2025-02-15 21:08:46 -05:00
"use strict" ; ( ( ) => { var nf = Object . create ; var Zo = Object . defineProperty ; var rf = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ; var af = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ; var of = Object . getPrototypeOf , lf = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ; var ie = ( t , e ) => ( ) => ( t && ( e = t ( t = 0 ) ) , e ) ; var x = ( t , e ) => ( ) => ( e || t ( ( e = { exports : { } } ) . exports , e ) , e . exports ) , wA = ( t , e ) => { for ( var n in e ) Zo ( t , n , { get : e [ n ] , enumerable : ! 0 } ) } , Af = ( t , e , n , a ) => { if ( e && typeof e == "object" || typeof e == "function" ) for ( let r of af ( e ) ) ! lf . call ( t , r ) && r !== n && Zo ( t , r , { get : ( ) => e [ r ] , enumerable : ! ( a = rf ( e , r ) ) || a . enumerable } ) ; return t } ; var _e = ( t , e , n ) => ( n = t != null ? nf ( of ( t ) ) : { } , Af ( e || ! t || ! t . _ _esModule ? Zo ( n , "default" , { value : t , enumerable : ! 0 } ) : n , t ) ) ; function te ( t ) { return t [ t . length - 1 ] || null } function Ue ( t , e ) { function n ( a , r ) { let o = e ( a ) , i = e ( r ) ; return o < i ? - 1 : o > i ? 1 : 0 } t . sort ( n ) } function xe ( t , e , n ) { return t . has ( e ) || t . set ( e , n ( e ) ) , t . get ( e ) } function sa ( t , e , n ) { return t . has ( e ) ? t . get ( e ) : n ( e ) } function Ze ( t , e ) { if ( ! t . has ( e ) ) throw new Error ( ` Expected key ${ e } ` ) ; return t . get ( e ) } function * MA ( t , e ) { for ( let n of t ) yield e ( n ) } function JA ( t , e ) { for ( let n of t ) e ( n ) } function rn ( t , e ) { return new Array ( Math . max ( e - t . length , 0 ) + 1 ) . join ( "0" ) + t } function jt ( t ) { let e = ` ${ t . toFixed ( 0 ) } % ` ; return t === 100 ? e = "100%" : t > 99 ? e = ">99%" : t < . 01 ? e = "<0.01%" : t < 1 ? e = ` ${ t . toFixed ( 2 ) } % ` : t < 10 && ( e = ` ${ t . toFixed ( 1 ) } % ` ) , e } function uf ( t ) { return t - Math . floor ( t ) } function ca ( t ) { return 2 * Math . abs ( uf ( t ) - . 5 ) - 1 } function UA ( t , e , n , a , r = 1 ) { for ( console . assert ( ! isNaN ( r ) && ! isNaN ( a ) ) ; ; ) { if ( e - t <= r ) return [ t , e ] ; let o = ( e + t ) / 2 ; n ( o ) < a ? t = o : e = o } } function KA ( t , e ) { if ( t . length === 0 ) return - 1 ; let n = 0 , a = t . length - 1 ; for ( ; a !== n ; ) { let r = Math . floor ( ( n + a ) / 2 ) ; e ( t [ r ] ) ? a = r : n = r + 1 } return e ( t [ a ] ) ? a : - 1 } function Jn ( ... t ) { } function Ir ( t , e ) { for ( let n in t ) if ( t [ n ] !== e [ n ] ) return ! 1 ; for ( let n in e ) if ( t [ n ] !== e [ n ] ) return ! 1 ; return ! 0 } function Oe ( t ) { let e = null ; return n => { let a ; return e == null ? ( a = t ( n ) , e = { args : n , result : a } , a ) : ( Ir ( e . args , n ) || ( e . args = n , e . result = t ( n ) ) , e . result ) } } function Un ( t ) { let e = null ; return n => { let a ; return e == null ? ( a = t ( n ) , e = { args : n , result : a } , a ) : ( e . args === n || ( e . args = n , e . result = t ( n ) ) , e . result ) } } function ff ( t ) { let e = null ; return ( ) => ( e == null && ( e = { result : t ( ) } ) , e . result ) } function PA ( t ) { let e = pf ( ) ; if ( t . length % 4 !== 0 ) throw new Error ( ` Invalid length for base64 encoded string. Expected length % 4 = 0, got length = ${ t . length } ` ) ; let n = t . length / 4 , a ; t . length >= 4 && t . charAt ( t . length - 1 ) === "=" ? t . charAt ( t . length - 2 ) === "=" ? a = n * 3 - 2 : a = n * 3 - 1 : a = n * 3 ; let r = new Uint8Array ( a ) , o = 0 ; for ( let i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++ ) { let l = t . charAt ( i * 4 + 0 ) , s = t . charAt ( i * 4 + 1 ) , A = t . charAt ( i * 4 + 2 ) , c = t . charAt ( i * 4 + 3 ) , _ = e . get ( l ) , h = e . get ( s ) , f = e . get ( A ) , I = e . get ( c ) ; if ( _ == null || h == null || f == null || I == null ) throw new Error ( ` Invalid quartet at indices ${ i * 4 } .. ${ i * 4 + 3 } : ${ t . substring ( i * 4 , i * 4 + 3 ) } ` ) ; r [ o ++ ] = _ << 2 | h >> 4 , A !== "=" && ( r [ o ++ ] = ( h & 15 ) << 4 | f >> 2 ) , c !== "=" && ( r [ o ++ ] = ( f & 7 ) << 6 | I ) } if ( o !== a ) throw new Error ( ` Expected to decode ${ a } bytes, but only decoded ${ o } ) ` ) ; return r } var Bt , pf , W = ie ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; Bt = class { constructor ( ) { this . map = new Map } getOrInsert ( e ) { let n = e . key , a = this . map . get ( n ) ; return a || ( this . map . set ( n , e ) , e ) } forEach ( e ) { this . map . forEach ( e ) } [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) { return this . map . values ( ) } } ; pf = ff ( ( ) => { let t = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" , e = new Map ; for ( let n = 0 ; n < t . length ; n ++ ) e . set ( t . charAt ( n ) , n ) ; return e . set ( "=" , - 1 ) , e } ) } ) ; var vn = x ( ( xa , js ) => { "use strict" ; Object . defineProperty ( xa , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) ; xa . default = Of ; var Pf = /-webkit-|-moz-|-ms-/ ; function Of ( t ) { return typeof t == "string" && Pf . test ( t ) } js . exports = xa . default } ) ; var ws = x ( ( Sa , Qs ) => { "use strict" ; Object . defineProperty ( Sa , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) ; Sa . default = Wf ; var Gf = vn ( ) , zf = Vf ( Gf ) ; function Vf ( t ) { return t && t . _ _esModule ? t : { default : t } } var Yf = [ "-webkit-" , "-moz-" , "" ] ; function Wf ( t , e ) { if ( typeof e == "string" && ! ( 0 , zf . default ) ( e ) && e . indexOf ( "calc(" ) > - 1 ) return Yf . map ( function ( n ) { return e . replace ( /calc\(/g , n + "calc(" ) } ) } Qs . exports = Sa . default } ) ; var xs = x ( ( Na , bs ) => { "use strict" ; Object . defineProperty ( Na , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) ; Na . default = ep ; var qf = vn ( ) , $f = Zf ( qf ) ; function Zf ( t ) { return t && t . _ _esModule ? t : { default : t } } var Xf = [ "-webkit-" , "" ] ; function ep ( t , e ) { if ( typeof e == "string" && ! ( 0 , $f . default ) ( e ) && e . indexOf ( "cross-fade(" ) > - 1 ) return Xf . map ( function ( n )
2025-01-17 17:55:47 -05:00
` ;break;case 114:f+=" \r ";break;case 116:f+=" ";break;case 117:{for(var u=0,g=0;g<4;g++)h=a[_++],u<<=4,h>=48&&h<=57?u|=h-48:h>=97&&h<=102?u|=h+-87:h>=65&&h<=70?u|=h+-55:n(a,--_);f+=e(u);break}default:n(a,--_);break}else if(h<=127)f+=e(h);else if((h&224)===192)f+=e((h&31)<<6|a[_++]&63);else if((h&240)===224)f+=e((h&15)<<12|(a[_++]&63)<<6|a[_++]&63);else if((h&248)==240){var p=(h&7)<<18|(a[_++]&63)<<12|(a[_++]&63)<<6|a[_++]&63;p>65535&&(p-=65536,f+=e(p>>10&1023|55296),p=56320|p&1023),f+=e(p)}f[0];break}case 91:{f=[],r.push(s),o.push(c),i.push(A),s=null,c=f,A=1;continue}case 123:{f={},r.push(s),o.push(c),i.push(A),s=null,c=f,A=2;continue}case 93:{A!==1&&n(a,--_),f=c,s=r.pop(),c=o.pop(),A=i.pop();break}case 125:{A!==2&&n(a,--_),f=c,s=r.pop(),c=o.pop(),A=i.pop();break}default:n(a,--_)}for(h=a[_];h<=32;)h=a[++_];switch(A){case 0:{if(_===l)return f;break}case 1:{if(c.push(f),h===44){_++;continue}if(h===93)continue;break}case 2:{if(s===null){if(s=f,h===58){_++;continue}}else{if(c[s]=f,s=null,h===44){_++;continue}if(h===125)continue}break}}break}}n(a,_)}})(Mo)});function Ad(t){return t=t.trim(),t[0]==="["&&(t=t.replace(/, \s * $ /,""),t[t.length-1]!=="]"&&(t+="]")),JSON.parse(t)}function av(t){let e=0;for(let n=0;n<t.length;n++)if(!/ \s /.exec(String.fromCharCode(t[n]))){e=n;break}if(t[e]===91&&t[t.length-1]!==93){let n=t.length;for(;n>0&&/ \s /.exec(String.fromCharCode(t[n-1]));)n--;if(String.fromCharCode(t[n-1])===","&&n--,String.fromCharCode(t[n-1])!=="]"){let a=new Uint8Array(n+1);a.set(t.subarray(0,n)),a[n]=93,t=a}}return(0,ld.JSON_parse)(t)}var id,ld,Jo,Vl,Yl,Uo,en,Wl=ie(()=>{"use strict";id=_e(ad()),ld=_e(od()),Jo=1<<27;Vl=class{constructor(e){this.chunks=[];let n=this.byteArray=new Uint8Array(e),a="utf-8";if(n.length>2&&(n[0]===255&&n[1]===254?a="utf-16le":n[0]===254&&n[1]===255&&(a="utf-16be")),typeof TextDecoder<"u"){let r=new TextDecoder(a);for(let o=0;o<e.byteLength/Jo;o++){let i=o*Jo,l=new Uint8Array(e,i,Math.min(e.byteLength-i,Jo)),s=r.decode(l,{stream:!0});this.chunks.push(s)}}else{console.warn("This browser does not support TextDecoder. Decoding text as ASCII."),this.chunks.push("");for(let r=0;r<n.length;r++)this.chunks[this.chunks.length-1]+=String.fromCharCode(n[r]),this.chunks[this.chunks.length-1]|0,this.chunks[this.chunks.length-1].length>=Jo&&this.chunks.push("")}}splitLines(){let e=function*(){let n="";for(let a of this.chunks){let r=a.split( `
` );for(let o=0;o<r.length;o++)o===0?n+=r[o]:(yield n,n=r[o])}yield n};return{[Symbol.iterator]:e.bind(this)}}firstChunk(){return this.chunks[0]||""}parseAsJSON(){return this.chunks.length===1?Ad(this.chunks[0]):av(this.byteArray)}},Yl=class{constructor(e){this.s=e}splitLines(){return this.s.split( `
` )}firstChunk(){return this.s}parseAsJSON(){return Ad(this.s)}},Uo=class{constructor(e,n){this.fileName=e;this.contents=n}async name(){return this.fileName}async readAsArrayBuffer(){return new ArrayBuffer(0)}async readAsText(){return new Yl(this.contents)}},en=class t{constructor(e,n){this.namePromise=e;this.uncompressedData=n.then(async a=>{try{return id.inflate(new Uint8Array(a)).buffer}catch{return a}})}async name(){return await this.namePromise}async readAsArrayBuffer(){return await this.uncompressedData}async readAsText(){let e=await this.readAsArrayBuffer();return new Vl(e)}static fromFile(e){let n=new Promise(a=>{let r=new FileReader;r.addEventListener("loadend",()=>{if(!(r.result instanceof ArrayBuffer))throw new Error("Expected reader.result to be an instance of ArrayBuffer");a(r.result)}),r.readAsArrayBuffer(e)});return new t(Promise.resolve(e.name),n)}static fromArrayBuffer(e,n){return new t(Promise.resolve(e),Promise.resolve(n))}}});function ov(t){let e=[...t.splitLines()].map(o=>o.split(" ")),n=e.shift();if(!n)return[];let a=new Map;for(let o=0;o<n.length;o++)a.set(o,n[o]);let r=[];for(let o of e){let i={};for(let l=0;l<o.length;l++)i[a.get(l)]=o[l];r.push(i)}return r}function iv(t){if("Bytes Used"in t){let e=t["Bytes Used"],n=/ \s *( \d +(?:[.] \d +)?) ( \w +) \s +(?: \d +(?:[.] \d +))%/.exec(e);if(!n)return 0;let a=parseInt(n[1],10),r=n[2];switch(r){case"Bytes":return a;case"KB":return 1024*a;case"MB":return 1024*1024*a;case"GB":return 1024*1024*1024*a}throw new Error( ` Unrecognized units $ { r } ` )}if("Weight"in t||"Running Time"in t){let e=t.Weight||t["Running Time"],n=/ \s *( \d +(?:[.] \d +)?) ?( \w +) \s +(?: \d +(?:[.] \d +))%/.exec(e);if(!n)return 0;let a=parseInt(n[1],10),r=n[2];switch(r){case"ms":return a;case"s":return 1e3*a;case"min":return 60*1e3*a;case"cycles":return a;case"Kc":return 1e3*a;case"Mc":return 1e3*1e3*a;case"Gc":return 1e3*1e3*1e3*a}throw new Error( ` Unrecognized units $ { r } ` )}return-1}function Zl(t){let e=new me,n=ov(t),a=[],r=0,o=n[0]["Symbol Names"]?n[0]["Symbol Names"].lastIndexOf(" ")+1:0;for(let i of n){let l=i["Symbol Name"]||i["Symbol Names"]?.slice(o);if(!l)continue;let s=l.trim(),A=l.length-s.length;if(a.length-A<0)throw new Error("Invalid format");let c=[];for(;A<a.length;){let h=a.pop();c.push(h)}for(let h of c)r=Math.max(r,h.endValue),e.leaveFrame(h,r);let _={key: ` $ { i [ "Source Path" ] || "" } : $ { s } ` ,name:s,file:i["Source Path"],endValue:r+iv(i)};e.enterFrame(_,r),a.push(_)}for(;a.length>0;){let i=a.pop();r=Math.max(r,i.endValue),e.leaveFrame(i,r)}return"Bytes Used"in n[0]?e.setValueFormatter(new ze):("Weight"in n[0]||"Running Time"in n[0])&&e.setValueFormatter(new ee("milliseconds")),e.build()}async function cd(t){let e={name:t.name,files:new Map,subdirectories:new Map},n=await new Promise((a,r)=>{t.createReader().readEntries(o=>{a(o)},r)});for(let a of n)if(a.isDirectory){let r=await cd(a);e.subdirectories.set(r.name,r)}else{let r=await new Promise((o,i)=>{a.file(o,i)});e.files.set(r.name,r)}return e}function Ko(t){return en.fromFile(t).readAsArrayBuffer()}function lv(t){return en.fromFile(t).readAsText()}function Av(t,e){let n=Ze(t.subdirectories,"corespace"),a=Ze(n.subdirectories, ` run$ { e } ` );return Ze(a.subdirectories,"core")}async function sv(t){let e=Ze(t.subdirectories,"stores");for(let n of e.subdirectories.values()){let a=n.files.get("schema.xml");if(!a)continue;let r=await lv(a);if(!/name="time-profile"/.exec(r.firstChunk()))continue;let o=new $ r(await Ko(Ze(n.files,"bulkstore")));o.readUint32(),o.readUint32(),o.readUint32();let i=o.readUint32(),l=o.readUint32();o.seek(i);let s=[];for(;;){let A=o.readUint48();if(A===0)break;let c=o.readUint32();o.skip(l-6-4-4);let _=o.readUint32();s.push({timestamp:A,threadID:c,backtraceID:_})}return s}throw new Error("Could not find sample list")}async function cv(t,e){let n=Ze(e.subdirectories,"uniquing"),a=Ze(n.subdirectories,"arrayUniquer"),r=Ze(a.files,"integeruniquer.index"),o=Ze(a.files,"integeruniquer.data"),i=new $ r(await Ko(r)),l=new $ r(await Ko(o));i.seek(32);let s=[];for(;i.hasMore();){let A=i.readUint32()+i.readUint32()*1048576;if(A===0)continue;l.seek(
uniform mat3 configSpaceToNDC ;
attribute vec2 configSpacePos ;
attribute vec3 color ;
varying vec3 vColor ;
void main ( ) {
vColor = color ;
vec2 position = ( configSpaceToNDC * vec3 ( configSpacePos , 1 ) ) . xy ;
gl _Position = vec4 ( position , 1 , 1 ) ;
` ,vf= `
precision mediump float ;
varying vec3 vColor ;
void main ( ) {
gl _FragColor = vec4 ( vColor . rgb , 1 ) ;
` ,mn=class{constructor(e){this.gl=e;this.rects=[];this.colors=[];this.buffer=null}getRectCount(){return this.rects.length}getBuffer(){if(this.buffer)return this.buffer;let e=[[0,0],[1,0],[0,1],[1,0],[0,1],[1,1]],n=new Uint8Array(ua.stride*e.length*this.rects.length),a=new Float32Array(n.buffer),r=0;for(let o=0;o<this.rects.length;o++){let i=this.rects[o],l=this.colors[o];for(let s of e)a[r++]=i.origin.x+s[0]*i.size.x,a[r++]=i.origin.y+s[1]*i.size.y,a[r++]=l.r,a[r++]=l.g,a[r++]=l.b}if(r!==a.length)throw new Error("Buffer expected to be full but wasn't");return this.buffer=this.gl.createVertexBuffer(n.length),this.buffer.upload(n),this.buffer}addRect(e,n){this.rects.push(e),this.colors.push(n),this.buffer&&(this.buffer.free(),this.buffer=null)}free(){this.buffer&&(this.buffer.free(),this.buffer=null)}},da=class{constructor(e){this.gl=e;this.material=e.createMaterial(ua,yf,vf)}render(e){Qt(this.material,"configSpaceToNDC",(()=>{let n=O.betweenRects(e.configSpaceSrcRect,e.physicalSpaceDstRect),a=new B(this.gl.viewport.width,this.gl.viewport.height);return O.withTranslation(new B(-1,1)).times(O.withScale(new B(2,-2).dividedByPointwise(a))).times(n)})()),this.gl.setUnpremultipliedBlendState(),this.gl.draw(z.Primitive.TRIANGLES,this.material,e.batch.getBuffer())}};var ue=class t{constructor(e=0,n=0,a=0,r=1){this.r=e;this.g=n;this.b=a;this.a=r}static fromLumaChromaHue(e,n,a){let r=a/60,o=n*(1-Math.abs(r%2-1)),[i,l,s]=r<1?[n,o,0]:r<2?[o,n,0]:r<3?[0,n,o]:r<4?[0,o,n]:r<5?[o,0,n]:[n,0,o],A=e-(.3*i+.59*l+.11*s);return new t(Se(i+A,0,1),Se(l+A,0,1),Se(s+A,0,1),1)}static fromCSSHex(e){if(e.length!==7||e[0]!=="#")throw new Error( ` Invalid color input $ { e } ` );let n=parseInt(e.substr(1,2),16)/255,a=parseInt(e.substr(3,2),16)/255,r=parseInt(e.substr(5,2),16)/255;if(n<0||n>1||a<0||a>1||r<0||r>1)throw new Error( ` Invalid color input $ { e } ` );return new t(n,a,r)}withAlpha(e){return new t(this.r,this.g,this.b,e)}toCSS(){return ` rgba ( $ { ( 255 * this . r ) . toFixed ( ) } , $ { ( 255 * this . g ) . toFixed ( ) } , $ { ( 255 * this . b ) . toFixed ( ) } , $ { this . a . toFixed ( 2 ) } ) ` }};var fa=class{constructor(e,n,a){this.gl=e;this.rectangleBatchRenderer=n;this.textureRenderer=a;this.texture=e.createTexture(z.TextureFormat.NEAREST_CLAMP,4096,4096),this.renderTarget=e.createRenderTarget(this.texture),this.rowCache=new ha(this.texture.height),this.clearLineBatch=new mn(e),this.clearLineBatch.addRect(R.unit,new ue(0,0,0,0)),e.addContextResetHandler(()=>{this.rowCache.clear()})}has(e){return this.rowCache.has(e)}getResolution(){return this.texture.width}getCapacity(){return this.texture.height}allocateLine(e){if(this.rowCache.getSize()<this.rowCache.getCapacity()){let n=this.rowCache.getSize();return this.rowCache.insert(e,n),n}else{let[,n]=this.rowCache.removeLRU();return this.rowCache.insert(e,n),n}}writeToAtlasIfNeeded(e,n){ga(this.gl,this.renderTarget,()=>{for(let a of e){let r=this.rowCache.get(a);if(r!=null)continue;r=this.allocateLine(a);let o=new R(new B(0,r),new B(this.texture.width,1));this.rectangleBatchRenderer.render({batch:this.clearLineBatch,configSpaceSrcRect:R.unit,physicalSpaceDstRect:o}),n(o,a)}})}renderViaAtlas(e,n){let a=this.rowCache.get(e);if(a==null)return!1;let r=new R(new B(0,a),new B(this.texture.width,1));return this.textureRenderer.render({texture:this.texture,srcRect:r,dstRect:n}),!0}};var Ef= `
uniform mat3 uvTransform ;
uniform mat3 positionTransform ;
attribute vec2 position ;
attribute vec2 uv ;
varying vec2 vUv ;
void main ( ) {
vUv = ( uvTransform * vec3 ( uv , 1 ) ) . xy ;
gl _Position = vec4 ( ( positionTransform * vec3 ( position , 1 ) ) . xy , 0 , 1 ) ;
` ,Bf= `
precision mediump float ;
varying vec2 vUv ;
uniform sampler2D texture ;
void main ( ) {
gl _FragColor = texture2D ( texture , vUv ) ;
` ,pa=class{constructor(e){this.gl=e;let n=new z.VertexFormat;n.add("position",z.AttributeType.FLOAT,2),n.add("uv",z.AttributeType.FLOAT,2);let a=[{pos:[-1,1],uv:[0,1]},{pos:[1,1],uv:[1,1]},{pos:[-1,-1],uv:[0,0]},{pos:[1,-1],uv:[1,0]}],r=[];for(let o of a)r.push(o.pos[0]),r.push(o.pos[1]),r.push(o.uv[0]),r.push(o.uv[1]);this.buffer=e.createVertexBuffer(n.stride*a.length),this.buffer.upload(new Uint8Array(new Float32Array(r).buffer)),this.material=e.createMaterial(n,Ef,Bf)}render(e){this.material.setUniformSampler("texture",e.texture,0),Qt(this.material,"uvTransform",(()=>{let{srcRect:n,texture:a}=e,o=O.withTranslation(new B(0,1)).times(O.withScale(new B(1,-1))).times(O.betweenRects(new R(B.zero,new B(a.width,a.height)),R.unit)).transformRect(n);return O.betweenRects(R.unit,o)})()),Qt(this.material,"positionTransform",(()=>{let{dstRect:n}=e,{viewport:a}=this.gl,r=new B(a.width,a.height),i=O.withScale(new B(1,-1)).times(O.betweenRects(new R(B.zero,r),R.NDC)).transformRect(n);return O.betweenRects(R.NDC,i)})()),this.gl.setUnpremultipliedBlendState(),this.gl.draw(z.Primitive.TRIANGLE_STRIP,this.material,this.buffer)}};var si=new z.VertexFormat;si.add("position",z.AttributeType.FLOAT,2);var jf= `
attribute vec2 position ;
void main ( ) {
gl _Position = vec4 ( position , 0 , 1 ) ;
` ,Qf=t=>{let{r:e,g:n,b:a}=ue.fromCSSHex(t.fgSecondaryColor),r= ` $ { e . toFixed ( 1 ) } , $ { n . toFixed ( 1 ) } , $ { a . toFixed ( 1 ) } ` ;return `
precision mediump float ;
uniform mat3 configSpaceToPhysicalViewSpace ;
uniform vec2 physicalSize ;
uniform vec2 physicalOrigin ;
uniform vec2 configSpaceViewportOrigin ;
uniform vec2 configSpaceViewportSize ;
uniform float framebufferHeight ;
void main ( ) {
vec2 origin = ( configSpaceToPhysicalViewSpace * vec3 ( configSpaceViewportOrigin , 1.0 ) ) . xy ;
vec2 size = ( configSpaceToPhysicalViewSpace * vec3 ( configSpaceViewportSize , 0.0 ) ) . xy ;
vec2 halfSize = physicalSize / 2.0 ;
float borderWidth = 2.0 ;
origin = floor ( origin * halfSize ) / halfSize + borderWidth * vec2 ( 1.0 , 1.0 ) ;
size = floor ( size * halfSize ) / halfSize - 2.0 * borderWidth * vec2 ( 1.0 , 1.0 ) ;
vec2 coord = gl _FragCoord . xy ;
coord . x = coord . x - physicalOrigin . x ;
coord . y = framebufferHeight - coord . y - physicalOrigin . y ;
vec2 clamped = clamp ( coord , origin , origin + size ) ;
vec2 gap = clamped - coord ;
float maxdist = max ( abs ( gap . x ) , abs ( gap . y ) ) ;
// TOOD(jlfwong): Could probably optimize this to use mix somehow.
if ( maxdist == 0.0 ) {
// Inside viewport rectangle
gl _FragColor = vec4 ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
} else if ( maxdist < borderWidth ) {
// Inside viewport rectangle at border
gl _FragColor = vec4 ( $ { r } , 0.8 ) ;
} else {
// Outside viewport rectangle
gl _FragColor = vec4 ( $ { r } , 0.5 ) ;
` },Ca=class{constructor(e,n){this.gl=e;let a=[[-1,1],[1,1],[-1,-1],[1,-1]],r=[];for(let o of a)r.push(o[0]),r.push(o[1]);this.buffer=e.createVertexBuffer(si.stride*a.length),this.buffer.upload(new Uint8Array(new Float32Array(r).buffer)),this.material=e.createMaterial(si,jf,Qf(n))}render(e){Qt(this.material,"configSpaceToPhysicalViewSpace",e.configSpaceToPhysicalViewSpace),Ai(this.material,"configSpaceViewportOrigin",e.configSpaceViewportRect.origin),Ai(this.material,"configSpaceViewportSize",e.configSpaceViewportRect.size);let n=this.gl.viewport;this.material.setUniformVec2("physicalOrigin",n.x,n.y),this.material.setUniformVec2("physicalSize",n.width,n.height),this.material.setUniformFloat("framebufferHeight",this.gl.renderTargetHeightInPixels),this.gl.setBlendState(z.BlendOperation.SOURCE_ALPHA,z.BlendOperation.INVERSE_SOURCE_ALPHA),this.gl.draw(z.Primitive.TRIANGLE_STRIP,this.material,this.buffer)}};var ma=new z.VertexFormat;ma.add("position",z.AttributeType.FLOAT,2);ma.add("uv",z.AttributeType.FLOAT,2);var wf= `
uniform mat3 uvTransform ;
uniform mat3 positionTransform ;
attribute vec2 position ;
attribute vec2 uv ;
varying vec2 vUv ;
void main ( ) {
vUv = ( uvTransform * vec3 ( uv , 1 ) ) . xy ;
gl _Position = vec4 ( ( positionTransform * vec3 ( position , 1 ) ) . xy , 0 , 1 ) ;
` ,bf=t=> `
precision mediump float ;
uniform vec2 uvSpacePixelSize ;
uniform float renderOutlines ;
varying vec2 vUv ;
uniform sampler2D colorTexture ;
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV#From_luma/chroma/hue
vec3 hcl2rgb ( float H , float C , float L ) {
float hPrime = H / 60.0 ;
float X = C * ( 1.0 - abs ( mod ( hPrime , 2.0 ) - 1.0 ) ) ;
vec3 RGB =
hPrime < 1.0 ? vec3 ( C , X , 0 ) :
hPrime < 2.0 ? vec3 ( X , C , 0 ) :
hPrime < 3.0 ? vec3 ( 0 , C , X ) :
hPrime < 4.0 ? vec3 ( 0 , X , C ) :
hPrime < 5.0 ? vec3 ( X , 0 , C ) :
vec3 ( C , 0 , X ) ;
float m = L - dot ( RGB , vec3 ( 0.30 , 0.59 , 0.11 ) ) ;
return RGB + vec3 ( m , m , m ) ;
float triangle ( float x ) {
return 2.0 * abs ( fract ( x ) - 0.5 ) - 1.0 ;
$ { t }
void main ( ) {
vec4 here = texture2D ( colorTexture , vUv ) ;
if ( here . z == 0.0 ) {
// Background color
gl _FragColor = vec4 ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
return ;
// Sample the 4 surrounding pixels in the depth texture to determine
// if we should draw a boundary here or not.
vec4 N = texture2D ( colorTexture , vUv + vec2 ( 0 , uvSpacePixelSize . y ) ) ;
vec4 E = texture2D ( colorTexture , vUv + vec2 ( uvSpacePixelSize . x , 0 ) ) ;
vec4 S = texture2D ( colorTexture , vUv + vec2 ( 0 , - uvSpacePixelSize . y ) ) ;
vec4 W = texture2D ( colorTexture , vUv + vec2 ( - uvSpacePixelSize . x , 0 ) ) ;
// NOTE: For outline checks, we intentionally check both the right
// and the left to determine if we're an edge. If a rectangle is a single
// pixel wide, we don't want to render it as an outline, so this method
// of checking ensures that we don't outline single physical-space
// pixel width rectangles.
if (
renderOutlines > 0.0 &&
here . y == N . y && here . y != S . y || // Top edge
here . y == S . y && here . y != N . y || // Bottom edge
here . x == E . x && here . x != W . x || // Left edge
here . x == W . x && here . x != E . x
) {
// We're on an edge! Draw transparent.
gl _FragColor = vec4 ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
} else {
// Not on an edge. Draw the appropriate color.
gl _FragColor = vec4 ( colorForBucket ( here . z ) , here . a ) ;
` ,Ia=class{constructor(e,n){this.gl=e;let a=[{pos:[-1,1],uv:[0,1]},{pos:[1,1],uv:[1,1]},{pos:[-1,-1],uv:[0,0]},{pos:[1,-1],uv:[1,0]}],r=[];for(let o of a)r.push(o.pos[0]),r.push(o.pos[1]),r.push(o.uv[0]),r.push(o.uv[1]);this.buffer=e.createVertexBuffer(ma.stride*a.length),this.buffer.uploadFloats(r),this.material=e.createMaterial(ma,wf,bf(n.colorForBucketGLSL))}render(e){let{srcRect:n,rectInfoTexture:a}=e,o=O.withTranslation(new B(0,1)).times(O.withScale(new B(1,-1))).times(O.betweenRects(new R(B.zero,new B(a.width,a.height)),R.unit)).transformRect(n),i=O.betweenRects(R.unit,o),{dstRect:l}=e,s=new B(this.gl.viewport.width,this.gl.viewport.height),c=O.withScale(new B(1,-1)).times(O.betweenRects(new R(B.zero,s),R.NDC)).transformRect(l),_=O.betweenRects(R.NDC,c),h=B.unit.dividedByPointwise(new B(e.rectInfoTexture.width,e.rectInfoTexture.height));this.material.setUniformSampler("colorTexture",e.rectInfoTexture,0),Qt(this.material,"uvTransform",i),this.material.setUniformFloat("renderOutlines",e.renderOutlines?1:0),this.material.setUniformVec2("uvSpacePixelSize",h.x,h.y),Qt(this.material,"positionTransform",_),this.gl.setUnpremultipliedBlendState(),this.gl.draw(z.Primitive.TRIANGLE_STRIP,this.material,this.buffer)}};var ya=class{constructor(e,n){this.animationFrameRequest=null;this.beforeFrameHandlers=new Set;this.onBeforeFrame=()=>{this.animationFrameRequest=null,this.gl.setViewport(0,0,this.gl.renderTargetWidthInPixels,this.gl.renderTargetHeightInPixels);let e=ue.fromCSSHex(this.theme.bgPrimaryColor);this.gl.clear(new z.Color(e.r,e.g,e.b,e.a));for(let n of this.beforeFrameHandlers)n()};this.gl=new li.Context(e),this.rectangleBatchRenderer=new da(this.gl),this.textureRenderer=new pa(this.gl),this.viewportRectangleRenderer=new Ca(this.gl,n),this.flamechartColorPassRenderer=new Ia(this.gl,n),this.theme=n,this.gl.addAfterResizeEventHandler(this.onBeforeFrame);let a=this.gl.getWebGLInfo();a&&console.log( ` WebGL initialized . renderer : $ { a . renderer } , vendor : $ { a . vendor } , version : $ { a . version } ` ),window.testContextLoss=()=>{this.gl.testContextLoss()}}addBeforeFrameHandler(e){this.beforeFrameHandlers.add(e)}removeBeforeFrameHandler(e){this.beforeFrameHandlers.delete(e)}requestFrame(){this.animationFrameRequest||(this.animationFrameRequest=requestAnimationFrame(this.onBeforeFrame))}setViewport(e,n){let{origin:a,size:r}=e,o=this.gl.viewport;this.gl.setViewport(a.x,a.y,r.x,r.y),n();let{x:i,y:l,width:s,height:A}=o;this.gl.setViewport(i,l,s,A)}renderBehind(e,n){let a=e.getBoundingClientRect(),r=new R(new B(a.left*window.devicePixelRatio,a.top*window.devicePixelRatio),new B(a.width*window.devicePixelRatio,a.height*window.devicePixelRatio));this.setViewport(r,n)}};var an=Un(t=>e=>t.get(e.key)||0),Mt=Oe(({theme:t,frameToColorBucket:e})=>{let n=an(e);return a=>{let r=n(a)/255;return t.colorForBucket(r).toCSS()}}),Jt=Oe(({theme:t,canvas:e})=>new ya(e,t)),OA=Un(t=>new fa(t.gl,t.rectangleBatchRenderer,t.textureRenderer)),GA=Oe(({profile:t,flattenRecursion:e})=>e?t.getProfileWithRecursionFlattened():t),Ut=Un(t=>{let e=[];t.forEachFrame(o=>e.push(o));function n(o){return(o.file||"")+o.name}function a(o,i){return n(o)>n(i)?1:-1}e.sort(a);let r=new Map;for(let o=0;o<e.length;o++)r.set(e[o].key,Math.floor(255*o/e.length));return r});var Kn,at,zA,yr=0,ci=[],VA=U.__r,YA=U.diffed,WA=U.__c,qA=U.unmount;function vr(t,e){U.__h&&U.__h(at,t,yr||e),yr=0;var n=at.__H||(at.__H={__:[],__h:[]});return t>=n.__.length&&n.__.push({}),n.__[t]}function Ge(t){return yr=1, $ A(ZA,t)}function $ A(t,e,n){var a=vr(Kn++,2);return a.__c||(a.__c=at,a.__=[n?n(e):ZA(void 0,e),function(r){var o=t(a.__[0],r);a.__[0]!==o&&(a.__[0]=o,a.__c.setState({}))}]),a.__}function Xe(t,e){var n=vr(Kn++,3);!U.__s&&di(n.__H,e)&&(n.__=t,n.__H=e,at.__H.__h.push(n))}function gi(t,e){var n=vr(Kn++,4);!U.__s&&di(n.__H,e)&&(n.__=t,n.__H=e,at.__h.push(n))}function on(t){return yr=5,ne(function(){return{current:t}},[])}function ne(t,e){var n=vr(Kn++,7);return di(n.__H,e)?(n.__H=e,n.__h=t,n.__=t()):n.__}function K(t,e){return yr=8,ne(function(){return t},e)}function ot(t){var e=at.context[t.__c],n=vr(Kn++,
vec3 colorForBucket ( float t ) {
float x = triangle ( 30.0 * t ) ;
float H = 360.0 * ( 0.9 * t ) ;
float C = $ { gs . toFixed ( 1 ) } + $ { ds . toFixed ( 1 ) } * x ;
float L = $ { us . toFixed ( 1 ) } - $ { fs . toFixed ( 1 ) } * x ;
return hcl2rgb ( H , C , L ) ;
` ,vi={fgPrimaryColor:"#D0D0D0",fgSecondaryColor:"#666666",bgPrimaryColor:"#060606",bgSecondaryColor:"#0C0C0C",altFgPrimaryColor:"#D0D0D0",altFgSecondaryColor:"#666666",altBgPrimaryColor:"#000000",altBgSecondaryColor:"#0C0C0C",selectionPrimaryColor:"#00769B",selectionSecondaryColor:"#004E75",weightColor:"#0F8A42",searchMatchTextColor:"#0C0C0C",searchMatchPrimaryColor:"#A66F1C",searchMatchSecondaryColor:"#D6AE24",colorForBucket:Hf,colorForBucketGLSL:Mf};W();var ps=.25,Cs=.2,ms=.8,Is=.15,Jf=t=>{let e=ca(30*t),n=360*(.9*t),a=ps+Cs*e,r=ms-Is*e;return ue.fromLumaChromaHue(r,a,n)},Uf= `
vec3 colorForBucket ( float t ) {
float x = triangle ( 30.0 * t ) ;
float H = 360.0 * ( 0.9 * t ) ;
float C = $ { ps . toFixed ( 1 ) } + $ { Cs . toFixed ( 1 ) } * x ;
float L = $ { ms . toFixed ( 1 ) } - $ { Is . toFixed ( 1 ) } * x ;
return hcl2rgb ( H , C , L ) ;
` ,ba={fgPrimaryColor:"#000000",fgSecondaryColor:"#BDBDBD",bgPrimaryColor:"#FFFFFF",bgSecondaryColor:"#F6F6F6",altFgPrimaryColor:"#FFFFFF",altFgSecondaryColor:"#BDBDBD",altBgPrimaryColor:"#000000",altBgSecondaryColor:"#222222",selectionPrimaryColor:"#2F80ED",selectionSecondaryColor:"#8EB7ED",weightColor:"#6FCF97",searchMatchTextColor:"#000000",searchMatchPrimaryColor:"#FFAC02",searchMatchSecondaryColor:"#FEDC62",colorForBucket:Jf,colorForBucketGLSL:Uf};var vs=Et(ba);function V(){return ot(vs)}function pe(t){return Un(t)}function ys(){return matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)")}function Es(t){switch(t){case 0:return"System";case 1:return"Dark";case 2:return"Light"}}function Kf(t,e){switch(t){case 0:return e?vi:ba;case 1:return vi;case 2:return ba}}function Bs(t){let[e,n]=Ge(()=>ys().matches),a=K(i=>{n(i.matches)},[n]);Xe(()=>{let i=ys();return i.addEventListener("change",a),()=>{i.removeEventListener("change",a)}},[a]);let r=q(yn),o=Kf(r,e);return m(vs.Provider,{value:o,children:t.children})}var Dc=_e(ws()),Rc=_e(xs()),Fc=_e(Ns()),Lc=_e(Ds()),Tc=_e(Ls()),Hc=_e(Ms()),Mc=_e(Ks()),Jc=_e(Os()),Uc=_e(zs()),Kc=_e(Ys()),Pc=_e(qs()),Oc=_e(ac()),Gc=_e(ic()),zc=_e(Cc()),Vc=_e(xc()),F=["Webkit"],xi=["Moz"],he=["ms"],Le=["Webkit","Moz"],Qe=["Webkit","ms"],Br=["Webkit","Moz","ms"],gC={plugins:[Dc.default,Rc.default,Fc.default,Lc.default,Tc.default,Hc.default,Mc.default,Jc.default,Uc.default,Kc.default,Pc.default,Oc.default],prefixMap:{transform:Qe,transformOrigin:Qe,transformOriginX:Qe,transformOriginY:Qe,backfaceVisibility:F,perspective:F,perspectiveOrigin:F,transformStyle:F,transformOriginZ:F,animation:F,animationDelay:F,animationDirection:F,animationFillMode:F,animationDuration:F,animationIterationCount:F,animationName:F,animationPlayState:F,animationTimingFunction:F,appearance:Le,userSelect:Br,fontKerning:F,textEmphasisPosition:F,textEmphasis:F,textEmphasisStyle:F,textEmphasisColor:F,boxDecorationBreak:F,clipPath:F,maskImage:F,maskMode:F,maskRepeat:F,maskPosition:F,maskClip:F,maskOrigin:F,maskSize:F,maskComposite:F,mask:F,maskBorderSource:F,maskBorderMode:F,maskBorderSlice:F,maskBorderWidth:F,maskBorderOutset:F,maskBorderRepeat:F,maskBorder:F,maskType:F,textDecorationStyle:Le,textDecorationSkip:Le,textDecorationLine:Le,textDecorationColor:Le,filter:F,fontFeatureSettings:Le,breakAfter:Br,breakBefore:Br,breakInside:Br,columnCount:Le,columnFill:Le,columnGap:Le,columnRule:Le,columnRuleColor:Le,columnRuleStyle:Le,columnRuleWidth:Le,columns:Le,columnSpan:Le,columnWidth:Le,writingMode:Qe,flex:Qe,flexBasis:F,flexDirection:Qe,flexGrow:F,flexFlow:Qe,flexShrink:F,flexWrap:Qe,alignContent:F,alignItems:F,alignSelf:F,justifyContent:F,order:F,transitionDelay:F,transitionDuration:F,transitionProperty:F,transitionTimingFunction:F,backdropFilter:F,scrollSnapType:Qe,scrollSnapPointsX:Qe,scrollSnapPointsY:Qe,scrollSnapDestination:Qe,scrollSnapCoordinate:Qe,shapeImageThreshold:F,shapeImageMargin:F,shapeImageOutside:F,hyphens:Br,flowInto:Qe,flowFrom:Qe,regionFragment:Qe,boxSizing:xi,textAlignLast:xi,tabSize:xi,wrapFlow:he,wrapThrough:he,wrapMargin:he,touchAction:he,gridTemplateColumns:he,gridTemplateRows:he,gridTemplateAreas:he,gridTemplate:he,gridAutoColumns:he,gridAutoRows:he,gridAutoFlow:he,grid:he,gridRowStart:he,gridColumnStart:he,gridRowEnd:he,gridRow:he,gridColumn:he,gridColumnEnd:he,gridColumnGap:he,gridRowGap:he,gridArea:he,gridGap:he,textSizeAdjust:Qe,borderImage:F,borderImageOutset:F,borderImageRepeat:F,borderImageSlice:F,borderImageSource:F,borderImageWidth:F}},dC=typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol.iterator=="symbol"?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&typeof Symbol=="function"&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t},uC=function(){function t(e,n){for(var a=0;a<n.length;a++){var r=n[a];r.enumerable=r.enumerable||!1,r.configurable=!0,"value"in r&&(r.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,r.key,r)}}return function(e,n,a){return n&&t(e.prototype,n),a&&t(e,a),e}}();function fC(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}var Sc=typeof Map<"u",Si=function(){fu
` );if(!e.length||(e[e.length-1]===""&&e.pop(),!e.length))return null;let n=new Map,a=/^( \d +):(.+) $ /,r=/^([ \$ \w ]+):([ \$ \w -]+) $ /;for(let o of e){let i=a.exec(o);if(i){n.set( ` wasm - function [ $ { i [ 1 ] } ] ` ,n_(i[2]));continue}let l=r.exec(o);if(l){n.set(l[1],n_(l[2]));continue}return null}return o=>n.has(o.name)?{name:n.get(o.name)}:null}Hi();W();var Vt=class{constructor(e){this.source=e;this.layers=[];this.totalWeight=0;this.minFrameWidth=1;let n=[],a=(o,i)=>{let l=te(n),s={node:o,parent:l,children:[],start:i,end:i};l&&l.children.push(s),n.push(s)};this.minFrameWidth=1/0;let r=(o,i)=>{console.assert(n.length>0);let l=n.pop();if(l.end=i,l.end-l.start===0)return;let s=n.length;for(;this.layers.length<=s;)this.layers.push([]);this.layers[s].push(l),this.minFrameWidth=Math.min(this.minFrameWidth,l.end-l.start)};this.totalWeight=e.getTotalWeight(),e.forEachCall(a,r),isFinite(this.minFrameWidth)||(this.minFrameWidth=1)}getTotalWeight(){return this.totalWeight}getLayers(){return this.layers}getColorBucketForFrame(e){return this.source.getColorBucketForFrame(e)}getMinFrameWidth(){return this.minFrameWidth}formatValue(e){return this.source.formatValue(e)}getClampedViewportWidth(e){let n=this.getTotalWeight(),a=Math.pow(2,40),r=Se(3*this.getMinFrameWidth(),n/a,n);return Se(e,r,n)}getClampedConfigSpaceViewportRect({configSpaceViewportRect:e,renderInverted:n}){let a=new B(this.getTotalWeight(),this.getLayers().length),r=this.getClampedViewportWidth(e.size.x),o=e.size.withX(r),i=B.clamp(e.origin,new B(0,n?0:-1),B.max(B.zero,a.minus(o).plus(new B(0,1))));return new R(i,e.size.withX(r))}};W();var tm=1e4,oo=class{constructor(e,n,a){this.batch=e;this.bounds=n;this.numPrecedingRectanglesInRow=a;this.children=[]}getBatch(){return this.batch}getBounds(){return this.bounds}getRectCount(){return this.batch.getRectCount()}getChildren(){return this.children}getParity(){return this.numPrecedingRectanglesInRow%2}forEachLeafNodeWithinBounds(e,n){this.bounds.hasIntersectionWith(e)&&n(this)}},Mi=class{constructor(e){this.children=e;this.rectCount=0;if(e.length===0)throw new Error("Empty interior node");let n=1/0,a=-1/0,r=1/0,o=-1/0;for(let i of e){this.rectCount+=i.getRectCount();let l=i.getBounds();n=Math.min(n,l.left()),a=Math.max(a,l.right()),r=Math.min(r,l.top()),o=Math.max(o,l.bottom())}this.bounds=new R(new B(n,r),new B(a-n,o-r))}getBounds(){return this.bounds}getRectCount(){return this.rectCount}getChildren(){return this.children}forEachLeafNodeWithinBounds(e,n){if(this.bounds.hasIntersectionWith(e))for(let a of this.children)a.forEachLeafNodeWithinBounds(e,n)}},io=class t{get key(){return ` $ { this . stackDepth } _$ { this . index } _$ { this . zoomLevel } ` }constructor(e){this.stackDepth=e.stackDepth,this.zoomLevel=e.zoomLevel,this.index=e.index}static getOrInsert(e,n){return e.getOrInsert(new t(n))}},lo=class{constructor(e,n,a,r,o,i={inverted:!1}){this.gl=e;this.rowAtlas=n;this.flamechart=a;this.rectangleBatchRenderer=r;this.colorPassRenderer=o;this.options=i;this.layers=[];this.rectInfoTexture=null;this.rectInfoRenderTarget=null;this.atlasKeys=new Bt;let l=a.getLayers().length;for(let s=0;s<l;s++){let A=[],c=i.inverted?l-1-s:s,_=1/0,h=-1/0,f=new mn(this.gl),I=0,u=a.getLayers()[s];for(let g=0;g<u.length;g++){let p=u[g];f.getRectCount()>=tm&&(A.push(new oo(f,new R(new B(_,c),new B(h-_,1)),I)),_=1/0,h=-1/0,f=new mn(this.gl));let C=new R(new B(p.start,c),new B(p.end-p.start,1));_=Math.min(_,C.left()),h=Math.max(h,C.right());let y=new ue((1+g%255)/256,(1+s%255)/256,(1+this.flamechart.getColorBucketForFrame(p.node.frame))/256);f.addRect(C,y),I++}f.getRectCount()>0&&A.push(new oo(f,new R(new B(_,c),new B(h-_,1)),I)),this.layers.push(new Mi(A))}}getRectInfoTexture(e,n){if(this.rectInfoTexture){let a=this.rectInfoTexture;(a.width!=e||a.height!=n)&&a.resize(e,n)}else this.rectInfoTexture=this.gl.createTexture(z.TextureFormat.NEAREST_CLAMP,e,n);return this.rectInfoTexture}getRectInfoRenderTarget(e,n){let a=this.getRectInfoTexture(e,n);return this.rectInfoRenderTarget&&this.rectInfoRenderTarget.texture!=a&&(this.rectInfoRenderTarget.texture.free(),this.rectInfoRenderTarget.setC
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