Documentation #112

opened 2025-02-27 18:56:55 -05:00 by cory · 0 comments

From pull request #55, here are some documentation tasks:

  • Quick start guide
  • Troubleshooting / FAQ
  • How TF works under the hood
    • Architecture
  • How to develop and contribute
    • Philosophy
    • How to get changes merged
      • Procedure
      • Best practices
    • Create a new app
    • tfrpc
    • Guidelines: what is acceptable, what is not
      • C: need fedback from Cory
      • JS: need fedback from Cory
    • Establish defaults: example: core apps => w3.css
  • Bug report template
  • Release notes: List breaking changes, if any
From pull request #55, here are some documentation tasks: - [ ] Quick start guide - [ ] Troubleshooting / FAQ - [ ] How TF works under the hood - [ ] Architecture - [ ] How to develop and contribute - [ ] Philosophy - [ ] How to get changes merged - [ ] Procedure - [ ] Best practices - [ ] Create a new app - [ ] tfrpc - [ ] Guidelines: what is acceptable, what is not - [ ] C: need fedback from Cory - [ ] JS: need fedback from Cory - [ ] Establish defaults: example: core apps => w3.css - [ ] Bug report template - [ ] Release notes: List breaking changes, if any
cory added this to the OK Developer Experience milestone 2025-02-27 18:56:55 -05:00
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Reference: cory/tildefriends#112
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