😎 Tilde Friends

Make apps and friends from the comfort of your web browser.

Tilde Friends is a platform for building, running, and sharing web applications.

Available for lots of devices:

Download Try It Development

Get it on F-Droid Get Linux 64-bit AppImage Get it on Google Play (Open Testing)

Getting Started

First-time user checklist:

  1. Download Tilde Friends or use https://www.tildefriends.net/.
  2. Create an account to identify yourself with that instance.
  3. Describe yourself in your profile in the ssb app. Give yourself a name and an avatar if you like.
  4. Connect to others.
    • Automatically discover peers on the same network.
    • Manually connect to rooms and pubs, including tildefriends.net itself.
    • Enable Peer Exchange in the admin to discover internet peers.
  5. Follow people to grow your network.
  6. Use the edit link at the top of any page to start modifying and making apps.
Secure Scuttlebutt

Built for Sharing

Tilde Friends participates in the Secure Scuttlebutt distributed social network.

Share apps with friends. Discover new apps made by enemies. Post pictures of your coffee. Or just lurk.

The social network integration provides tools for connecting with other people world-wide while still allowing apps and everything to operate offline.

Edit Anything

See that edit link near the top left corner of this page? It's there for every Tilde Friends app, so you can modify and see your changes right away.

It's kind of like a wiki, but for code!

Sandbox Security

Tilde Friends tries to make sure apps can be trusted using similar techniques to how web browsers and operating systems do it.

This is all a work in progress, and it varies by platform, so don't give it all your innermost secrets yet, but do kick its tires and share any surprises you find.

Boring Technology

Tilde Friends is built using boring, trusted tech. Unless a better reason presents itself, it strives to use only simple and widely adopted dependencies in order to keep it easy to build for all sorts of platforms and maintainable for a very long time.

Though of course for building Tilde Friends apps, you are free to use whatever fits.













GNU Make