SSB app: show the name of the tab if the screen is large enough #61

tasiaiso wants to merge 1 commits from tasiaiso/tildefriends:tasiaiso-ssb-app2 into main

This will improve legibility and usability for new users.

This will improve legibility and usability for new users.
tasiaiso added 1 commit 2024-05-12 03:00:33 -04:00

Oops. I saw your flurry of issue emails and assumed incorrectly this was a request. I did it the w3.css way (w3-hide-small).

Oops. I saw your flurry of issue emails and assumed incorrectly this was a request. I did it the w3.css way (w3-hide-small).
cory closed this pull request 2024-05-12 06:58:59 -04:00

Pull request closed

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Reference: cory/tildefriends#61
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