WIP: Write documentation #55

tasiaiso wants to merge 22 commits from tasiaiso/tildefriends:tasiaiso-documentation into main
2 changed files with 12 additions and 4 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 9f3a3808f9 - Show all commits

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
default: true
MD010: false # Ignore tabs in code blocks
MD013: false # Don't wrap lines by default
style: "fenced" # Force fenced code blocks
style: 'fenced' # Force fenced code blocks

View File

@ -4,9 +4,17 @@
- Clone your repository
Alternatively, you can change the `origin` remote on your existing clone:
1. Alternatively, you can add a remote called `fork`:
`git remote set-url origin https://dev.tildefriends.net/YOUR_USERNAME/tildefriends.git`
`git remote add fork https://dev.tildefriends.net/YOUR_USERNAME/tildefriends.git`
You'll need to set your branch's upstream to `fork`:
`git push --set-upstream fork my-branch`
2. or you can change the `origin` remote on your existing clone altogether:
`git remote set-url origin https://dev.tildefriends.net/YOUR_USERNAME/tildefriends.git`
- Make your changes