Builds on Linux (x86_64 and aarch64), MacOS, OpenBSD, and Haiku. Builds for all of those host platforms plus mingw64, iOS, and android.
1. Requires openssl (`libssl-dev`, in debian-speak). All other dependencies are kept up to date in the tree.
2. To build, run `make debug` or `make release`. An executable will be generated in a subdirectory of `out/`.
3. It's possible to build for Android, iOS, and Windows on Linux, if you have the right dependencies in the right places. `make windebug winrelease iosdebug-ipa iosrelease-ipa release-apk`.
By default, running the built `tildefriends` executable will start a web server at <http://localhost:12345/>. `tildefriends -h` lists further options.
The first user to create an account and log in will be granted administrative privileges. Further administration can be done at <http://localhost:12345/~core/admin/>.