import {LitElement, html} from './lit-all.min.js'; import * as tfrpc from '/static/tfrpc.js'; class TfCollectionsElement extends LitElement { static get properties() { return { whoami: {type: String}, collections: {type: Object}, collections_loading: {type: Number}, type: {type: String}, kind: {type: String}, parent: {type: String}, }; } constructor() { super(); this.ids = []; this.load(); this.type = 'collection'; this.collections_loading = 0; } async load() { try { this.collections_loading++; if (this.whoami) { let following = await tfrpc.rpc.following([this.whoami], 2); if (this.type || this.kind) { let collections = await tfrpc.rpc.query(` SELECT, author, content, timestamp FROM messages JOIN json_each(?1) AS id ON = id.value WHERE json_extract(content, '$.type') = ?2 AND (?3 IS NULL OR json_extract(content, '$.kind') = ?3) AND (?4 IS NULL OR json_extract(content, '$.parent') = ?4) ORDER BY timestamp `, [JSON.stringify(following), this.type, this.kind, this.parent]); let by_id = {}; for (let collection of collections) { let content = JSON.parse(collection.content); console.log(content); if (content?.key) { if (content?.tombstone) { delete by_id[content.key]; } else if (by_id[content.key]) { by_id[content.key] = Object.assign(by_id[content.key], content); } } else { by_id[] = Object.assign(content, {id:}); } } this.collections = Object.values(by_id); } } } finally { this.collections_loading--; } } async create(name, editors) { let message = { type: this.type, kind: this.kind, name: name, parent: this.parent, editors: editors, }; print(message); await tfrpc.rpc.appendMessage(this.whoami, message); return this.load(); } async on_create(event) { let name = this.shadowRoot.getElementById('create_name').value; if (name) { await this.create(name, [this.whoami]); } } async on_tombstone(id) { let message = { type: this.type, kind: this.kind, key: id, tombstone: { date: new Date().valueOf(), reason: 'archived', }, }; print(message); await tfrpc.rpc.appendMessage(this.whoami, message); return this.load(); } set_selected(id, value) { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('selected', { bubbles: true, detail: { id: id, value: value, }, })); } render_collection(collection) { return html` <div> <button @click=${() => this.set_selected(, collection)}>${}</button> <span>${}</span> <button @click=${() => this.on_tombstone(}>🪦</button> </div> <div> ${ => html`<span>${id}</span>`)} </div> `; } render() { let state = JSON.stringify([this.whoami, this.ids, this.kind, this.parent]); if (state !== this.loaded_for) { this.loaded_for = state; this.load(); } return html` <h2 style="color: #fff">${this.kind ?? this.type}s</h2> <div style="color: #fff">${this.whoami}</div> <input type="text" id="create_name"></input><button @click=${this.on_create}>Create ${this.kind}</button> ${this.collections_loading ? html`<div>Loading...</div>` : html` <ul> ${this.collections?.map(x => html`<li>${this.render_collection(x)}</li>`)} </ul> `} `; } } customElements.define('tf-collections', TfCollectionsElement);