/* Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "uv.h" #include "internal.h" /* clang-format off */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* clang-format on */ #include #include /* * Max title length; the only thing MSDN tells us about the maximum length * of the console title is that it is smaller than 64K. However in practice * it is much smaller, and there is no way to figure out what the exact length * of the title is or can be, at least not on XP. To make it even more * annoying, GetConsoleTitle fails when the buffer to be read into is bigger * than the actual maximum length. So we make a conservative guess here; * just don't put the novel you're writing in the title, unless the plot * survives truncation. */ #define MAX_TITLE_LENGTH 8192 /* The number of nanoseconds in one second. */ #define UV__NANOSEC 1000000000 /* Max user name length, from iphlpapi.h */ #ifndef UNLEN # define UNLEN 256 #endif /* A RtlGenRandom() by any other name... */ extern BOOLEAN NTAPI SystemFunction036(PVOID Buffer, ULONG BufferLength); /* Cached copy of the process title, plus a mutex guarding it. */ static char *process_title; static CRITICAL_SECTION process_title_lock; /* Frequency of the high-resolution clock. */ static uint64_t hrtime_frequency_ = 0; /* * One-time initialization code for functionality defined in util.c. */ void uv__util_init(void) { LARGE_INTEGER perf_frequency; /* Initialize process title access mutex. */ InitializeCriticalSection(&process_title_lock); /* Retrieve high-resolution timer frequency * and precompute its reciprocal. */ if (QueryPerformanceFrequency(&perf_frequency)) { hrtime_frequency_ = perf_frequency.QuadPart; } else { uv_fatal_error(GetLastError(), "QueryPerformanceFrequency"); } } int uv_exepath(char* buffer, size_t* size_ptr) { size_t utf8_len, utf16_buffer_len, utf16_len; WCHAR* utf16_buffer; int err; if (buffer == NULL || size_ptr == NULL || *size_ptr == 0) { return UV_EINVAL; } if (*size_ptr > 32768) { /* Windows paths can never be longer than this. */ utf16_buffer_len = 32768; } else { utf16_buffer_len = (int) *size_ptr; } utf16_buffer = (WCHAR*) uv__malloc(sizeof(WCHAR) * utf16_buffer_len); if (!utf16_buffer) { return UV_ENOMEM; } /* Get the path as UTF-16. */ utf16_len = GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, utf16_buffer, utf16_buffer_len); if (utf16_len <= 0) { err = GetLastError(); goto error; } /* Convert to UTF-8 */ utf8_len = *size_ptr - 1; /* Reserve space for NUL */ err = uv_utf16_to_wtf8(utf16_buffer, utf16_len, &buffer, &utf8_len); if (err == UV_ENOBUFS) { utf8_len = *size_ptr - 1; err = 0; } *size_ptr = utf8_len; uv__free(utf16_buffer); return err; error: uv__free(utf16_buffer); return uv_translate_sys_error(err); } static int uv__cwd(WCHAR** buf, DWORD *len) { WCHAR* p; DWORD n; DWORD t; t = GetCurrentDirectoryW(0, NULL); for (;;) { if (t == 0) return uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError()); /* |t| is the size of the buffer _including_ nul. */ p = uv__malloc(t * sizeof(*p)); if (p == NULL) return UV_ENOMEM; /* |n| is the size of the buffer _excluding_ nul but _only on success_. * If |t| was too small because another thread changed the working * directory, |n| is the size the buffer should be _including_ nul. * It therefore follows we must resize when n >= t and fail when n == 0. */ n = GetCurrentDirectoryW(t, p); if (n > 0) if (n < t) break; uv__free(p); t = n; } /* The returned directory should not have a trailing slash, unless it points * at a drive root, like c:\. Remove it if needed. */ t = n - 1; if (p[t] == L'\\' && !(n == 3 && p[1] == L':')) { p[t] = L'\0'; n = t; } *buf = p; *len = n; return 0; } int uv_cwd(char* buffer, size_t* size) { DWORD utf16_len; WCHAR *utf16_buffer; int r; if (buffer == NULL || size == NULL) { return UV_EINVAL; } r = uv__cwd(&utf16_buffer, &utf16_len); if (r < 0) return r; r = uv__copy_utf16_to_utf8(utf16_buffer, utf16_len, buffer, size); uv__free(utf16_buffer); return r; } int uv_chdir(const char* dir) { WCHAR *utf16_buffer; DWORD utf16_len; WCHAR drive_letter, env_var[4]; int r; /* Convert to UTF-16 */ r = uv__convert_utf8_to_utf16(dir, &utf16_buffer); if (r) return r; if (!SetCurrentDirectoryW(utf16_buffer)) { uv__free(utf16_buffer); return uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError()); } /* uv__cwd() will return a new buffer. */ uv__free(utf16_buffer); utf16_buffer = NULL; /* Windows stores the drive-local path in an "hidden" environment variable, * which has the form "=C:=C:\Windows". SetCurrentDirectory does not update * this, so we'll have to do it. */ r = uv__cwd(&utf16_buffer, &utf16_len); if (r == UV_ENOMEM) { /* When updating the environment variable fails, return UV_OK anyway. * We did successfully change current working directory, only updating * hidden env variable failed. */ return 0; } if (r < 0) { return r; } if (utf16_len < 2 || utf16_buffer[1] != L':') { /* Doesn't look like a drive letter could be there - probably an UNC path. * TODO: Need to handle win32 namespaces like \\?\C:\ ? */ drive_letter = 0; } else if (utf16_buffer[0] >= L'A' && utf16_buffer[0] <= L'Z') { drive_letter = utf16_buffer[0]; } else if (utf16_buffer[0] >= L'a' && utf16_buffer[0] <= L'z') { /* Convert to uppercase. */ drive_letter = utf16_buffer[0] - L'a' + L'A'; } else { /* Not valid. */ drive_letter = 0; } if (drive_letter != 0) { /* Construct the environment variable name and set it. */ env_var[0] = L'='; env_var[1] = drive_letter; env_var[2] = L':'; env_var[3] = L'\0'; SetEnvironmentVariableW(env_var, utf16_buffer); } uv__free(utf16_buffer); return 0; } void uv_loadavg(double avg[3]) { /* Can't be implemented */ avg[0] = avg[1] = avg[2] = 0; } uint64_t uv_get_free_memory(void) { MEMORYSTATUSEX memory_status; memory_status.dwLength = sizeof(memory_status); if (!GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&memory_status)) { return 0; } return (uint64_t)memory_status.ullAvailPhys; } uint64_t uv_get_total_memory(void) { MEMORYSTATUSEX memory_status; memory_status.dwLength = sizeof(memory_status); if (!GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&memory_status)) { return 0; } return (uint64_t)memory_status.ullTotalPhys; } uint64_t uv_get_constrained_memory(void) { return 0; /* Memory constraints are unknown. */ } uint64_t uv_get_available_memory(void) { return uv_get_free_memory(); } uv_pid_t uv_os_getpid(void) { return GetCurrentProcessId(); } uv_pid_t uv_os_getppid(void) { int parent_pid = -1; HANDLE handle; PROCESSENTRY32 pe; DWORD current_pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); pe.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); handle = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (Process32First(handle, &pe)) { do { if (pe.th32ProcessID == current_pid) { parent_pid = pe.th32ParentProcessID; break; } } while( Process32Next(handle, &pe)); } CloseHandle(handle); return parent_pid; } char** uv_setup_args(int argc, char** argv) { return argv; } void uv__process_title_cleanup(void) { } int uv_set_process_title(const char* title) { int err; int length; WCHAR* title_w = NULL; uv__once_init(); err = uv__convert_utf8_to_utf16(title, &title_w); if (err) return err; /* If the title must be truncated insert a \0 terminator there */ length = wcslen(title_w); if (length >= MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) title_w[MAX_TITLE_LENGTH - 1] = L'\0'; if (!SetConsoleTitleW(title_w)) { err = GetLastError(); goto done; } EnterCriticalSection(&process_title_lock); uv__free(process_title); process_title = uv__strdup(title); LeaveCriticalSection(&process_title_lock); err = 0; done: uv__free(title_w); return uv_translate_sys_error(err); } static int uv__get_process_title(void) { WCHAR title_w[MAX_TITLE_LENGTH]; DWORD wlen; wlen = GetConsoleTitleW(title_w, sizeof(title_w) / sizeof(WCHAR)); if (wlen == 0) return uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError()); return uv__convert_utf16_to_utf8(title_w, wlen, &process_title); } int uv_get_process_title(char* buffer, size_t size) { size_t len; int r; if (buffer == NULL || size == 0) return UV_EINVAL; uv__once_init(); EnterCriticalSection(&process_title_lock); /* * If the process_title was never read before nor explicitly set, * we must query it with getConsoleTitleW */ if (process_title == NULL) { r = uv__get_process_title(); if (r) { LeaveCriticalSection(&process_title_lock); return r; } } assert(process_title); len = strlen(process_title) + 1; if (size < len) { LeaveCriticalSection(&process_title_lock); return UV_ENOBUFS; } memcpy(buffer, process_title, len); LeaveCriticalSection(&process_title_lock); return 0; } /* https://github.com/libuv/libuv/issues/1674 */ int uv_clock_gettime(uv_clock_id clock_id, uv_timespec64_t* ts) { FILETIME ft; int64_t t; if (ts == NULL) return UV_EFAULT; switch (clock_id) { case UV_CLOCK_MONOTONIC: uv__once_init(); t = uv__hrtime(UV__NANOSEC); ts->tv_sec = t / 1000000000; ts->tv_nsec = t % 1000000000; return 0; case UV_CLOCK_REALTIME: GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime(&ft); /* In 100-nanosecond increments from 1601-01-01 UTC because why not? */ t = (int64_t) ft.dwHighDateTime << 32 | ft.dwLowDateTime; /* Convert to UNIX epoch, 1970-01-01. Still in 100 ns increments. */ t -= 116444736000000000ll; /* Now convert to seconds and nanoseconds. */ ts->tv_sec = t / 10000000; ts->tv_nsec = t % 10000000 * 100; return 0; } return UV_EINVAL; } uint64_t uv_hrtime(void) { uv__once_init(); return uv__hrtime(UV__NANOSEC); } uint64_t uv__hrtime(unsigned int scale) { LARGE_INTEGER counter; double scaled_freq; double result; assert(hrtime_frequency_ != 0); assert(scale != 0); if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&counter)) { uv_fatal_error(GetLastError(), "QueryPerformanceCounter"); } assert(counter.QuadPart != 0); /* Because we have no guarantee about the order of magnitude of the * performance counter interval, integer math could cause this computation * to overflow. Therefore we resort to floating point math. */ scaled_freq = (double) hrtime_frequency_ / scale; result = (double) counter.QuadPart / scaled_freq; return (uint64_t) result; } int uv_resident_set_memory(size_t* rss) { HANDLE current_process; PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS pmc; current_process = GetCurrentProcess(); if (!GetProcessMemoryInfo(current_process, &pmc, sizeof(pmc))) { return uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError()); } *rss = pmc.WorkingSetSize; return 0; } int uv_uptime(double* uptime) { *uptime = GetTickCount64() / 1000.0; return 0; } unsigned int uv_available_parallelism(void) { SYSTEM_INFO info; unsigned rc; /* TODO(bnoordhuis) Use GetLogicalProcessorInformationEx() to support systems * with > 64 CPUs? See https://github.com/libuv/libuv/pull/3458 */ GetSystemInfo(&info); rc = info.dwNumberOfProcessors; if (rc < 1) rc = 1; return rc; } int uv_cpu_info(uv_cpu_info_t** cpu_infos_ptr, int* cpu_count_ptr) { uv_cpu_info_t* cpu_infos; SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION* sppi; DWORD sppi_size; SYSTEM_INFO system_info; DWORD cpu_count, i; NTSTATUS status; ULONG result_size; int err; uv_cpu_info_t* cpu_info; cpu_infos = NULL; cpu_count = 0; sppi = NULL; uv__once_init(); GetSystemInfo(&system_info); cpu_count = system_info.dwNumberOfProcessors; cpu_infos = uv__calloc(cpu_count, sizeof *cpu_infos); if (cpu_infos == NULL) { err = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto error; } sppi_size = cpu_count * sizeof(*sppi); sppi = uv__malloc(sppi_size); if (sppi == NULL) { err = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto error; } status = pNtQuerySystemInformation(SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation, sppi, sppi_size, &result_size); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { err = pRtlNtStatusToDosError(status); goto error; } assert(result_size == sppi_size); for (i = 0; i < cpu_count; i++) { WCHAR key_name[128]; HKEY processor_key; DWORD cpu_speed; DWORD cpu_speed_size = sizeof(cpu_speed); WCHAR cpu_brand[256]; DWORD cpu_brand_size = sizeof(cpu_brand); size_t len; len = _snwprintf(key_name, ARRAY_SIZE(key_name), L"HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\CentralProcessor\\%d", i); assert(len > 0 && len < ARRAY_SIZE(key_name)); err = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key_name, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &processor_key); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto error; } err = RegQueryValueExW(processor_key, L"~MHz", NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)&cpu_speed, &cpu_speed_size); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(processor_key); goto error; } err = RegQueryValueExW(processor_key, L"ProcessorNameString", NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)&cpu_brand, &cpu_brand_size); RegCloseKey(processor_key); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto error; cpu_info = &cpu_infos[i]; cpu_info->speed = cpu_speed; cpu_info->cpu_times.user = sppi[i].UserTime.QuadPart / 10000; cpu_info->cpu_times.sys = (sppi[i].KernelTime.QuadPart - sppi[i].IdleTime.QuadPart) / 10000; cpu_info->cpu_times.idle = sppi[i].IdleTime.QuadPart / 10000; cpu_info->cpu_times.irq = sppi[i].InterruptTime.QuadPart / 10000; cpu_info->cpu_times.nice = 0; uv__convert_utf16_to_utf8(cpu_brand, cpu_brand_size / sizeof(WCHAR), &(cpu_info->model)); } uv__free(sppi); *cpu_count_ptr = cpu_count; *cpu_infos_ptr = cpu_infos; return 0; error: if (cpu_infos != NULL) { /* This is safe because the cpu_infos array is zeroed on allocation. */ for (i = 0; i < cpu_count; i++) uv__free(cpu_infos[i].model); } uv__free(cpu_infos); uv__free(sppi); return uv_translate_sys_error(err); } int uv_interface_addresses(uv_interface_address_t** addresses_ptr, int* count_ptr) { IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES* win_address_buf; ULONG win_address_buf_size; IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES* adapter; uv_interface_address_t* uv_address_buf; char* name_buf; size_t uv_address_buf_size; uv_interface_address_t* uv_address; int count; ULONG flags; *addresses_ptr = NULL; *count_ptr = 0; flags = GAA_FLAG_SKIP_ANYCAST | GAA_FLAG_SKIP_MULTICAST | GAA_FLAG_SKIP_DNS_SERVER; /* Fetch the size of the adapters reported by windows, and then get the list * itself. */ win_address_buf_size = 0; win_address_buf = NULL; for (;;) { ULONG r; /* If win_address_buf is 0, then GetAdaptersAddresses will fail with. * ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, and the required buffer size will be stored in * win_address_buf_size. */ r = GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_UNSPEC, flags, NULL, win_address_buf, &win_address_buf_size); if (r == ERROR_SUCCESS) break; uv__free(win_address_buf); switch (r) { case ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW: /* This happens when win_address_buf is NULL or too small to hold all * adapters. */ win_address_buf = uv__malloc(win_address_buf_size); if (win_address_buf == NULL) return UV_ENOMEM; continue; case ERROR_NO_DATA: { /* No adapters were found. */ uv_address_buf = uv__malloc(1); if (uv_address_buf == NULL) return UV_ENOMEM; *count_ptr = 0; *addresses_ptr = uv_address_buf; return 0; } case ERROR_ADDRESS_NOT_ASSOCIATED: return UV_EAGAIN; case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: /* MSDN says: * "This error is returned for any of the following conditions: the * SizePointer parameter is NULL, the Address parameter is not * AF_INET, AF_INET6, or AF_UNSPEC, or the address information for * the parameters requested is greater than ULONG_MAX." * Since the first two conditions are not met, it must be that the * adapter data is too big. */ return UV_ENOBUFS; default: /* Other (unspecified) errors can happen, but we don't have any special * meaning for them. */ assert(r != ERROR_SUCCESS); return uv_translate_sys_error(r); } } /* Count the number of enabled interfaces and compute how much space is * needed to store their info. */ count = 0; uv_address_buf_size = 0; for (adapter = win_address_buf; adapter != NULL; adapter = adapter->Next) { IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS* unicast_address; int name_size; /* Interfaces that are not 'up' should not be reported. Also skip * interfaces that have no associated unicast address, as to avoid * allocating space for the name for this interface. */ if (adapter->OperStatus != IfOperStatusUp || adapter->FirstUnicastAddress == NULL) continue; /* Compute the size of the interface name. */ name_size = uv_utf16_length_as_wtf8(adapter->FriendlyName, -1); uv_address_buf_size += name_size + 1; /* Count the number of addresses associated with this interface, and * compute the size. */ for (unicast_address = (IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS*) adapter->FirstUnicastAddress; unicast_address != NULL; unicast_address = unicast_address->Next) { count++; uv_address_buf_size += sizeof(uv_interface_address_t); } } /* Allocate space to store interface data plus adapter names. */ uv_address_buf = uv__malloc(uv_address_buf_size); if (uv_address_buf == NULL) { uv__free(win_address_buf); return UV_ENOMEM; } /* Compute the start of the uv_interface_address_t array, and the place in * the buffer where the interface names will be stored. */ uv_address = uv_address_buf; name_buf = (char*) (uv_address_buf + count); /* Fill out the output buffer. */ for (adapter = win_address_buf; adapter != NULL; adapter = adapter->Next) { IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS* unicast_address; size_t name_size; int r; if (adapter->OperStatus != IfOperStatusUp || adapter->FirstUnicastAddress == NULL) continue; /* Convert the interface name to UTF8. */ name_size = (char*) uv_address_buf + uv_address_buf_size - name_buf; r = uv__copy_utf16_to_utf8(adapter->FriendlyName, -1, name_buf, &name_size); if (r) { uv__free(win_address_buf); uv__free(uv_address_buf); return r; } name_size += 1; /* Add NUL byte. */ /* Add an uv_interface_address_t element for every unicast address. */ for (unicast_address = (IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS*) adapter->FirstUnicastAddress; unicast_address != NULL; unicast_address = unicast_address->Next) { struct sockaddr* sa; ULONG prefix_len; sa = unicast_address->Address.lpSockaddr; prefix_len = ((IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS_LH*) unicast_address)->OnLinkPrefixLength; memset(uv_address, 0, sizeof *uv_address); uv_address->name = name_buf; if (adapter->PhysicalAddressLength == sizeof(uv_address->phys_addr)) { memcpy(uv_address->phys_addr, adapter->PhysicalAddress, sizeof(uv_address->phys_addr)); } uv_address->is_internal = (adapter->IfType == IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK); if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET6) { uv_address->address.address6 = *((struct sockaddr_in6 *) sa); uv_address->netmask.netmask6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; memset(uv_address->netmask.netmask6.sin6_addr.s6_addr, 0xff, prefix_len >> 3); /* This check ensures that we don't write past the size of the data. */ if (prefix_len % 8) { uv_address->netmask.netmask6.sin6_addr.s6_addr[prefix_len >> 3] = 0xff << (8 - prefix_len % 8); } } else { uv_address->address.address4 = *((struct sockaddr_in *) sa); uv_address->netmask.netmask4.sin_family = AF_INET; uv_address->netmask.netmask4.sin_addr.s_addr = (prefix_len > 0) ? htonl(0xffffffff << (32 - prefix_len)) : 0; } uv_address++; } name_buf += name_size; } uv__free(win_address_buf); *addresses_ptr = uv_address_buf; *count_ptr = count; return 0; } void uv_free_interface_addresses(uv_interface_address_t* addresses, int count) { uv__free(addresses); } int uv_getrusage(uv_rusage_t *uv_rusage) { FILETIME createTime, exitTime, kernelTime, userTime; SYSTEMTIME kernelSystemTime, userSystemTime; PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS memCounters; IO_COUNTERS ioCounters; int ret; ret = GetProcessTimes(GetCurrentProcess(), &createTime, &exitTime, &kernelTime, &userTime); if (ret == 0) { return uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError()); } ret = FileTimeToSystemTime(&kernelTime, &kernelSystemTime); if (ret == 0) { return uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError()); } ret = FileTimeToSystemTime(&userTime, &userSystemTime); if (ret == 0) { return uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError()); } ret = GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), &memCounters, sizeof(memCounters)); if (ret == 0) { return uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError()); } ret = GetProcessIoCounters(GetCurrentProcess(), &ioCounters); if (ret == 0) { return uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError()); } memset(uv_rusage, 0, sizeof(*uv_rusage)); uv_rusage->ru_utime.tv_sec = userSystemTime.wHour * 3600 + userSystemTime.wMinute * 60 + userSystemTime.wSecond; uv_rusage->ru_utime.tv_usec = userSystemTime.wMilliseconds * 1000; uv_rusage->ru_stime.tv_sec = kernelSystemTime.wHour * 3600 + kernelSystemTime.wMinute * 60 + kernelSystemTime.wSecond; uv_rusage->ru_stime.tv_usec = kernelSystemTime.wMilliseconds * 1000; uv_rusage->ru_majflt = (uint64_t) memCounters.PageFaultCount; uv_rusage->ru_maxrss = (uint64_t) memCounters.PeakWorkingSetSize / 1024; uv_rusage->ru_oublock = (uint64_t) ioCounters.WriteOperationCount; uv_rusage->ru_inblock = (uint64_t) ioCounters.ReadOperationCount; return 0; } int uv_os_homedir(char* buffer, size_t* size) { uv_passwd_t pwd; size_t len; int r; /* Check if the USERPROFILE environment variable is set first. The task of performing input validation on buffer and size is taken care of by uv_os_getenv(). */ r = uv_os_getenv("USERPROFILE", buffer, size); /* Don't return an error if USERPROFILE was not found. */ if (r != UV_ENOENT) return r; /* USERPROFILE is not set, so call uv_os_get_passwd() */ r = uv_os_get_passwd(&pwd); if (r != 0) { return r; } len = strlen(pwd.homedir); if (len >= *size) { *size = len + 1; uv_os_free_passwd(&pwd); return UV_ENOBUFS; } memcpy(buffer, pwd.homedir, len + 1); *size = len; uv_os_free_passwd(&pwd); return 0; } int uv_os_tmpdir(char* buffer, size_t* size) { wchar_t *path; size_t len; if (buffer == NULL || size == NULL || *size == 0) return UV_EINVAL; len = 0; len = GetTempPathW(0, NULL); if (len == 0) { return uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError()); } /* Include space for terminating null char. */ len += 1; path = uv__malloc(len * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (path == NULL) { return UV_ENOMEM; } len = GetTempPathW(len, path); if (len == 0) { uv__free(path); return uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError()); } /* The returned directory should not have a trailing slash, unless it points * at a drive root, like c:\. Remove it if needed. */ if (path[len - 1] == L'\\' && !(len == 3 && path[1] == L':')) { len--; path[len] = L'\0'; } return uv__copy_utf16_to_utf8(path, len, buffer, size); } /* * Converts a UTF-16 string into a UTF-8 one. The resulting string is * null-terminated. * * If utf16 is null terminated, utf16len can be set to -1, otherwise it must * be specified. */ int uv__convert_utf16_to_utf8(const WCHAR* utf16, size_t utf16len, char** utf8) { size_t utf8_len = 0; if (utf16 == NULL) return UV_EINVAL; *utf8 = NULL; return uv_utf16_to_wtf8(utf16, utf16len, utf8, &utf8_len); } /* * Converts a UTF-8 string into a UTF-16 one. The resulting string is * null-terminated. */ int uv__convert_utf8_to_utf16(const char* utf8, WCHAR** utf16) { int bufsize; if (utf8 == NULL) return UV_EINVAL; /* Check how much space we need (including NUL). */ bufsize = uv_wtf8_length_as_utf16(utf8); if (bufsize < 0) return UV__EINVAL; /* Allocate the destination buffer. */ *utf16 = uv__malloc(sizeof(WCHAR) * bufsize); if (*utf16 == NULL) return UV_ENOMEM; /* Convert to UTF-16 */ uv_wtf8_to_utf16(utf8, *utf16, bufsize); return 0; } /* * Converts a UTF-16 string into a UTF-8 one in an existing buffer. The * resulting string is null-terminated. * * If utf16 is null terminated, utf16len can be set to -1, otherwise it must * be specified. */ int uv__copy_utf16_to_utf8(const WCHAR* utf16buffer, size_t utf16len, char* utf8, size_t *size) { int r; if (utf8 == NULL || size == NULL) return UV_EINVAL; if (*size == 0) { *size = uv_utf16_length_as_wtf8(utf16buffer, utf16len); r = UV_ENOBUFS; } else { *size -= 1; /* Reserve space for NUL. */ r = uv_utf16_to_wtf8(utf16buffer, utf16len, &utf8, size); } if (r == UV_ENOBUFS) *size += 1; /* Add space for NUL. */ return r; } static int uv__getpwuid_r(uv_passwd_t* pwd) { HANDLE token; wchar_t username[UNLEN + 1]; wchar_t *path; DWORD bufsize; int r; if (pwd == NULL) return UV_EINVAL; /* Get the home directory using GetUserProfileDirectoryW() */ if (OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_READ, &token) == 0) return uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError()); bufsize = 0; GetUserProfileDirectoryW(token, NULL, &bufsize); if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { r = GetLastError(); CloseHandle(token); return uv_translate_sys_error(r); } path = uv__malloc(bufsize * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (path == NULL) { CloseHandle(token); return UV_ENOMEM; } if (!GetUserProfileDirectoryW(token, path, &bufsize)) { r = GetLastError(); CloseHandle(token); uv__free(path); return uv_translate_sys_error(r); } CloseHandle(token); /* Get the username using GetUserNameW() */ bufsize = ARRAY_SIZE(username); if (!GetUserNameW(username, &bufsize)) { r = GetLastError(); uv__free(path); /* This should not be possible */ if (r == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) return UV_ENOMEM; return uv_translate_sys_error(r); } pwd->homedir = NULL; r = uv__convert_utf16_to_utf8(path, -1, &pwd->homedir); uv__free(path); if (r != 0) return r; pwd->username = NULL; r = uv__convert_utf16_to_utf8(username, -1, &pwd->username); if (r != 0) { uv__free(pwd->homedir); return r; } pwd->shell = NULL; pwd->uid = -1; pwd->gid = -1; return 0; } int uv_os_get_passwd(uv_passwd_t* pwd) { return uv__getpwuid_r(pwd); } int uv_os_get_passwd2(uv_passwd_t* pwd, uv_uid_t uid) { return UV_ENOTSUP; } int uv_os_get_group(uv_group_t* grp, uv_uid_t gid) { return UV_ENOTSUP; } int uv_os_environ(uv_env_item_t** envitems, int* count) { wchar_t* env; wchar_t* penv; int i, cnt; uv_env_item_t* envitem; *envitems = NULL; *count = 0; env = GetEnvironmentStringsW(); if (env == NULL) return 0; for (penv = env, i = 0; *penv != L'\0'; penv += wcslen(penv) + 1, i++); *envitems = uv__calloc(i, sizeof(**envitems)); if (*envitems == NULL) { FreeEnvironmentStringsW(env); return UV_ENOMEM; } penv = env; cnt = 0; while (*penv != L'\0' && cnt < i) { char* buf; char* ptr; if (uv__convert_utf16_to_utf8(penv, -1, &buf) != 0) goto fail; /* Using buf + 1 here because we know that `buf` has length at least 1, * and some special environment variables on Windows start with a = sign. */ ptr = strchr(buf + 1, '='); if (ptr == NULL) { uv__free(buf); goto do_continue; } *ptr = '\0'; envitem = &(*envitems)[cnt]; envitem->name = buf; envitem->value = ptr + 1; cnt++; do_continue: penv += wcslen(penv) + 1; } FreeEnvironmentStringsW(env); *count = cnt; return 0; fail: FreeEnvironmentStringsW(env); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { envitem = &(*envitems)[cnt]; uv__free(envitem->name); } uv__free(*envitems); *envitems = NULL; *count = 0; return UV_ENOMEM; } int uv_os_getenv(const char* name, char* buffer, size_t* size) { wchar_t fastvar[512]; wchar_t* var; DWORD varlen; wchar_t* name_w; size_t len; int r; if (name == NULL || buffer == NULL || size == NULL || *size == 0) return UV_EINVAL; r = uv__convert_utf8_to_utf16(name, &name_w); if (r != 0) return r; var = fastvar; varlen = ARRAY_SIZE(fastvar); for (;;) { SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); len = GetEnvironmentVariableW(name_w, var, varlen); if (len < varlen) break; /* Try repeatedly because we might have been preempted by another thread * modifying the environment variable just as we're trying to read it. */ if (var != fastvar) uv__free(var); varlen = 1 + len; var = uv__malloc(varlen * sizeof(*var)); if (var == NULL) { r = UV_ENOMEM; goto fail; } } uv__free(name_w); name_w = NULL; if (len == 0) { r = GetLastError(); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) { r = uv_translate_sys_error(r); goto fail; } } r = uv__copy_utf16_to_utf8(var, len, buffer, size); fail: if (name_w != NULL) uv__free(name_w); if (var != fastvar) uv__free(var); return r; } int uv_os_setenv(const char* name, const char* value) { wchar_t* name_w; wchar_t* value_w; int r; if (name == NULL || value == NULL) return UV_EINVAL; r = uv__convert_utf8_to_utf16(name, &name_w); if (r != 0) return r; r = uv__convert_utf8_to_utf16(value, &value_w); if (r != 0) { uv__free(name_w); return r; } r = SetEnvironmentVariableW(name_w, value_w); uv__free(name_w); uv__free(value_w); if (r == 0) return uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError()); return 0; } int uv_os_unsetenv(const char* name) { wchar_t* name_w; int r; if (name == NULL) return UV_EINVAL; r = uv__convert_utf8_to_utf16(name, &name_w); if (r != 0) return r; r = SetEnvironmentVariableW(name_w, NULL); uv__free(name_w); if (r == 0) return uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError()); return 0; } int uv_os_gethostname(char* buffer, size_t* size) { WCHAR buf[UV_MAXHOSTNAMESIZE]; if (buffer == NULL || size == NULL || *size == 0) return UV_EINVAL; uv__once_init(); /* Initialize winsock */ if (pGetHostNameW == NULL) return UV_ENOSYS; if (pGetHostNameW(buf, UV_MAXHOSTNAMESIZE) != 0) return uv_translate_sys_error(WSAGetLastError()); return uv__copy_utf16_to_utf8(buf, -1, buffer, size); } static int uv__get_handle(uv_pid_t pid, int access, HANDLE* handle) { int r; if (pid == 0) *handle = GetCurrentProcess(); else *handle = OpenProcess(access, FALSE, pid); if (*handle == NULL) { r = GetLastError(); if (r == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) return UV_ESRCH; else return uv_translate_sys_error(r); } return 0; } int uv_os_getpriority(uv_pid_t pid, int* priority) { HANDLE handle; int r; if (priority == NULL) return UV_EINVAL; r = uv__get_handle(pid, PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION, &handle); if (r != 0) return r; r = GetPriorityClass(handle); if (r == 0) { r = uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError()); } else { /* Map Windows priority classes to Unix nice values. */ if (r == REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS) *priority = UV_PRIORITY_HIGHEST; else if (r == HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS) *priority = UV_PRIORITY_HIGH; else if (r == ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS) *priority = UV_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL; else if (r == NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS) *priority = UV_PRIORITY_NORMAL; else if (r == BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS) *priority = UV_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL; else /* IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS */ *priority = UV_PRIORITY_LOW; r = 0; } CloseHandle(handle); return r; } int uv_os_setpriority(uv_pid_t pid, int priority) { HANDLE handle; int priority_class; int r; /* Map Unix nice values to Windows priority classes. */ if (priority < UV_PRIORITY_HIGHEST || priority > UV_PRIORITY_LOW) return UV_EINVAL; else if (priority < UV_PRIORITY_HIGH) priority_class = REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS; else if (priority < UV_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL) priority_class = HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS; else if (priority < UV_PRIORITY_NORMAL) priority_class = ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; else if (priority < UV_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL) priority_class = NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; else if (priority < UV_PRIORITY_LOW) priority_class = BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; else priority_class = IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS; r = uv__get_handle(pid, PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION, &handle); if (r != 0) return r; if (SetPriorityClass(handle, priority_class) == 0) r = uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError()); CloseHandle(handle); return r; } int uv_os_uname(uv_utsname_t* buffer) { /* Implementation loosely based on https://github.com/gagern/gnulib/blob/master/lib/uname.c */ OSVERSIONINFOW os_info; SYSTEM_INFO system_info; HKEY registry_key; WCHAR product_name_w[256]; DWORD product_name_w_size; size_t version_size; int processor_level; int r; if (buffer == NULL) return UV_EINVAL; uv__once_init(); os_info.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(os_info); os_info.szCSDVersion[0] = L'\0'; /* Try calling RtlGetVersion(), and fall back to the deprecated GetVersionEx() if RtlGetVersion() is not available. */ if (pRtlGetVersion) { pRtlGetVersion(&os_info); } else { /* Silence GetVersionEx() deprecation warning. */ #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(suppress : 4996) #endif if (GetVersionExW(&os_info) == 0) { r = uv_translate_sys_error(GetLastError()); goto error; } } /* Populate the version field. */ version_size = 0; r = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_WOW64_64KEY, ®istry_key); if (r == ERROR_SUCCESS) { product_name_w_size = sizeof(product_name_w); r = RegGetValueW(registry_key, NULL, L"ProductName", RRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, (PVOID) product_name_w, &product_name_w_size); RegCloseKey(registry_key); if (r == ERROR_SUCCESS) { /* Windows 11 shares dwMajorVersion with Windows 10 * this workaround tries to disambiguate that by checking * if the dwBuildNumber is from Windows 11 releases (>= 22000). * * This workaround replaces the ProductName key value * from "Windows 10 *" to "Windows 11 *" */ if (os_info.dwMajorVersion == 10 && os_info.dwBuildNumber >= 22000 && product_name_w_size >= ARRAY_SIZE(L"Windows 10")) { /* If ProductName starts with "Windows 10" */ if (wcsncmp(product_name_w, L"Windows 10", ARRAY_SIZE(L"Windows 10") - 1) == 0) { /* Bump 10 to 11 */ product_name_w[9] = '1'; } } version_size = sizeof(buffer->version); r = uv__copy_utf16_to_utf8(product_name_w, -1, buffer->version, &version_size); if (r) goto error; } } /* Append service pack information to the version if present. */ if (os_info.szCSDVersion[0] != L'\0') { if (version_size > 0) buffer->version[version_size++] = ' '; version_size = sizeof(buffer->version) - version_size; r = uv__copy_utf16_to_utf8(os_info.szCSDVersion, -1, buffer->version + sizeof(buffer->version) - version_size, &version_size); if (r) goto error; } /* Populate the sysname field. */ #ifdef __MINGW32__ r = snprintf(buffer->sysname, sizeof(buffer->sysname), "MINGW32_NT-%u.%u", (unsigned int) os_info.dwMajorVersion, (unsigned int) os_info.dwMinorVersion); assert((size_t)r < sizeof(buffer->sysname)); #else uv__strscpy(buffer->sysname, "Windows_NT", sizeof(buffer->sysname)); #endif /* Populate the release field. */ r = snprintf(buffer->release, sizeof(buffer->release), "%d.%d.%d", (unsigned int) os_info.dwMajorVersion, (unsigned int) os_info.dwMinorVersion, (unsigned int) os_info.dwBuildNumber); assert((size_t)r < sizeof(buffer->release)); /* Populate the machine field. */ GetSystemInfo(&system_info); switch (system_info.wProcessorArchitecture) { case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64: uv__strscpy(buffer->machine, "x86_64", sizeof(buffer->machine)); break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64: uv__strscpy(buffer->machine, "ia64", sizeof(buffer->machine)); break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL: uv__strscpy(buffer->machine, "i386", sizeof(buffer->machine)); if (system_info.wProcessorLevel > 3) { processor_level = system_info.wProcessorLevel < 6 ? system_info.wProcessorLevel : 6; buffer->machine[1] = '0' + processor_level; } break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA32_ON_WIN64: uv__strscpy(buffer->machine, "i686", sizeof(buffer->machine)); break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_MIPS: uv__strscpy(buffer->machine, "mips", sizeof(buffer->machine)); break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ALPHA: case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ALPHA64: uv__strscpy(buffer->machine, "alpha", sizeof(buffer->machine)); break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_PPC: uv__strscpy(buffer->machine, "powerpc", sizeof(buffer->machine)); break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_SHX: uv__strscpy(buffer->machine, "sh", sizeof(buffer->machine)); break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ARM: uv__strscpy(buffer->machine, "arm", sizeof(buffer->machine)); break; default: uv__strscpy(buffer->machine, "unknown", sizeof(buffer->machine)); break; } return 0; error: buffer->sysname[0] = '\0'; buffer->release[0] = '\0'; buffer->version[0] = '\0'; buffer->machine[0] = '\0'; return r; } int uv_gettimeofday(uv_timeval64_t* tv) { /* Based on https://doxygen.postgresql.org/gettimeofday_8c_source.html */ const uint64_t epoch = (uint64_t) 116444736000000000ULL; FILETIME file_time; ULARGE_INTEGER ularge; if (tv == NULL) return UV_EINVAL; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&file_time); ularge.LowPart = file_time.dwLowDateTime; ularge.HighPart = file_time.dwHighDateTime; tv->tv_sec = (int64_t) ((ularge.QuadPart - epoch) / 10000000L); tv->tv_usec = (int32_t) (((ularge.QuadPart - epoch) % 10000000L) / 10); return 0; } int uv__random_rtlgenrandom(void* buf, size_t buflen) { if (buflen == 0) return 0; if (SystemFunction036(buf, buflen) == FALSE) return UV_EIO; return 0; } void uv_sleep(unsigned int msec) { Sleep(msec); }