 +00:00
static bool _tf_ssb_parse_broadcast(const char* in_broadcast, tf_ssb_broadcast_t* out_broadcast)
char public_key_str[45] = { 0 };
int port = 0;
static_assert(sizeof(out_broadcast->host) == 256, "host field size");
if (sscanf(in_broadcast, "net:%255[0-9.]:%d~shs:%44s", out_broadcast->host, &port, public_key_str) == 3) {
if (uv_inet_pton(AF_INET, out_broadcast->host, &out_broadcast->addr.sin_addr) == 0) {
out_broadcast->addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
out_broadcast->addr.sin_port = htons((uint16_t)port);
int r = base64c_decode((const uint8_t*)public_key_str, strlen(public_key_str), out_broadcast->pub, crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
return r != -1;
} else {
printf("pton failed\n");
} else {
printf("Unsupported broadcast: %s\n", in_broadcast);
return false;
void tf_ssb_connect_str(tf_ssb_t* ssb, const char* address)
tf_ssb_broadcast_t broadcast = { 0 };
if (_tf_ssb_parse_broadcast(address, &broadcast)) {
tf_ssb_connection_create(ssb, broadcast.host, &broadcast.addr, broadcast.pub);
} else {
printf("Unable to parse: %s\n", address);
static void _tf_ssb_on_broadcast_listener_alloc(uv_handle_t* handle, size_t suggested_size, uv_buf_t* buf)
buf->base = malloc(suggested_size + 1);
buf->len = suggested_size;
static void _tf_ssb_add_broadcast(tf_ssb_t* ssb, const tf_ssb_broadcast_t* broadcast)
if (memcmp(broadcast->pub, ssb->pub, sizeof(ssb->pub)) == 0) {
for (tf_ssb_broadcast_t* node = ssb->broadcasts; node; node = node->next) {
if (node->addr.sin_family == broadcast->addr.sin_family &&
node->addr.sin_port == broadcast->addr.sin_port &&
node->addr.sin_addr.s_addr == broadcast->addr.sin_addr.s_addr &&
memcmp(node->pub, broadcast->pub, sizeof(node->pub)) == 0) {
node->mtime = time(NULL);
char key[ID_BASE64_LEN];
if (tf_ssb_id_bin_to_str(key, sizeof(key), broadcast->pub)) {
tf_ssb_connections_store(ssb->connections_tracker, broadcast->host, ntohs(broadcast->addr.sin_port), key);
tf_ssb_broadcast_t* node = malloc(sizeof(tf_ssb_broadcast_t));
*node = *broadcast;
node->next = ssb->broadcasts;
node->ctime = time(NULL);
node->mtime = node->ctime;
ssb->broadcasts = node;
if (ssb->broadcasts_changed) {
ssb->broadcasts_changed(ssb, ssb->broadcasts_changed_user_data);
static void _tf_ssb_on_broadcast_listener_recv(uv_udp_t* handle, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf, const struct sockaddr* addr, unsigned flags)
if (nread <= 0) {
tf_ssb_t* ssb = handle->data;
((char*)buf->base)[nread] = '\0';
printf("RECV %d %.*s\n", (int)nread, (int)nread, buf->base);
const char* k_delim = ";";
char* state = NULL;
char* entry = strtok_r(buf->base, k_delim, &state);
while (entry) {
tf_ssb_broadcast_t broadcast = { 0 };
if (_tf_ssb_parse_broadcast(entry, &broadcast)) {
_tf_ssb_add_broadcast(ssb, &broadcast);
entry = strtok_r(NULL, k_delim, &state);
void tf_ssb_visit_broadcasts(tf_ssb_t* ssb, void (*callback)(const struct sockaddr_in* addr, const uint8_t* pub, void* user_data), void* user_data)
time_t now = time(NULL);
for (tf_ssb_broadcast_t* node = ssb->broadcasts; node; node = node->next) {
if (node->mtime - now < 60) {
callback(&node->addr, node->pub, user_data);
void tf_ssb_broadcast_listener_start(tf_ssb_t* ssb, bool linger)
if (ssb->broadcast_listener.data) {
ssb->broadcast_listener.data = ssb;
uv_udp_init(ssb->loop, &ssb->broadcast_listener);
struct sockaddr_in addr = { 0 };
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_port = htons(8008);
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
int result = uv_udp_bind(&ssb->broadcast_listener, (const struct sockaddr*)&addr, UV_UDP_REUSEADDR);
if (result != 0) {
printf("bind: %s\n", uv_strerror(result));
result = uv_udp_recv_start(&ssb->broadcast_listener, _tf_ssb_on_broadcast_listener_alloc, _tf_ssb_on_broadcast_listener_recv);
if (result != 0) {
printf("uv_udp_recv_start: %s\n", uv_strerror(result));
if (!linger) {
void tf_ssb_append_post(tf_ssb_t* ssb, const char* text)
JSValue obj = JS_NewObject(ssb->context);
JS_SetPropertyStr(ssb->context, obj, "type", JS_NewString(ssb->context, "post"));
JS_SetPropertyStr(ssb->context, obj, "text", JS_NewString(ssb->context, text));
tf_ssb_append_message(ssb, obj);
JS_FreeValue(ssb->context, obj);
const char** tf_ssb_get_connection_ids(tf_ssb_t* ssb)
int count = 0;
for (tf_ssb_connection_t* connection = ssb->connections; connection; connection = connection->next) {
if (connection->state == k_tf_ssb_state_verified || connection->state == k_tf_ssb_state_server_verified) {
char* buffer = malloc(sizeof(char*) * (count + 1) + k_id_base64_len * count);
char** array = (char**)buffer;
char* strings = buffer + sizeof(char*) * (count + 1);
int i = 0;
for (tf_ssb_connection_t* connection = ssb->connections; connection; connection = connection->next) {
if (connection->state == k_tf_ssb_state_verified || connection->state == k_tf_ssb_state_server_verified) {
char* write_pos = strings + k_id_base64_len * i;
tf_ssb_id_bin_to_str(write_pos, k_id_base64_len, connection->serverpub);
array[i++] = write_pos;
array[i] = NULL;
return (const char**)array;
int tf_ssb_get_connections(tf_ssb_t* ssb, tf_ssb_connection_t** out_connections, int out_connections_count)
int i = 0;
for (tf_ssb_connection_t* connection = ssb->connections;
connection && i < out_connections_count;
connection = connection->next) {
out_connections[i++] = connection;
return i;
void tf_ssb_set_broadcasts_changed_callback(tf_ssb_t* ssb, void (*callback)(tf_ssb_t* ssb, void* user_data), void* user_data)
ssb->broadcasts_changed = callback;
ssb->broadcasts_changed_user_data = user_data;
void tf_ssb_add_connections_changed_callback(tf_ssb_t* ssb, tf_ssb_connections_changed_callback_t* callback, void* user_data)
assert(ssb->connections_changed_count < k_connections_changed_callbacks_max);
ssb->connections_changed[ssb->connections_changed_count] = callback;
ssb->connections_changed_user_data[ssb->connections_changed_count] = user_data;
static void _write_file(const char* path, void* blob, size_t size)
FILE* file = fopen(path, "wb");
if (file) {
fwrite(blob, 1, size, file);
} else {
printf("Failed to open %s for write: %s.\n", path, strerror(errno));
void tf_ssb_export(tf_ssb_t* ssb, const char* key)
char user[256] = { 0 };
char path[256] = { 0 };
if (sscanf(key, "/~%255[^/]/%255s", user, path) != 2) {
printf("Unable to export %s.\n", key);
char app_blob_id[64] = { 0 };
sqlite3_stmt* statement;
if (sqlite3_prepare(ssb->db, "SELECT value FROM properties WHERE id = $1 AND key = 'path:' || $2", -1, &statement, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) {
if (sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 1, user, -1, NULL) == SQLITE_OK &&
sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, path, -1, NULL) == SQLITE_OK &&
sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW) {
int len = sqlite3_column_bytes(statement, 0);
if (len >= (int)sizeof(app_blob_id)) {
len = sizeof(app_blob_id) - 1;
memcpy(app_blob_id, sqlite3_column_text(statement, 0), len);
app_blob_id[len] = '\0';
if (!*app_blob_id) {
printf("Did not find app blob ID for %s.\n", key);
uint8_t* blob = NULL;
size_t size = 0;
if (!tf_ssb_blob_get(ssb, app_blob_id, &blob, &size)) {
printf("Did not find blob for %s: %s.\n", key, app_blob_id);
char file_path[1024];
snprintf(file_path, sizeof(file_path), "apps/%s/%s.json", user, path);
_write_file(file_path, blob, size);
JSContext* context = ssb->context;
JSValue app = JS_ParseJSON(context, (const char*)blob, size, NULL);
JSValue files = JS_GetPropertyStr(context, app, "files");
JSPropertyEnum* ptab = NULL;
uint32_t plen = 0;
if (JS_GetOwnPropertyNames(context, &ptab, &plen, files, JS_GPN_STRING_MASK) == 0) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < plen; ++i) {
JSPropertyDescriptor desc;
if (JS_GetOwnProperty(context, &desc, files, ptab[i].atom) == 1) {
JSValue key = JS_AtomToString(context, ptab[i].atom);
const char* file_name = JS_ToCString(context, key);
const char* blob_id = JS_ToCString(context, desc.value);
uint8_t* file_blob = NULL;
size_t file_size = 0;
if (tf_ssb_blob_get(ssb, blob_id, &file_blob, &file_size)) {
snprintf(file_path, sizeof(file_path), "apps/%s/%s/%s", user, path, file_name);
_write_file(file_path, file_blob, file_size);
JS_FreeCString(context, file_name);
JS_FreeValue(context, key);
JS_FreeCString(context, blob_id);
JS_FreeValue(context, desc.value);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < plen; ++i) {
JS_FreeAtom(context, ptab[i].atom);
js_free(context, ptab);
JS_FreeValue(context, files);
JS_FreeValue(context, app);
typedef struct _tf_import_file_t {
uv_fs_t req;
uv_file file;
tf_ssb_t* ssb;
const char* user;
const char* parent;
const char* name;
//uv_buf_t buf;
char data[k_ssb_blob_bytes_max];
int* work_left;
} tf_import_file_t;
static void _tf_ssb_import_file_close(uv_fs_t* req)
tf_import_file_t* file = req->data;
static void _tf_ssb_import_file_read(uv_fs_t* req)
tf_import_file_t* file = req->data;
char id[k_id_base64_len];
if (req->result >= 0) {
if (tf_ssb_blob_store(file->ssb, (const uint8_t*)file->data, req->result, id, sizeof(id))) {
printf("Stored %s/%s as %s.\n", file->parent, file->name, id);
if (strcasecmp(file->name + strlen(file->name) - strlen(".json"), ".json") == 0) {
sqlite3_stmt* statement;
if (sqlite3_prepare(file->ssb->db, "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO properties (id, key, value) VALUES ($1, 'path:' || $2, $3)", -1, &statement, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) {
((char*)file->name)[strlen(file->name) - strlen(".json")] = '\0';
if (sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 1, file->user, -1, NULL) == SQLITE_OK &&
sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, file->name, -1, NULL) == SQLITE_OK &&
sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 3, id, -1, NULL) == SQLITE_OK &&
sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE) {
printf("Registered %s path:%s as %s.\n", file->user, file->name, id);
uv_fs_close(file->ssb->loop, req, file->file, _tf_ssb_import_file_close);
static void _tf_ssb_import_file_open(uv_fs_t* req)
tf_import_file_t* file = req->data;
file->file = req->result;
uv_fs_read(file->ssb->loop, req, file->file, &(uv_buf_t) { .base = file->data, .len = k_ssb_blob_bytes_max }, 1, 0, _tf_ssb_import_file_read);
typedef struct _tf_import_t {
tf_ssb_t* ssb;
const char* user;
const char* parent;
uv_fs_t req;
int work_left;
} tf_import_t;
static void _tf_ssb_import_scandir(uv_fs_t* req)
tf_import_t* import = req->data;
uv_dirent_t ent;
while (uv_fs_scandir_next(req, &ent) == 0) {
size_t len = strlen(import->parent) + strlen(ent.name) + 2;
char* path = malloc(len);
snprintf(path, len, "%s/%s", import->parent, ent.name);
if (ent.type == UV_DIRENT_DIR) {
tf_ssb_import(import->ssb, import->user, path);
} else {
size_t size = sizeof(tf_import_file_t) + strlen(import->parent) +1 + strlen(ent.name) + 1;
tf_import_file_t* file = malloc(size);
memset(file, 0, size);
file->ssb = import->ssb;
file->user = import->user;
file->parent = (void*)(file + 1);
file->name = file->parent + strlen(import->parent) + 1;
file->req.data = file;
file->work_left = &import->work_left;
memcpy((char*)file->parent, import->parent, strlen(import->parent) + 1);
memcpy((char*)file->name, ent.name, strlen(ent.name) + 1);
int r = uv_fs_open(import->ssb->loop, &file->req, path, 0, 0, _tf_ssb_import_file_open);
if (r < 0) {
printf("Failed to open %s: %s.\n", path, uv_strerror(r));
void tf_ssb_import(tf_ssb_t* ssb, const char* user, const char* path)
tf_import_t import = {
.ssb = ssb,
.user = user,
.parent = path,
.work_left = 1,
import.req.data = &import;
int r = uv_fs_scandir(ssb->loop, &import.req, path, 0, _tf_ssb_import_scandir);
if (r) {
printf("Failed to scan directory %s: %s.", path, uv_strerror(r));
while (import.work_left > 0) {
uv_run(ssb->loop, UV_RUN_ONCE);
void tf_ssb_register_rpc(tf_ssb_t* ssb, const char** name, tf_ssb_rpc_callback_t* callback, void* user_data)
size_t name_len = 0;
int name_count = 0;
for (int i = 0; name[i]; i++) {
name_len += strlen(name[i]) + 1;
tf_ssb_rpc_callback_node_t* node = malloc(sizeof(tf_ssb_rpc_callback_node_t) + (name_count + 1) * sizeof(const char*) + name_len);
*node = (tf_ssb_rpc_callback_node_t) {
.name = (const char**)(node + 1),
.callback = callback,
.user_data = user_data,
.next = ssb->rpc,
char* p = (char*)(node + 1) + (name_count + 1) * sizeof(const char*);
for (int i = 0; i < name_count; i++) {
size_t len = strlen(name[i]);
memcpy(p, name[i], len + 1);
node->name[i] = p;
p += len + 1;
node->name[name_count] = NULL;
ssb->rpc = node;
sqlite3* tf_ssb_connection_get_db(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection)
return connection->ssb->db;
JSContext* tf_ssb_connection_get_context(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection)
return connection->ssb->context;
tf_ssb_t* tf_ssb_connection_get_ssb(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection)
return connection->ssb;
int32_t tf_ssb_connection_next_request_number(tf_ssb_connection_t* connection)
return connection->send_request_number++;