import {LitElement, html} from './lit-all.min.js'; import * as tfrpc from '/static/tfrpc.js'; class TfIdentityManagerElement extends LitElement { static get properties() { return { ids: {type: Array}, }; } constructor() { super(); this.ids = []; this.load(); } async load() { this.ids = await tfrpc.rpc.getIdentities(); } async createIdentity() { try { const id = await tfrpc.rpc.createID(); alert('Successfully created: ' + id); await tfrpc.rpc.reload(); } catch (err) { alert('Error creating identity: ' + err); } } async importIdentity() { const words = this.renderRoot?.querySelector('#import-id-textarea').value; if (!words) return; try { const newID = await tfrpc.rpc.addID(words); if (newID) alert('Successfully imported a new identity.'); else alert('This identity already exists or is invalid.'); await tfrpc.rpc.reload(); } catch (err) { alert('Error importing identity: ' + err); } } async exportIdentity(id) { alert( 'Your private key is:\n' + (await tfrpc.rpc.getPrivateKey(id)) + '\nDo not share it with anyone!' ); } async deleteIdentity(id) { try { if ( prompt( 'Are you sure you want to delete "' + id + '"? It cannot be recovered without the exported phrase.\\n\\nEnter the word "DELETE" to confirm you wish to delete it.' ) === 'DELETE' ) { if (await tfrpc.rpc.deleteID(id)) { alert('Successfully deleted ID: ' + id); } await tfrpc.rpc.reload(); } } catch (e) { alert('Error deleting ID: ' + e); } } render() { return html`