import { EditorView } from '@codemirror/view'; import { HighlightStyle, syntaxHighlighting } from '@codemirror/language'; import { tags } from '@lezer/highlight'; // Using as reference for the colors const chalky = "#e5c07b", coral = "#e06c75", cyan = "#56b6c2", invalid = "#ffffff", ivory = "#abb2bf", stone = "#7d8799", // Brightened compared to original to increase contrast malibu = "#61afef", sage = "#98c379", whiskey = "#d19a66", violet = "#c678dd", darkBackground = "#21252b", highlightBackground = "#2c313a", background = "#14161a", tooltipBackground = "#353a42", selection = "#3E4451", cursor = "#528bff"; /** The colors used in the theme, as CSS color strings. */ const color = { chalky, coral, cyan, invalid, ivory, stone, malibu, sage, whiskey, violet, darkBackground, highlightBackground, background, tooltipBackground, selection, cursor }; /** The editor theme styles for One Dark. */ const oneDarkTheme = /*@__PURE__*/EditorView.theme({ "&": { color: ivory, backgroundColor: background }, ".cm-content": { caretColor: cursor }, ".cm-cursor, .cm-dropCursor": { borderLeftColor: cursor }, "&.cm-focused > .cm-scroller > .cm-selectionLayer .cm-selectionBackground, .cm-selectionBackground, .cm-content ::selection": { backgroundColor: selection }, ".cm-panels": { backgroundColor: darkBackground, color: ivory }, "": { borderBottom: "2px solid black" }, "": { borderTop: "2px solid black" }, ".cm-searchMatch": { backgroundColor: "#72a1ff59", outline: "1px solid #457dff" }, "": { backgroundColor: "#6199ff2f" }, ".cm-activeLine": { backgroundColor: "#6699ff0b" }, ".cm-selectionMatch": { backgroundColor: "#aafe661a" }, "&.cm-focused .cm-matchingBracket, &.cm-focused .cm-nonmatchingBracket": { backgroundColor: "#bad0f847" }, ".cm-gutters": { backgroundColor: background, color: stone, border: "none" }, ".cm-activeLineGutter": { backgroundColor: highlightBackground }, ".cm-foldPlaceholder": { backgroundColor: "transparent", border: "none", color: "#ddd" }, ".cm-tooltip": { border: "none", backgroundColor: tooltipBackground }, ".cm-tooltip .cm-tooltip-arrow:before": { borderTopColor: "transparent", borderBottomColor: "transparent" }, ".cm-tooltip .cm-tooltip-arrow:after": { borderTopColor: tooltipBackground, borderBottomColor: tooltipBackground }, ".cm-tooltip-autocomplete": { "& > ul > li[aria-selected]": { backgroundColor: highlightBackground, color: ivory } } }, { dark: true }); /** The highlighting style for code in the One Dark theme. */ const oneDarkHighlightStyle = /*@__PURE__*/HighlightStyle.define([ { tag: tags.keyword, color: violet }, { tag: [, tags.deleted, tags.character, tags.propertyName, tags.macroName], color: coral }, { tag: [/*@__PURE__*/tags.function(tags.variableName), tags.labelName], color: malibu }, { tag: [tags.color, /*@__PURE__*/tags.constant(, /*@__PURE__*/tags.standard(], color: whiskey }, { tag: [/*@__PURE__*/tags.definition(, tags.separator], color: ivory }, { tag: [tags.typeName, tags.className, tags.number, tags.changed, tags.annotation, tags.modifier, tags.self, tags.namespace], color: chalky }, { tag: [tags.operator, tags.operatorKeyword, tags.url, tags.escape, tags.regexp,, /*@__PURE__*/tags.special(tags.string)], color: cyan }, { tag: [tags.meta, tags.comment], color: stone }, { tag: tags.strong, fontWeight: "bold" }, { tag: tags.emphasis, fontStyle: "italic" }, { tag: tags.strikethrough, textDecoration: "line-through" }, { tag:, color: stone, textDecoration: "underline" }, { tag: tags.heading, fontWeight: "bold", color: coral }, { tag: [tags.atom, tags.bool, /*@__PURE__*/tags.special(tags.variableName)], color: whiskey }, { tag: [tags.processingInstruction, tags.string, tags.inserted], color: sage }, { tag: tags.invalid, color: invalid }, ]); /** Extension to enable the One Dark theme (both the editor theme and the highlight style). */ const oneDark = [oneDarkTheme, /*@__PURE__*/syntaxHighlighting(oneDarkHighlightStyle)]; export { color, oneDark, oneDarkHighlightStyle, oneDarkTheme };